Imagineering & You: Nintendo World, Part 1

With theme parks focused on movies, music, Broadway, novels, comics, newspaper funnies, and other forms of media, why is there no park focusing on video games?

From Joshua Counsil
Posted May 29, 2008 at 9:37 AM
It’s been talked about for ages in the blogs. With theme parks focused on movies, music, Broadway, novels, comics, newspaper funnies, and other forms of media, why is there no park focusing on video games? Here is my step-by-step prototype (with your help) for a proposed Nintendo park.

Well, it’s finally here. I’m going into my final year of mechanical engineering studies. It’s the final step of many that have ultimately led me to my goal, a goal I’ve maintained since I was four (my kindergarten teacher still has park maps I’ve drawn). I’ve always wanted to work at a theme park, specifically in the design stages. I talked to my guidance counselors, took the right courses, studied hard, went to university, and now I’m here: one year away from graduation. And, with your help, I would love to create a video game-focused theme park prototype.

So we enter the Blue Sky phase, a phase where no idea is too abstract. I’m going to give you my concepts, and you decide what you like, what you don’t, what could be improved, how to accomplish it, etc. etc. etc.

The first step was to choose a company to model the park after. Naturally, it would be near impossible to get the major video game companies to sponsor a park together due to their competitive nature. It came down to a match between Nintendo Company Ltd., Sony Corporation, and Microsoft Corporation. I decided to go with Nintendo, both because it is the platform I am most familiar with, and because it seemed the most logical. Allow me to elaborate:
1)When the average person thinks of video games, they think of Nintendo. My parents have never played a video game in their life, but if I showed them a picture of Mario, they’d know who he was. Nintendo is like the Coke of colas: people will often ask if you want a “Coke” rather than a soft drink. Likewise, my parents always refer to video games as “Nintendos”, even when the game is on a different console.
2)Nintendo is the most family-oriented entertainment system. Xbox’s top-selling franchise is the alien-killing Halo series. PlayStation’s big winner is the extremely violent, albeit entertaining, Grand Theft Auto series. Nintendo’s is the cutesy Mario games. They also feature other cartoony and lovable character franchises, like Donkey Kong and Zelda, which only depict mild animated violence.
3)Nintendo, for the most part, is the innovative company. With the release of the highly entertaining Wii and DS systems, Nintendo has opened a new realm of interactivity.
The next step I took was to determine Nintendo’s most popular franchises. First, I took a look at the top ten selling video game franchises of all time:
1.Mario (200 million)
2.Pokémon (175 million)
3.The Sims (100 million)
4.Final Fantasy (80 million)
5.Grand Theft Auto (70 million)
6.Madden NFL (70 million)
7.Tetris (70 million)
8.FIFA (65 million)
9.The Legend of Zelda (52 million)
10.Tom Clancy (52 million)

Of these ten, three were created by Nintendo (Mario, Pokemon, and The Legend of Zelda); two were established on Nintendo systems (Final Fantasy and Tetris); and four are available on Nintendo systems (The Sims, Madden NFL, FIFA, and Tom Clancy). This leaves only GTA out, meaning that Nintendo either holds the rights to, or is in partnership with companies that hold the rights to, nine of the ten top selling video game franchises. I think Nintendo is sufficiently prepared to host a park.

Those top ten franchises have sold at least 50 million copies. Other popular franchises (20+ million sold) associated with Nintendo include:
Donkey Kong (created by Nintendo), Dragon Quest (established on Nintendo), Kirby (established on Nintendo), Mega Man, Castlevania, etc. etc.

And those are just the games created by or established on Nintendo. Franchises such as WWE Smackdown!, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Medal of Honor, James Bond, Tony Hawk, Mortal Kombat, Frogger, and Metal Gear are all available on Nintendo and have all sold more than 20 million copies.

So my question to you is:

If you were to choose the franchises in Nintendo World, what would they be? Here are some handy Wikipedia lists to help you out:

Franchises established on Nintendo systems:

List of best-selling video game franchises:

Next week: Dividing up the park – section by theme, genre, franchise/series, or era?

From Don Neal
Posted May 29, 2008 at 2:48 PM
Couple of easy ones come to mind.

