Islands of Adventure Touring Tips

Universal Orlando: Tips for seeing IoA to the fullest.

From Andy Milio
Posted August 24, 2010 at 7:53 PM
Does anybody have any good tips for seeing IoA? I want to go once I get old enough to go by myself. I hate roller coasters, but every thing else sounds cool. I would ride everything except the roller coasters and the kiddie rides. What would I want to do first? When should I get there? Stuff like that.

From Hermione Potter
Posted August 25, 2010 at 7:35 AM
Um...other than roller coasters and kiddie rides, there isn't a whole lot to do at Islands. You sure you don't want to go to Studios instead? Might be better for what you're looking for.
But if you insist...Start with Spiderman and Doom, jump on Storm if it's not a big wait.

Then do the 3 water rides in toon lagoon, jurassic park, and Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. If you want to do Cat in the Hat (doesn't spin a lot anymore) then ride that and maybe walk back to see poseidon if the vortex is on.

That's every non coaster/kiddie ride in the park and it will only take you 3-4 hours on a slow day.

From Andy Milio
Posted August 25, 2010 at 1:08 PM
Well I've never been to IoA, so I would like to see it to the fullest, but I absolutely hate roller coasters. I think Spider Man and Harry Potter sound cool. I would definitely ride those and the water rides.

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