Indiana Jones: Why Not in Disney World?

Walt Disney World: In an effort to cut down on cloned rides, why not remake Disney World's Big Thunder Mountain as an Indiana Jones-themed runaway mine train?

From david fonseca
Posted June 30, 2003 at 10:43 AM
Why isn't there an Indiana Jones themed ride in Disney World's Magic Kingdom? Why not take Big Thunder Mountain and make it a rather more "adrenaline-rush" kind of attraction? What do you think ?

From Robert OGrosky
Posted June 30, 2003 at 10:59 AM
I like Bi Thunder as it is and wouldnt change it at all.
While i dont like clones i would much perfer a clone of the Indiana Jones ride from DL than any remake of Big Thunder. Its too bad they used the same ride system as Indy and gave us a medicore ride like Dinosaur.

From Nathan Ellstrand
Posted June 30, 2003 at 11:17 AM
Here's a couple of reasons:
1. Indiana Jones isn't quite "frontier" themed.
2. There is already an Indiana Jones attraction (the stage show at MGM) at Disney World.
3. There is already an emv (enhanced motion vehicle) at another Disney World park (Dinosaur).
4. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is considered a "classic" Disney attraction.

From Kenny Hitt
Posted June 30, 2003 at 7:09 PM
Well said. However, I do think that we could do without Dinosaur, due to A) It being based on a system for what could be a much cooler ride if it was chosen to be installed, namely Indy...and B) It HURTS. I mean REALLY HURTS. I've been on it once and my knees, arms and neck were VERY sore afterward, the photo flash caused my dilated eyes to see red for an hour afterward, and the audio was eardrum-rupturing. I've never been on the Indy ride, but I hope it's not this bad.

From Nathan Ellstrand
Posted June 30, 2003 at 10:22 PM
Out of the two, I like Indy better. Overall, there is less darkness, and more things going on. And, it is a little less rough than Dinosaur, plus no picture is taken.

From Bud Root
Posted July 1, 2003 at 5:45 AM
How could anyone consider removing BTM from any Disney park?

From Anonymous
Posted July 1, 2003 at 5:59 AM
Good morning. I am 26 and I have grown up with the Magic Kingdom. Unfortunately, I have a physical disability that does not allow me to go on attractions such as BTM. I have always wondered why they do not create a similar Indiana Jones attraction as the one in California at Disney/MGM. I know that they have the Indiana Jones stunt show, but frankly it only deals with Raiders of the Lost Ark. They should change the existing attraction to incorporate the other two movies, as well as promote the upcoming movie that should be coming out very soon. I do agree that changing or altering BTM would not be a good idea because it is one of the best attractions at the Magic Kingdom. I even remember being a child, waiting in a hotel to go for the day, watching a Disney preview channel as they show all of the attractions... BTM always interested me, even though I was unable to ride.

From Jefferson Heller
Posted July 1, 2003 at 7:59 AM
I have been on both "Indiana Jones" and "Dinosaur" and there is absolutely no comparison. Indy is one of the best attractions I've ever been on, while Dinosaur is one of the worst. I don't know where they went wrong but the ride just is not enjoyable.

As far as Big Thunder Mountain goes, I just don't enjoy that ride either. The line is always huge, it's not high, fast or even very comfortable. I remember that ride reminding me of an old woodie that tossed me around with jerky movements. I would much prefer a thrill ride in it's place, somehow keeping with the theme there.

From Nathan Ellstrand
Posted July 1, 2003 at 10:57 AM
Remember, BTM is not meant to be high, fast, or thrilling. It's a family coaster, and that's it. It's not meant to set any records.

From Michael Murray
Posted July 1, 2003 at 10:10 PM
According to Jim Hill, the Indiana Jones ride was scheduled to be built right behind the Indiana Jones Stunt Show, making this a sort of Mini-Indy land there. You can read a very detailed story about how Dinosaur happened instead at

Go to the "Why For" section there and click on the November 22, 2002 article. The article says that Indy may still come to Disney/MGM in 2006 or so.

From Anthony Murphy
Posted July 7, 2003 at 1:33 PM
The Thunder Mountain is a classic Disney ride so I don't think that will be taken away. The only place to build a Indy Ride would be MGM, but there is the stunt show which is pretty popular. I think it would be a waste of money to make the ride (since the creation of Dinosaur), but it gives MGM a sort of Thrill ride. They could build it if they want, just don't knock down anything!@

From Fabio Herrera
Posted July 11, 2003 at 1:03 AM
From what I've noticed in the company, there are no plans to bring Indiana Jones Adventure to any of the WDW theme parks. It was considered a while back but WDI and George Lucas felt it was better if Indy Jones should stay exclusive to DL in the U.S. Instead WDI made the Dinosaur attraction using the same ride mechanics as Indy and put it in DAK. Sadly, Disney used no help from Lucas and used different Imagineers for the ride Tisk, tisk. Anyway, The idea for MGM right now is to redo the Indy stunt show to coincide with the upcoming Indy film. Also WDI is cloning the auto stunt show from Walt Disney Studios in Paris to Disney-MGM Studios. That's all the juice a have now.

From Bryan Fear
Posted July 11, 2003 at 3:07 PM
I remember in 84 when the second Indy movie came out that it was a hot topic to make a ride of the mine-cart chase at some park, somewhere. Anywhere. To this day they haven't. True they made a sort of mine-cart ride in Euro-Disney but that goes backawards and isn't the same thing.

If not replace BTM, then add a new ride more themed for the Adventureland area. Why not a mine-cart ride? It's so obvious. It's glaring them in the face. Never mind what Lucas wants. He's a crazy old coot who screwed things up with his re-release of Star Wars ( where Han Solo now shoots Greedo only AFTER first being shot at ) and then bringing in Jar-Jar. He doesn't know his fans or society anymore. Time for the heartless suits-and-ties in marketting to goose-step in here and give us fans what we want.


They could even pioneer a little something different with this ride. A mine-cart on a track, but the cart could be capable of swivelling 360-degrees so sometimes you face forward, sometimes backwards. Now THERE'S an E-ticket ride!

From Carey Lynn Holtsclaw
Posted July 11, 2003 at 6:25 PM
I Reflect the above posts in saying that Big Thunder Mountain is a Classic. I could not imagine a Disney Magic Kingdom without it, or wihout it's Wild West theming.
So I would personally NEVER want it to be rethemed to anything else. It's great just the way it is.
And, Indian Jones would not match any of there Locations.

From Nathan Ellstrand
Posted July 11, 2003 at 9:24 PM
The mine-cart ride would be awesome. In the second movie, It would have been so fun to ride the mine-cart with Indy.

Yet, if you are looking for a mine-cart ride, it's at Disneyland Paris. The coaster itself is rather generic, but you do ride in a mine-cart and it has an inversion.

From Mike Z
Posted July 14, 2003 at 2:02 PM
Why not can the Indy stunt show at MGM and put the ride in instead! MGM needs a good ride!

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