Kid Icharus - high flying coaster.
Mario Kart - Race cars kind of like fast track.
Donkey Kongfrontation - use your imagination. LOL
Zelda - Dark Ride/Interactive Shooter
King Koopa's Castle - Haunted Dark Ride
Twisted Tertis - coaster with lots of flips, turns, and twists. trains look like Tetris pieces.
Luigi's Waterworks - Water park
Super Mario Bros - dueling coaster
Pokemon 4D - think Shrek or Jimmy Neutron
Mega Man - launch coaster

Just a start. :)

From Joshua Counsil
Posted May 29, 2008 at 5:03 PM
Thanks for the response, Don, but I'm going to worry about attractions later (though I see you've already noted a couple of my ideas, like Mario Kart). I like the Donkey Kongfrontation - good for a laugh.

The main issue with the attractions is that, like video games, they must be interactive in some way. Some of yours cover that, but a few seem to involve to interactivity.

Right now, I'm just looking into franchises so I can divide up the park accordingly. Super Mario, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Zelda, and Donkey Kong are all worthy to have their own themed area. Other franchises/games can be divided up and put together in sections, like an arcade land (covering Tetris, Duck Hunt, Frogger, and other classics), shooter land (covering franchises like Tom Clancy, Resident Evil, James Bond, etc.) and a sports zone (covering Madden NFL, Tony Hawk, FIFA, and the rest).

From Scott Verble
Posted May 29, 2008 at 6:17 PM
Zelda needs its own section of the park no matter what, that would be amazing. The Hyrule Castle or Temple could easily be park "icon" so to speak. And as far as Resident Evil goes, it deserves to be more than a section of a section of the park but for obvious reasons can't have its own section (just in case you didn't know, Resident Evil 4 was rated the 9th best video game of all time by ign). Maybe HHN type event? My last two suggestions are to add super smash bros. in some way, it could be as little as an excuse for a meet and greet character area, and to work with Miyamoto (creator of Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, ect.) for a fireworks show.

From Jack Williams
Posted May 29, 2008 at 9:11 PM
I've pondered a bit about this subject as are some of my ideas:

-Donkey Kong's Wild River Adventure
-Metroid:The Ride (Think shoot-em-up)
-Resident Evil walk-through maze
-Legend of Zelda flying coaster
-Sonic hyper-coaster (loop through the golden rings!)

And then, an entire land devoted to Super Mario Bro.s, maybe Super Mario World or Mushroom Kingdom

There could be game demo stations set up throughout the park, and many of the attractions could even be interactive.

The overall name would be Nintendo Park.

From Joshua Counsil
Posted May 30, 2008 at 6:29 AM
Scott -
Without a doubt, Zelda would receive its own section. It would likely be called Hyrule and be primarily themed after the mega-hit Ocarina of Time from the N64.
I love Resident Evil - it's one of the few games that really gives you that sensation you normally get from the movies. I'm thinking it would be a slow and rickety dark ride/shooter that accurately maintains the realistic gore from the game.
Miyamoto would definitely be part of the process. Nintendo owes it to him. Koji Kondo would be responsible for the park's music.

Jack -
I had the same idea for a DK ride. What I had in mind was a river rapids ride, but with shooters to take down targets. Also, the seats would be facing outwards, like a drop tower, rather than inwards for ease of use.
I would love to make Resident Evil a walk-through, but I have a feeling people would take too long to complete the tasks, or get lost in the dark hallways, etc.
I like the Sonic coaster idea, but Sonic was never much of a Nintendo character until very recently. It could work.
Mushroom Kingdom was my choice as the land for Mario and its related franchises (Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., Mario Party, Wario, etc.) It would be the biggest section of the park and would likely contain the most attractions.

Keep those ideas comin'!

From Joshua Counsil
Posted May 31, 2008 at 7:06 AM
Not sure if I'll do a Part II if there is little interest.

From Justin Spisto
Posted May 31, 2008 at 7:49 AM
Nintendo World:
Themed Lands- Mushroom Kingdom and Donkey Kong Country

Mushroom Kindom:
Super Mario Bros- GCI Dueling Wooden Coaster one themed to Mario the other to Luigi.

Wario and Waluigi's Scream Machine- S&S Screamin Swings

Bowsers Revenge- Highly Themed Water Ride along the lines of Jurassic park, Splash Mountain etc.

