Should Indiana Jones Stunt Close?

Walt Disney World: An almost 20 year old favorite could easily be replaced by an indiana jones ride or coaster?

From Tim W
Posted February 3, 2009 at 2:25 PM
The 20 year old show has proved to be very pleasurable and poular with most of DHS guests. However is it time for a little change? I love the show itself, however i loved it more when i saw it the first time and the guy from the audience was getting beat up. And then we found out how he was a stunt man. It hasn't changed at all really, the show itself. Has it become to predictable? Would it be better off being replaced by the Indiana Jones Adventure ride from Disneyland? My thoughts well yes and no. I really do love the show but it has become awfully dated. Im keeping an open mind since i was nearly beaten the time i suggested the closure of Jungle Cruise. haha. Wat do u guys think?

From Jason K
Posted February 3, 2009 at 2:45 PM
Last year I went to DHS after 7 years. I've got to be honest and say the first time I saw the Indiana Jones Stuntshow it was awesome. However, this time it was rather slow and at times boring. I'm afraid it's not one of those things that you want to do, or see, over and over again. I went on the Indiana ride at Disneyland California a couple of years ago and I thought (still do) that it was one of the best Disney attractions ever. It's a ride you just want to do over and over. Replacing the Indiana stuntshow with the Indiana ride would be one of the best decisions Disney could make. That's my opinion anyway!

From steve lee
Posted February 3, 2009 at 3:02 PM
The most consistent response to why they won't just put in DLR's Indiana Jones ride is because the ride technology is too similar to Dinosaur. I guess the people who make these decisions weren't around when they decided the Magic Kingdom needed that Magic Carpet ride.

As for the stunt show, it's a one time only deal. There's just no charm in it, and it's WAY too long. Is should definitely be on the chopping block, but I don't see any movement in that direction happening for quite some time (they'd be better off giving the Pixar area a second attraction first, so it'll be years before anything happens with Indy). The show probably bought itself a five year extension when the new movie came out, even if it wasn't well received.

From Dan Babbitt
Posted February 3, 2009 at 3:03 PM
I think it should. I believe 1 of the reasons why Disney has kept since opening up Lights, Motor, Action (LMA) is that they needed the soundstage for the cheerleader competition and ABC SuperSoap Weekend. Now they aren't going to do either of these 2 events they have so much room to put in another attraction.

Before the economic situation the big rumor around the park is that DHS is suppose to get the Indiana Jones Ride from Hong Kong Disneyland.

But again the rumors around the park from what I here from other cm and Imagineers is that DHS is going to get:

1)New Indiana Jones Ride
2)Revamp of Star Tours new show and motion
3)Nightmare before Christmas dark ride
4)New roller coaster in Pixar Place

So thats what I heard from my friends and people I work with.

From James Rao
Posted February 3, 2009 at 3:20 PM
Steve, don't forget Astor Orbiters and Triceratop Spin - two more rides in the same ho-hum, midway spirit as Dumbo and the Carpets. So while you make a good point that DL's Indy ride is very similar to Dinosaur, that alone should not be enough to stop its construction at DHS.

I am not opposed to an IJ ride of some type, but even if they don't replace the IJ Stunt Show with a ride, couldn't they change it up with some new stunts? As you said, the new movie gave the attraction a new lease on why didn't the new movie inspire some changes to the show as well? I don't mind seeing a stunt show when I visit, but I don't want to see the exact same stunt show every visit over a 20 year span. A new set piece or two would be welcome.

From Anthony Murphy
Posted February 3, 2009 at 3:39 PM
I think the new Indy ride should be the one from DLP which is a roller coaster and should go into Adventureland in the Magic Kingdom.

I don't know, that stunt show seems to be a classic. Always full of people! I understand it getting old, but a majority of people there have never seen the show before.

From Raul Araoz
Posted February 3, 2009 at 3:54 PM
Yes, and absolutely yes. This show should have left years ago.

I had heard that the reason they kept Indy open was to absorb thousands of guests while the American Idol show was being prepared. Now that it is opening, it is time to go. I was never a fan of this show(too many stops and starts) and always preferred Waterworld at USH(25 minutes of uninterrupted action).

