What is your Walt Disney World Park?

Walt Disney World: What park do you like visiting the best everyone has a different opinion.

From Sophia G
Posted March 19, 2009 at 8:42 AM
What Disney World Park is really the best to go to?
I love going to all of them but what park does majority love to go to?

From Anthony Murphy
Posted March 19, 2009 at 8:45 AM
EPCOT because it has the most to do, but I really like them all equally for various reasons.

From mark s
Posted March 19, 2009 at 9:13 AM
I love epcot as well. love doing beer and hats around the world!

From Dan Babbitt
Posted March 19, 2009 at 10:40 AM
DHS because its my home park! Its the first park I was trained at when I started working for WDW. I've got a special connection with the park.

From James Rao
Posted March 19, 2009 at 10:57 AM
I posted this back in June, and it still holds true today.

Disney's Animal Kingdom is my favorite WDW park.

It has the best themed coaster (Everest), one of the best dark rides (Dinosaur), an excellent Safari Ride (Kilimanjaro), the best themed white water raft ride not named Grizzly River Run (Kali River Rapids), an excellent 4D movie (It's Tough to be a Bug), two top notch shows (Nemo and Festival of the Lion King), two animal walking tours one of which is just outstanding (Maharajah Jungle Trek), a pretty nifty bird show (Flights of Wonder), and a petting zoo area if you make it back to that part of the park (Raffiki's Watch). Add to that all the exploration you can do around the Tree of Life, the Oasis, and the Boneyard, and you have an excellent day for the whole family.

One more note, I would add: I love zoos and theme parks, so DAK is almost the perfect place for me. I say almost because I think a small tactical nuke needs to land squarely in the center of the Hester and Chester area of Dinoland, but otherwise the park is amazing.

From Alex Clark
Posted March 19, 2009 at 11:16 AM
Animal Kingdom if not only for the theming.

From Don Neal
Posted March 19, 2009 at 11:43 AM
I have only been to DHS (in 1991) and MK (in 2005) so I am going to hold until June when I get to see all four thoroughly. I am a big movie buff but don't underappreciate the magnitude of MK. But like James, I love Zoos, so a hybrid theme park/zoo could put me over the top. Can't wait to see it!

From Joshua Counsil
Posted March 19, 2009 at 12:11 PM
Although AK probably has the best selection of attractions at WDW, I find the paths too narrow, congested, and confusing. The traffic control is terrible. When Nemo or Lion King let out, those areas are just swamped. When the parade begins, it is near impossible to navigate around. Despite being the biggest of the parks, it always feels the most crowded.

I like Epcot because of its equally good mix of attractions, theming, scenery, music, live entertainment, nighttime entertainment, and dining.

From Deidre Dennis
Posted March 19, 2009 at 2:08 PM
I like them all because each one gives you something different. We plan to spend more time at EPCOT when we visit later this year because we didn't spend a whole lot of time there last year. But I definitely like them all equally because they each give you a taste of something different.

From Ryan Sanford
Posted March 19, 2009 at 3:11 PM
It all depends on your age.

teens i'd say DHS.
toddlers or old people, MK.
EPCOT and AK are probably in between the two ages.. depends if you like zoo's or communication/countries.

From Nick Markham
Posted March 19, 2009 at 3:37 PM
Magic Kingdom has the best collection of classic rides (and the largest collection of rides) but is very packed. Animal Kingdom has very creative rides, but is extremly packed (we only got 4 different rides in!) DHS is pretty small, but has great rides and in my opnion was the best. Now, EPCOT is about the perfect park to most because it is not extremly packed and has a balance of rides, restaraunts, and shops! You choose which one is better!

From TH Creative
Posted March 19, 2009 at 4:28 PM
Wow! Obviously someone must have opened this topic on a previous discussion thread but I personally can't remember a specific occasion where I have posted a response.

I really have to split hairs to make distinctions – but I am assuming this is one of those “gun to your head” moments.

Okay, from last to first.

4. Disney's Animal Kingdom
It's a beautiful park. The meandering pathways and lush landscapes are a tribute to Mr. Rhodes' and his team at WDI. But frankly, there isn't a whole lot of reason to return over and over again. I love 'Expedition Everest.' I think the entertainment (both in the streets and in the theaters [Nemo and Lion King]) are wonderful. I could sit and watch the mountain gorillas for hours. But they need to add some big new "gate-crasher" attractions (like my 'Nessie' concept) otherwise its soon going to become "been-there-done-that."

