Rides Based on Forgotten Disney Films

Some of Disney's too-often forgotten films provide intriguing opportunities for great theme park attractions. If Universal can get a show out of Waterworld, why shouldn't the Mouse get a ride out of "The Black Hole?"

From Kenny Hitt
Posted September 18, 2003 at 7:54 PM
Ever notice how many wonderful Disney properties have gone completely ignored by the company? Several of which would make excellent attractions and would be sure to boost sales of their home video division.

Here's a few ideas for attractions that could be spawned from some of these films from Disney's "Dark Period".

"Tron Lightcycle Racing" or "Tron Disc Battle"
It would be great for Disney to use the advanced Virtual Reality technology they've been showcasing at Innoventions and DisneyQuest for something actually COMPETITIVE. If anyone has ever noticed, the chairs they use for the Alladin's Virtual Carpets game are nearly identcal to the rigs Tron & crew sat on before the lightcycles rezzed-up in the film. The technology is certainly cool, so how about adapting it into an actual first-person lightcycle racing game? Or perhaps the "Ride the Comix" technology into a disc battle game?

"The Black Hole: Escape"
It would be interesting to have a motion-simulator ride based on this property. An adaptation of the pods from CyberSpace Mountain or Mission:Space (with maybe a slightly higher capacity) would serve this well. Perhaps the ride preshows could include minigames (like shooting at the robot soldiers from the film) or theatricals before the actual ride. It would be quite cool to even have the queue designed to look like the interior of the Cygnus.

"Battle for the Black Cauldron Show"
As cool as Fantasmic is, the stage it uses does NOTHING during the day. So how about a few quickly broken-down sets for a new show centered around the Black Cauldron? Complete with pyro, big stunts, and water explosions, but modified for a daytime presentation?

"Basil's Scavenger Hunt"
Perhaps a new "Magical Moment" for Epcot, Families meet at the UK Pavilion first thing in the morning to pick up their first clue. Additional clues are picked up by visiting different attractions throughout the park. At the end of the day, families who put together the clues are guided to a special private character greet where they can get photos and autographs from some of the harder-to-find Disney Characters.

"Physics & Chemistry 101-4D with Professors Brainard & Riley"
A 4D attraction based on the classic Flubber & Dexter Riley films. Perhaps get Robin Williams from "Flubber", and perhaps bring Kurt Russell in as student-turned-professor Dexter Riley. Flubber explosions, boilers overflowing, lab rats getting loose, seat-buzzer-fueled electric jolts, and more await visitors to Medfield's lab. Since the Imagination Pavilion is already moving toward a Medfield College theme, it would be a good project with which to replace the aging HONEY, I SHRUNK THE AUDIENCE.

From Ben Mills
Posted September 19, 2003 at 12:02 AM
Firstly, films like the Black Cauldron are fogotten for a reason. If a guest remembers that they really hated a certain film, then they're less likely to want to ride the attraction, and more importantly to Disney, they're less likely to purchase merchandise.

Secondly, I like the last idea, but it may be too close in theme to the current Imagination Institute stuff. Guests might think that they have ridden it on a previous trip, and so ignore.

Thirdly, why is this a Plan Your Day Game Plan?

From Anonymous
Posted September 19, 2003 at 12:04 AM
The fox and the hound shooting gallery. Assume the role of Amos Slade and attempt to blow Todd to kingdom come. Also look out for Big Momma the Owl, along with the traditional tin cans and chairs to hit, but if you hit your own dog Copper, game over.