Disney has had many duplicate attractions that use the same ride system: Star Tours and Body Wars, Pirates and Small World, Haunted Mansion and Adventure thru Innerspace. Heck, DHS now has two stunt shows. The Indy ride system is my all time favorite and I could happily see it being used for a dozen different attractions.

The fact that Disney has a movie park and a ride, already designed, based on a popular movie series and has yet to combine the two is ridiculous. It needed to happen a decade ago. With the economy the way it is, I am starting to wonder if it will ever happen.

From Eric Malone
Posted February 3, 2009 at 6:55 PM
I loved the Indy show when I was a kid, and as I grew up, I was able to criticize it more. While I'd hate to see it go, I do think that, perhaps, it may be time to put something else there. I'd enjoy the rides from the other parks, simply because I haven't had the chance to experience them.

From Nick Markham
Posted February 3, 2009 at 7:01 PM
NOT UNTIL I SEE IT!!!!!!!!!! :)

From Corey Romberg
Posted February 4, 2009 at 12:26 AM
I really really really hope the Indy Stunt Show gets replaced by an Indiana Jones Adventure ride...I love the show..but IJA at Disneyland is one of the most amazing rides ever, and is the biggest thing I miss at WDW coming from order to separate it from Dinosaur, they could make it a dark ride/coaster hybrid, somewhat like Universal's Revenge of the Mummy...the first part would be very similar to the Indy ride at Disneyland, and the second half could be a runaway mine car coaster based on the scene from Temple of Doom, which was actually the original intention for the Disneyland ride

In fact, as an aspiring Imagineer, I have already written and drawn a mock up of this potential ride

From Rob P
Posted February 4, 2009 at 3:27 AM
I liked the Indy Stunt show the first few times I saw it but it's been a bit tired for some years now and needs to be updated or replaced.
I agree that the Indy ride at DL is magnificent and would be favourite to fill that spot.But should that ride remain unique to Disneyland ? I think that it probably should.
So Disney needs to come up with something new and , on the back of a recently successful movie, it shouldn't be that difficult to come up with some decent ideas.

From Dan Babbitt
Posted February 4, 2009 at 12:13 PM
Gotta remeber though Lucas has a lot of say in what ever Disney does with either Indy or Star Tours.

I think something big will come soon especially if they do more Indy movies and also with the release of a live action Star Wars television series.

From Corey Romberg
Posted February 4, 2009 at 1:29 PM
I'm surprised they didnt do more with the new Indy movie, outside of the gimmicky promotional "Summer of Hidden Mysteries" at Disneyland this past summer...I would like to see an Indy ride at WDW based on Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, with elements of the other 3 movies intertwined, especially since the Indiana Jones Adventure in Tokyo is called Temple of the Crystal Skull...

As far as Star Wars, we know Lucas is working on a Star Tours 2 film, and we know Disney has tested the presumed 3D motion simulator technology by playing Its Tough to be a Bug in the present Star Tours, but for a ride that was supposed to open in late 2009 to early 2010, Im surprised we havent heard anything concrete about the project yet, especially when Star Tours will close down for the overhaul...I hope the project is still a go..

From Tim W
Posted February 4, 2009 at 2:04 PM
Im surprised at the great negative reactions to the show. I for one am in definate favor for the indiana jones ride. who cares if dinosaur is similar or not. personally i also believe shows like beauty and the beast need to close as well. I think this is probably the park with the most dated rides and shows. Also little mermaid and magic of disney animation along with backlot should all be either put to rest or changed drastically(ie animation). Id love to see animation courtyard get that goofy coaster and mickey chair swing along with the animagique show from france.

From steve lee
Posted February 4, 2009 at 3:09 PM
For the record, when I stated that the DLR Indy ride was the same tech as the Dinosaur ride, I wasn't making an argument that they shouldn't do it. That was just the most common response when this topic comes up from the Disney folks (I believe Jim Hill covered this eons ago).

And if it is the same tech, why not try to turn it to 11? Disney still hasn't developed a true Spiderman-killer, and this would be a perfect opportunity to finally regain some street cred. Start with the basic concept of the Indiana Jones ride, and figure out what you can do to improve it with the far more advanced ride technology that's available today.

