Spring Break Disney and Universal Trip Report

Universal Orlando: A family takes in the Magic Kingdom, Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios Florida on a three-day visit.

From Steve Shaw
Posted March 31, 2004 at 8:14 PM
Hey everybody. I am going to share a report on a trip I took over Spring Break this year to the Magic Kingdom and Universal Orlando with my mom and my 8 year old sister.

Day 1

We stayed at my uncle's house outside of Jackonsville the night before and ate breakfast with his family. We headed out very early in the morningso we could do as much as we could that day. Once we got into Orlando, we started having problems. I thought we were going straight to the Magic Kingdom, but my mom wanted to find a hotel first. She wanted me to find a map of Orlando. When I couldn't find it, she pulled over and dug around the seats for a half hour before we found it.

We found a Hampton Inn very close to Universal and then went back on the road towards MK. When we got close, we suddenly realized that we left the tickets back at the hotel and we had to drive back to the hotel and get them. Finally, with the map and our tickets, we headed to MK.

When we got there, the afternoon parade was getting ready to start. We went on the Railroad to escape it and stopped at Toontown. We decided to go on Goofy's Barnstormer for my sister which she enjoyed. Since we hadn't eaten since that morning, we stopped in for lunch at Cosmic Ray's. Typical fast food but neat animatronic. To give ourselves a rest after eating, we went on the TTA. We then went on Buzz which is very fun. Before we exited Tomorrowland, we went on Space Mountain. I have not been able to ride this before and I was happy I experienced it now.

We then headed towards Philarmagic because it was a new attraction. It was a long wait for it but the film was entertaining. After Philarmagic, we only had time for one more ride so we went on Big Thunder Mountain. It was night by this time and made the ride more interesting. We then plopped ourselves in front of the castle and watched Spectromagic. We usually don't see the parades but I have admit it was very good. We then stayed to see Wishes fireworks. Entertaining fireworks display. We headed back to the hotel and had some pasta.

Day 2

We ate breakfast at the hotel then headed our little way to IOA. We first went into Seuss Landing and went on the Caroseussel for my sister. We then went on Cat in the Hat which is enjoyable. We headed into Lost Continent. Since Poseidon's Fury wouldn't start till 11:00. We went on the Flying Unicorn for my sister and she enjoyed it. We still had time to kill so we went back to Seuss Landing and my mom and sister did One Fish. It was then time for Poseidon's Fury. My sister got scared by it and the tour guide was a little annoying but still a good show.

We then were going to do Jurassic Park River Adventure but they had to close the ride due to technical difficulties. We then ate at a pizza place in Jurassic Park which was okay. After we finished our meal, River Adventure was running so we rode it. Still a good ride. We got a little wet from JPRA so we decided to soak ourselves completely on Popeye. Very good reft ride. The last thing we decided to do was Spider-Man. It was the best ride I went on the whole trip. We left IOA and went to the hotel to rest. Later that night, we went to Sleuth's Mystery Dinner Theatre. Food wasn't too bad and the show was good.

Day 3

Ate breakfast again at the hotel then went to Universal Studios. We first went to Shrek which is one on the best 3-D movies I have seen. We then went to Back to the Future. The ride wasn't too bad, but the kids riding with us screamed the entire time. We then did Men in Black and it was a lot more enjoyable.

Next, we went on Jaws which we enjoyed including my sister. I should mention that she had some trouble on the rides we did earlier and the next one E.T. Before E.T. we had lunch at another fast food place. We then did E.T. which was good. We thought about going on Jimmy Neutron but it would have been a long wait. Luckily, some people gave us Express tickets for it. We went into Lucy to kill some time before the Express time. We then did Jimmy Neutron and it was good. After that we left and headed back home.

From Adrian Walker
Posted April 1, 2004 at 2:49 AM
Which was your favourite and why.

From Steve Shaw
Posted April 1, 2004 at 7:09 AM

Like I said in the trip report, the best was Spider-Man. As for why, it's because of all the things that go into that attraction from the 3-D to the many special effects that add up yo a great ride.

From Matt Rogers
Posted April 2, 2004 at 3:03 PM
Did any of the rides break down while you were riding?

From Steve Shaw
Posted April 2, 2004 at 4:19 PM
No, none of the rides broke down while I was riding it. Jurassic Park River Adventure was closed down for a little bit but we were waitning in line when that happened.

From Steve Shaw
Posted April 4, 2004 at 7:12 AM
Yes, they did have many signs for Mummy which was opening soon.

From Joe Llorens
Posted April 7, 2004 at 12:11 PM
Did you find any rides enjoyable?

From Kevin Baxter
Posted April 7, 2004 at 1:49 PM
Be nice.

From Steve Shaw
Posted April 7, 2004 at 6:51 PM
Most of the attractions we went on were enjoyable with the only exceptions being Poseidon's Fury, which was mostly because of the guide and Back to the Future, which was solely because of the kids that rode with us screamed in my ear the whole time.

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