Disneyland 2Fer Deal Question?

Disneyland: Do you need to be a Southern CA resident to USE the "2-fer" tickets currently being sold at Vons, or someone who is a CA resident just has to BUY them?

From Carol Cantwell
Posted January 11, 2005 at 3:03 PM
Hello. I wanted to buy the passes currently available at Vons stores in So. Calif. that are called "2-Fer", where you get into both Disneyland Parks - 2 parks on 2 different days. However, I noticed in the fine print it said for So. CA residents. I want to buy passes for my family (So. CA residents) as well as 2 relatives that will be visiting from the East coast in Feb. and was wondering if you just need to be a CA resident to BUY the tickets, or you need to show CA I.D. to USE them as well. Any info is appreciated.

From David Klawe
Posted January 13, 2005 at 8:58 PM
The rules on this ticket (at VONS or the main gate) are clear, you must be a SoCal to USE the ticket...

Disney also just introduced a 2 day ParkHopper for the price of a one day ticket... same rules, must be a SoCal to USE the ticket...

This matches up with the WDW rules for Florida resident discounts...

Now, many folks have said they while they bought a Military ticket (requiring an ID check), that at the turnstiles, nobody bothers to check...

Ssme thing here, no guarantee that they will check the ID, but they have the right to anytime they want, the rules are clear!

From Doug Gee
Posted January 15, 2005 at 10:35 AM
I went last week to Disneyland (yes in the rain, bur no lines) on 2Fer tickets bought at Vons. We entered at Downtown Disney monorail station, they did not check any ID.

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