From Tim W
Posted February 4, 2009 at 5:25 PM
honestly i think the best for a spiderman esque ride would have to be themed to incredibles. they really need one. and yea we know steve that you werent against it just sorta stating the facts by some of the idiots on the WDW board lol. like the 3 dumbo rides in one park as u stated.

From Anthony Murphy
Posted February 4, 2009 at 6:24 PM
Tim, I love it! I have been thinking that ever since Spiderman opened.

From Rob P
Posted February 5, 2009 at 4:07 AM
The Incredibles as a 3D Dark Ride would be an exciting move and gets my vote.

Ok...who's making the banners ?

From TH Creative
Posted February 5, 2009 at 9:02 AM
If you do shut down indy and add another attraction iy had better be a coaster. The folks down the street at Universal and Sea World are ready to unveil new ones on their properties. But then I have always said that DHS is one solid thrill ride (coaster) away from being one of top three parks in Central Florida.

In my humble opinion, however, they should leave Indy as it is. The next big attraction should go into the Magic Kingdom. Dump the Grand Prix Raceway and use its sizable real estate for something big. Also bring the Haunted Mansion/Nightmare Before Christmas retrofit to Orlando.

From Rob P
Posted February 6, 2009 at 2:11 AM
Not totally convinced that a coaster should go into Hollywood Studios. The Tower and R'n'R fill that particular genre's space....and do it very well.

I'd prefer to have either a Dark Ride ,a Stunt Show or something more in keeping with the ambience of this Park.

I've always liked the fact that the Studios offers a slightly slower paced day out.

From TH Creative
Posted February 8, 2009 at 6:02 PM
YOU may not be "totally convinced" but the facts are one screamin' thrill ride installed at DHS allows it to keep pace with its local competitors.

From Raul Araoz
Posted February 8, 2009 at 8:45 PM
I have to agree with Rob on this one. DHS probably has the two most thrilling rides at WDW with Tower and RnR. I don't think Indy needs to be a full-fledged coaster to succeed.

From Corey Romberg
Posted February 8, 2009 at 8:30 PM
The Indy theme is best served by the EMV dark ride of Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland, a coaster element can be added, but softly, like Revenge of the Mummy

From Joshua Counsil
Posted February 9, 2009 at 3:38 AM
One possibility that hasn't been explored is a water ride. There's a great scene from "Temple of Doom" where Indy takes a raft ride after abandoning his plane. Throw in some other elements from other films and you've got a winning attraction for multiple reasons.

First, DHS does not have a water attraction. All of the other WDW parks (if you include Maelstrom) do. They are major crowd pleasers, especially in a park with very little shrubbery to cool off guests. Just look at how popular that damn water-squirting ATAT outside Star Tours is. Also, this would be one of the very few outdoor attractions the park offers. Who wants to be in a theater on a beautiful day (though I do appreciate them on scorchers)?

Second, the concept could use all of the aforementioned ideas (thrills, animatronics, multiple film settings) while remaining original. Not to mention that a raft ride would give that feeling of out-of-control action/adventure that the films encompass. I always felt that the Disneyland ride felt too safe, smooth, and comfortable for an Indy-based attraction.

Third, the attraction would be relatively simple to design. There is plenty of "jungle" to play with near the current Indy attraction (i.e. where the hidden gift shop is), and the current sets could be used for some of the scenes. The mountains, the cave, and the market would all tie-in nicely. The attraction could focus around an Indy expedition to some dangerous locale (read: temple) where Indy encounters traps and hostile natives, then conclude with a thrilling escape (read: big drop) into the wilderness (read: jungle rapids and attacking animatronic characters). Simple design that is sure to please.

Fourth, the location is perfect. Once the current attraction is cleared, there is lots of room to work with. The location borders with the park perimeter, so it could be extended into the forested area, if need be. It also borders with the Backlot Express (which is pretty huge and, in my experience, not very popular) and Echo Lake, so extensions into those areas could be created.

Just a thought ...

From Raul Araoz
Posted February 9, 2009 at 9:29 AM
Great idea, Joshua. Space has never been the problem as you spotlighted. For numerous reasons, Disney just doesn't want to do it. At this point, I would take anything. Get it done WDI.

