Which rides feature some of the best and worst queues?

Which rides can be fun or boring to wait in line for?

From James Trexen
Posted June 23, 2011 at 9:53 AM
No one likes waiting in long lines for rides. So, how do you solve that problem? If you work at Universal, you put footage on overhead TVs to display for riders or feature themed props and settings. If you work at Disney, typically, the latter option is chosen. However, there are quite a few rides at Disney and Universal that garners long lines and can be a drag to wait in (Peter Pan and Pteronadon Flyers IMO). So, which rides can be fun to wait in line for and which ones are a big yawn?

From Derek Morse
Posted June 23, 2011 at 10:12 AM
I used to LOVE the queue for Dueling Dragons, I thought it was so well themed, with the "ice room" and the "fire room". I've heard the queue is much more boring now since it has been re-themed to Harry Potter, but I can't speak to that as I haven't visited since that change. I also always liked Splash Mountain's queue for some reason.

From Andy Milio
Posted June 23, 2011 at 10:48 AM
I really liked the Forbidden Journey queue, mainly because I'm an HP nut and I could point out every single thing and it's role in the books/movies.

I also liked the atmosphere of the E.T. ride. E

ven The Simpsons Ride has an ok queue, but only at the part with the screens while you wait for a member to lead you to your simulator.

I really hated the Peter Pan queue. It was just so long and it seemed to last forever.

From Chris Hall
Posted June 24, 2011 at 6:46 AM
Best queue, hands down, Forbidden Journey!

Other good queues (due to theming, not the usual wait times!):
Tower of Terror
Toy Story
The Mummy
Expedition Everest
the new Haunted Mansion interactive queue
It's Tough to be a Bug (only the part outside winding around the Tree of Life, not the part cramped in a crowd of sweaty people in the cave)

Worst queues:
Shrek 4D (the jokes by the AA characters are cute but I hate being smashed together in a big room)
The Little Mermaid

From Valerie F
Posted June 24, 2011 at 5:26 PM
Toy Story Mania is ALWAYS a ridiculous wait. And you're extremely lucky if you can get your hands on a fast pass---they run out for the day in the AM.
Peter Pan, for some reason, is also usually a rather long wait.
Rockin Rollercoaster at Universal is a snoozefest to wait through. there's nothing to look at, except a screen that plays the same crap/songs over and over again.

Harry Potter & The Forbidden Journey has a very interesting queue, especially if you've read the books! The Mummy at Universal has props on display and there are actually a couple of interactive things to do.

From Nick Markham
Posted June 26, 2011 at 8:10 AM
My Top Queues:

-Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
-Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
-Men In Black Alien Attack
-The Simpsons Ride
-Expedition Everest
-Space Mountain (Disneyland)
-Indiana Jones Adventure
-Revenge of the Mummy: The Ride

These are just a few. I think Star Tours II and toy Story Mania might make my list when I get the chance to ride them!

From Mark Fairleigh
Posted June 26, 2011 at 2:02 PM
Forbidden Journey wins the Best award hands down. Other faves include ET (aaaah...that wonderful smell and beautiful night time scenery), Spider-Man, and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Favorite defunct queue goes to Kongfrontation for it's amazing accuracy and detail in recreating a New York subway station.

From Carrie Hood
Posted June 26, 2011 at 6:59 PM
Mmmm, favorite lines.

-Haunted Mansion. Even as an adult I still enjoy looking around and thinking "when I'm an eccentric old multi-millionaire, I'm gonna make my foyer look like this".
-Alien Encounters, I've long been a champion of this attraction and even though I could/can spout the pre-shows word for word I still loved it.
-Dueling Dragons, Pre-WWoHP. That line was simply amazingly well done and told the story of why they where in fact dueling if you listened. From the Fire and Ice rooms to the bone tunnels, you could get lost in the atmosphere.
-Forbidden Journey, I mean come on it's a geek girls dream come true. The pictures argue man, how is that not the coolest most nerdgasim thing ever?!
-Men in Black, it's so perfect and fitting it's honestly like walking threw the movie set.
-Revenge of the Mummy, again see the comment about movie set and mix it with a geek out. I'm an anthropology major, it just does it for me.

From Donna McKay
Posted June 27, 2011 at 9:37 AM
Tower of Terror is great. I love the whole vibe and the cast members ALWAYS ham it up and make me laugh/scream. Whilst the ride itself is a favourite, I'm not a fan of the queue area for Soarin'...such a LONG walk!

From Ben Pope
Posted June 27, 2011 at 7:13 PM
Forbidden Journey's queue is probably my favorite. I'm a pretty big HP fan and I loved seeing Hogwarts and other sets from the books/movies. It was an amazing experience.

From Manny Barron
Posted June 27, 2011 at 8:36 PM
After 20 years the best queue in the world is still E.T. That forest setting is awesome.

From Laura Willis
Posted July 1, 2011 at 11:26 AM
Expedition Everest
Harry Potter (once inside castle)
Shrek 4D

Least favorite:
Test track
Splash Mtn.

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