Peaches Wonderland- Kiddie area/small flats

Donkey Kong Country:

DK Rapids- Intamin Rapid Ride themed to jungle.

Diddy Kongs Barrel Blast- Higly Themed drop tower. Themed to look like a tree. When riders reach the top, they hear Diddy Kongs famous screach then they plummet.

King K. Rools Crusher-Inverted Swinging Ship.

Donkey Kong:The Ride- B&M sitdown coaster with 6 inversions a Loop, Zero-G roll, Immalen, Cobra roll and Corkscrew.

I will comment agiain later with more themed lands!

From Joshua Counsil
Posted May 31, 2008 at 1:15 PM
Glad to see most people seem to be on the same page. Donkey Kong and Mario are the generic franchises most people think of when they think Nintendo.

I'm going to go ahead and separate them into lands. So far, Donkey Kong Country and The Mushroom Kingdom are obvious choices. I think Hyrule from Zelda would work, as well, and I'd like to incorporate Pokemon and Final Fantasy into the mix (though I know very little about them and may need help).

From Danny Melillo
Posted May 31, 2008 at 6:22 PM
I don't think Pokemon is too popular anymore. I think you'd something more adult oriented into the parks, something like Tom Clancy's Vegas. When you walk in you are in a Vegas setting (duh) and you pass various casino facades, which on the inside is arcades. You see a random tiger show and some broadway show (Cher maybe?). At random times in the day, the Rainbow Six Squad pass through and they shoot at people in random building facades and special effects are set off (fire, explosions, etc). I never played the Rainbow Six:Vegas game (just bought it and set up my 360 yesterday) but I'm pretty sure that is the just of it. I'd need a gamer to come up with an immersive coaster.

From Chris Wille
Posted May 31, 2008 at 10:17 PM
a nintendo theme park would be great... there are plenty of games rhat can be made into rides and it would be original.

From Greg Bark
Posted June 1, 2008 at 3:53 AM
Danny, I have two things to correct you on:

- Pokemon are still popular. They just released two new Mystery Dungeons and are coming out with Pokemon Platinum sometime later this year or early 2009.

- Why would you want to set a theme park to an M rated game? Theme parks have always tried to appealed to the common, modern family, and as far as I know, most families don't want their kids to watch random shooting.

From Justin Spisto
Posted June 1, 2008 at 12:26 PM
How about Soinc The Hedgehog. They could have a themed area called Angel Island. It can have smaller villages within it like Green Hill Zone. As the center piece a Intamin launch coaster, themed to Sonic.

From Joshua Counsil
Posted June 1, 2008 at 1:26 PM
My only beef with Sonic is that he is first and foremost a Sega character, and although he could make an appearance in the park, he's not a milestone Nintendo character worthy of a land.

Pokemon isn't as popular here as it is in Japan and elsewhere, but it was a milestone and is still a huge seller.

On the note of M-rated games, I was thinking that additionally to height restrictions, some attractions could have recommended age restrictions for parents. There are some well-loved games, such as the Clancy and Resident Evil series, that contain a lot of gore.

From Justin Spisto
Posted June 1, 2008 at 2:14 PM
Sonic did apppear in Brawl, Mario and Sonic @ Olympic games and Secret Rings. Same with Metal Gear Solid there could be a land themed to that game.

From Danny Melillo
Posted June 1, 2008 at 7:13 PM
Greg, just saying the genreal public that crowds that Uni shoot for(teens+) would like something atleast T, like JP at IOA

From Lyndsey Jones
Posted June 2, 2008 at 5:41 AM
Oddly enough I was thinking about this last night. My boyfriend was playing Gears of War on the x-box (in prepartion for the sequel) and there is a part of the game that involves going in carts on a track in some sort of underground area. We thought this could have easily been made into a ride and my boyfriend (a gaming geek) had many other mainly shooter game based ride ideas.

I don't see why a video game park has not been discovered before now, as the gaming industry actually is a far bigger business than film.

From Justin Spisto
Posted June 2, 2008 at 12:36 PM
Dude I have so many Ideas, I can't post them all. maybe I can email them you lmao?

From Joshua Counsil
Posted June 3, 2008 at 10:20 AM
Good stuff, Justin. E-mail away!

Eventually, I may make actual concept drawings in a portfolio for this kind of thing, but I'd definitely announce it first.

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