From Tim W
Posted February 9, 2009 at 4:27 PM
very very well done joshua. original very original. I really do think DHS is way to stingy on land. they could easily have something like that to get guests a little wet.

From Rob P
Posted February 10, 2009 at 3:42 AM
Excellent idea Joshua. I really do think that your Indy water ride creation would be the perfect addition to Hollywood Studios.

Not sure that I agree with you about DL's ride though. I think it's one of the best around.

But your wet ride idea really does... erm....hold water !

Nice one.

From Joshua Counsil
Posted February 11, 2009 at 7:59 AM
Ha - holds water - I got punned.

From Sylvain Comeau
Posted February 11, 2009 at 11:30 PM
I would definitely prefer an Indy ride, although I like the show. I dont think that area offers enough room, though. A better idea would be taking out the Backlot Tour, and replacing that with an Indy ride!

Dream on...

From Corey Romberg
Posted February 12, 2009 at 12:50 AM
There is probably enough room, when you consider the large ampitheater-style seating area, the three layers of sets (temple, Cairo, and the desert), the trailers for the cast and crew, the backstage area for regular CMs, storage areas for the trucks, the plane, props, and pyrotechnics, the large queue (that most people don't see because you only wait in that queue on mega busy days, but its there) the gift shop, the movie props, and if there is still more room needed, the Stunt Show is adjacent to DHS Cast Services/Backstage, so that area could be cut into...I think theres enough room for a ride and queue the size of Disneyland's ride

There is plenty of room in the Backlot Tour area, but a) what would happen with the show? since there's no way they'd have a show and a ride (even tho the movies are good enough for both) and b) if they replace Backlot Tour with anything, it seems like they would want to replace it with a mini Cars Land, or at least Radiator Springs Racers, seeing how the entire park is shifting more and more towards Pixar

From TH Creative
Posted February 12, 2009 at 7:13 PM
When I rode the Indy ride at Disneyland last summer (although I had fun) I could not help but notice how the ride system was so similar to the Dinosaur ride at Animal Kingdom. Lots of lighting reveals and noise.

Further, I don't know why a new "gate-crasher" has to come at the sacrifice of the Indiana Jones theater. I'd give up Catastrophe Canyon (in a New York Minute) before I'd demo the Indy theatre. As Universal Creative demonstrated with Fear Factor, theatres can be retrofitted to accommodate a new show -- and the Indy theatre is fantastic.

Also, if I were making a dark ride, I'd go with 'Wall-E' -- a gorgeous family friendly, suspended, indoor coaster/dark ride through space.

but that's just one guy's opinion.

From Corey Romberg
Posted February 12, 2009 at 7:34 PM
I do love the idea of a Wall-E ride, but as a motion idea has it being an homage to the original Star Tours, once Star Tours II comes around, with a ride through space and an AA Wall-E as our captain

As for Indy, the ride system may be the same, but the detail and theme are far apart....I have walked the Indy track at Disneyland with the lights on, and the amount of detail, even in what can't really be seen in the dark, is outstanding! I really felt like I was in a mysterious temple right out of the movies...On Dinosaur, you can tell the ride is pretty much only what is lit, and the rest is black walls and the story is so good for Indy, you could make an Indy 5 based on it

Posted February 13, 2009 at 1:58 PM
Has anyone been on the Disneyland Paris ride Indiana Jones et le Temple du Peril? Well I have and its great! Its a great roller coaster in mine trucks, (Temple of Doom),that goes backwards. Its just the sort of thing they need to introduce. I still think they need to keep the stunt show as it gives disabled people or elderly a chance to watch, whereby, they can't always ride the coasters. They just need to keep in flowing as it gets very boring when they keep stopping to explain what they are doing. If they just did the whole show without the corney participation, it would be much better.

From steve lee
Posted February 13, 2009 at 5:11 PM
That's exactly what I hate too. The stopping for the "now this is how they really do it in movies."

No, it's not. Stop pretending it is and get on with the freaking show. It's almost as embarrassing as when Universal tries to demonstrate cutting edge Hollywood effects by using a chroma-key. That's not a Hollywood effect. That's the freaking weather report.

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