From Kelly G
Posted September 19, 2003 at 5:52 AM
Personally, I think that making attractions from other movies like that is a really good idea. Many people like things that are not "Blockbusters" because those are things that everybody enjoys.
I like your idea for Great Mouse Detective. EPCOT used to have something similar in the late 80s when they had passports that guests could purchase. They would go around the world showcase to specific attractions or shops, and they would give you a special stamp depending on where you were. At the end of the day, is you were able to get all of the stamps, you were able to trade in your passports or something (I cannot remember exactly what). Children really like that and it was also a little educational.
I have also always thought at the magic kingdom there should be some kind of Jungle Book area in fantasy land. I know that there are things at animal Kingdom that deal with this, however it was one of the classic Disney movies that should be represented at the original park. And of course, even though I know this has already been discussed, where is Roger Rabbit? They only have a very small area at Disney/MGM, but there is definitely potential for a regular attraction, like in California.
Last but not least, the last person to reply about Fox & the Hound... that is not even remotely amusing.

From Anonymous
Posted September 19, 2003 at 11:35 AM
so ben things are forgotten for a reason then are they?!

From Anonymous
Posted September 19, 2003 at 4:49 PM
One of these days, I'm going to remember the name I signed up under and better yet, the password, too.

I have to admit, I've never seen "The Black Hole", but I remember it always being on the shelf at the vid store back in the 80's. It's been years since I've seen it in stores, though. Is it on DVD?

I grew up in the 80's and I remember Tron being a really big deal and I think it has a cult following, so I definitely think Disney could do something with it. Maybe a take on IOA's Spiderman ride, but set in a Tron setting. Also, am I the only person that liked "The Black Cauldron"? I'm not sure about a show, but I really liked that movie when it first came out - but then again, I'm odd. I know that Tim Burton worked on BC, but they didn't use many of his concepts. Ah, their folly.

Personally, I wish someone BESIDES Six Flags would get a deal with the DC Superheroes. I know that IOA tried and failed, but it would be nice to see some really cool theme rides besides the coasters that Six Flags has (not that they aren't great coasters, but....).

From Carey Lynn Holtsclaw
Posted September 19, 2003 at 5:48 PM
An Ironic thing is that during the 80's Disney did consider a space ride based on a movie... but, not on the Black Hole.

Instead, they went through the trouble of purchasing the rights to 20th Century Fox's "Alien".

Both of these space themed movies came out in 1979, but, Disney didn't want to use one of there own movies for an attraction, so they went and got the rights to a similar movie from a different studio instead!

(The Alien concept morphed into Alien Encounter, which is not in anyway related to the movie it was ispired by. Thanks to Jim Hill for his great artical on this entire subject!)

From TH Creative
Posted September 19, 2003 at 7:14 PM
Of course the film 'Alien' is featured in 'The Great Movie Ride.' Further, a friend of mine was involved in drawing up a concept for a 3D film attraction based on 'Alien.' The concept's basic design was lifted from the 'Terminator 3D' film at Universal.

From Kenny Hitt
Posted September 21, 2003 at 6:41 AM
Well, anonymous, Six Flags has the DC Superheroes because both properties are owned by AOL/Time-Warner.

As for guests not liking the Black Cauldron, think about how many people aren't even familiar with it. As Charles Manson said in the 2nd episode of FAMILY GUY..."If I haven't seen it, it's new to me!"

From Andrew Swanson
Posted September 21, 2003 at 2:25 PM
AOL/Time Warner sold Six Flags to Premier Parks about six years ago. Thats why more and more independent parks recieve the SF brand these days; they're owned by Premier. Premier bought the theme park rights to all Warner Bros. and DC characters when they purchased the parks.

AOL/Time Warner really doesn't own it at all.

From KANNi8L KL0wN
Posted September 22, 2003 at 5:42 AM
Not a mention of SONG OF THE SOUTH?
LOL ... Yeah, Splash Mountain!
But, ... Why can we not see SONG OF THE SOUTH come to either DVD or Video? "Zip-a-Dee Doo-Dah" won an Academy Award and is featured on several Disney soundtrack CDs.

BLACK CAULDRON was a cool movie and would make a great effects show!

I always thought (from its original conception) that Animal Kingdom would have attractions based on Disney's animal documentaries, alas.