3. Disney Hollywood Studios
If WDI gets moving and adds another coaster and a really aggressive dark ride, this park could leapfrog to number two on my list. I like the meandering layout. I was on the WDI team that built the massive Wizard Hat and the 'One man's Dream' exhibit. 'Star Tours' remains my favorite simulator (sorry Homer). 'Tower of Terror' is one of the world's greatest attractions. 'Rockin' Rollercoaster's' launch into the vertical ascension is terrific. But the other studio attractions in town have consistently outpaced DHS. The new coaster at USF and Harry Potter demand that WDI step up and juice this park.

I was there on opening day in 1982 (Magic Kingdom College Program). In 1986 I worked in guest relations. I have walked on the scaffold ABOVE Spaceship Earth (see my TPI profile pic). I have watched the 3D movies 'Magic Journeys' and 'Captain Eo.' I laughed along with the performers in the 'Kitchen Kaberet.' I got tossed around by 'Body Wars,' laughed at 'Cranium Command,' and rode all three endings in Horizon' -- all of these attractions are now gone (and by the way, the original O' Canada film was MUCH better than those that have replaced it). Every year I love walking World Showcase sampling international beers -- passing the time while my wife squeals over David Cassidy’s annual appearance at the American Gardens Theater. I love the street entertainers, the way the torches around the lagoon come to life at sundown and the lights music and fireworks of the show closing the day. This park maintains an sense maturity, elegance and unique personality that has not been emulated by any other park.

1. Magic Kingdom
For a theme park aficionado, walking into the Magic Kingdom stirs the same feelings as a baseball fan walking into Wrigley Field. I first visited the park in 1973. I was a Jungle Cruise Skipper from 1982 through 1984. My wife still works there -- performing in the role of Mickey Mouse. For me, visiting the Magic Kingdom is like returning to my old neighborhood. Riding in the front seat of the train on 'Space Mountain' is one of the great theme park experiences. Watching my four year old daughter dancing with Snow White on Main Street USA in 1997 and then jumping rope near the same spot in 2008 are indelible memories. And I've always said you're not a real Floridian until you've made-out with a date on the Haunted Mansion. And finally there's that castle, an iconic structure as familiar to Americans as the White House or the Capitol building. Striking against a blue sky on a clear Florida day, beautifully lit when the sun goes down and absolutely breathtaking when covered in lights at Christmas.

Yeah ... The Magic Kingdom has to be number one.

From James Rao
Posted March 19, 2009 at 5:10 PM
Good stuff, TH. And I totally agree about DHS - that park needs to step up to the plate soon, or risk becoming second fiddle to the other Studios park. It might already be too late!

From Corey Romberg
Posted March 19, 2009 at 5:11 PM
My favorite is DHS, because it has my top three favorite rides: Toy Story Mania, Tower of Terror, and Rockin Rollercoaster, as well as my favorite show and/or nighttime extravaganza, Fantasmic, my favorite parade, Block Party Bash, my favorite classic ride, The Great Movie Ride, my favorite holiday event, Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights, my favorite special event, ESPN the Weekend, and my favorite street show, HSM 3....I also LOVE movies so the theme is my favorite as well

However, Magic Kingdom is the most visited overall, and is the quintessentail WDW "Disney" park...no visit is complete without it

MK is best for kids, Epcot for adults, DHS for teens/movie lovers, and AK for everyone really/animal lovers

From Raul Araoz
Posted March 19, 2009 at 5:32 PM
I have to go with Epcot. Both AK and DHS are still lacking attractions to make it a full one-day experience. MK is the classic park with the most rides, but Epcot is the most unique.

Disney would never be able to make a park like Epcot today. It has the smallest lines and has a great feeling to it. It is the best walking park and has a lofty sense of learning behind it.

From Dan Babbitt
Posted March 19, 2009 at 5:38 PM
So TH,

Your the one I can yell at with the Wizard Hat in the middle of DHS! I dont see how it fits with the park! And I thought it was just temporary!

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