An APPLE DUMPLING roller coaster would also be cool.
A MARY POPPINS Magical House would could be an awesome fun house sort of attraction, with tilted floors and odd stairwells.
COOL RUNNINGS would make a great bobsled type of ride.
ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN! Ride a Winnebago Coaster!
Maybe a LOVE BUG attraction?
Bring back Mr. Toad's Wild Ride!

Just to name a few : )


From Kenny Hitt
Posted September 22, 2003 at 8:03 AM
Andrew: Thanks for the correction.

Therefore, I can only assume that, as part of its former ownership by Warner Bros, that Six Flags has some sort of exclusivity deal with them. So while Warner's may not actually own the properties anymore, they still own the trademarks to many of the rides and characters...so in a sense, half the parks are still theirs.

From Ryan Farrugia
Posted September 22, 2003 at 11:06 AM
This is in response to the person who came up with the Fox and the Hound shooting gallery.

Do you really think small children would like to shoot Tod? Or any animal from the movie? That's not the best idea.

From Anonymous
Posted October 18, 2003 at 11:39 AM
Thomas here. The reason Song of the South has not been released is because that most people believe it promotes racism and slavery. Personally, I don't think so. I love the songs and Splash Mountain, so I'd love to see the movie.

From Michael Murray
Posted October 18, 2003 at 8:53 PM
Even if they didn't release the whole movie of Song of the South, I think they could release just the cartoons and would offend no one. There doesn't seem to be a big uproar about the crows in Dumbo even with the head crow being named "Jim."

From Scott Williamson
Posted September 29, 2009 at 3:13 PM
I have song of the south and it's pretty good
It must've been really hard to make Splash Mountain out of that ridiculously awesome movie

From steve lee
Posted September 29, 2009 at 5:41 PM

From Tim W
Posted September 29, 2009 at 6:00 PM
The films are forgotten for a very important reason.....Nobody really cares what the heck they are. They aren't masterpieces like snow white or the little mermaid but epic failures. Maybe universal just ought to replace the adventures of spiderman with howard the duck. And instead of blues brothers, they can have Box Office Bomb Musical Movies featuring glitter and from justin to kelly. Its just not done and would prove to be a horrible idea.

Now i did always like flubber. i thought it was such a cute movie, but after all these years its just aged too much as well as honey i shrunk the kids. the franchises died. But it would have been a cool ride.

From TH Creative
Posted September 29, 2009 at 6:09 PM
I'll tell you THIS ... although it is (kinda, sorta) off-topic ... I have NO DOUBT that 'Prep & Landing' will have a presence in the parks during the 2010 holiday ... if not 2009.


From James Rao
Posted September 29, 2009 at 6:23 PM
Isn't The Sixth Sense a Disney/Buena Vista film?

It would make a perfect Halloween overlay for the Jungle Cruise, don't you think?

"I see dead hippos..."

From Anthony Murphy
Posted September 29, 2009 at 8:30 PM
BTW, the Black Cauldron is at TDL (at least the Horned King)

Tron is a good one and there might be some in the future based on the movie that will be coming out in the next few years.

I think Disney has used most of their movies:

Dobby O'Gill and the Little People?

From steve lee
Posted September 29, 2009 at 8:38 PM
I like when Tim argues with stuff from six years ago.

From TH Creative
Posted September 30, 2009 at 7:45 AM
Steve Lee will get a response from me on September 30, 2015

From Rob P
Posted September 30, 2009 at 8:13 AM
I've got a forgotten film they could use. What's it called now ?
If only I could remember........that's the problem with forgotten movies.
When it comes back to me I'll let you know.

( apologies for the sarcasm Kenny )

From James Rao
Posted September 30, 2009 at 8:20 PM
Good point, Rob! =D

From Bob Miller
Posted October 1, 2009 at 3:36 PM
Rob, how old are you, you could be having a senior moment, I get them all the time, I just can't remember why!!!

From Rob P
Posted October 2, 2009 at 3:15 AM
I recognise my face. I just can't place the name.

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