Build Your Own Ride

Okay all you Roller Coaster Tycoon junkies out there, here's your chance to show off your skills and tell the rest of us, what ride would you build if you could create your own theme park attraction?

From Jeff Arons
Posted March 7, 2003 at 10:22 PM
If you could make your own ride, what would it be, what would its name be, what would be its stats, what would be interesting about it? Also, please remember to do a walkthrough on it, so a person can perhaps build it in Roller Coaster Tycoon or Ultimate Ride Coaster Deluxe.


Looping Water Coaster


Inversions: 5 (1 vertical loop, 1 diving loop, 2 corkscrews, 1 immelman)
Maximum Speed: 65 mph
Height: 164 ft.
Angle of Descent: 63 degrees

Features and Facts:

World's first looping water coaster

Ending of the ride comes off the track, where suction will bring the boat to a certain stopping point where you will leave the boat so other people can board

12 boats. 4 rows seating 2 people each. Shoulder harnesses. Individual headrests and seats. Shoulder harnesses fashined so you can put your arms up.


Station situated 50 feet in the air. Riders drop down in water, then slow down and take the long 164 ft. lift hill up. Riders will drop 20 feet, curve to the right 180 degrees, then drop down at an angle of 63 degrees. From there the boat will go into the vertical loop, and go up into the immelman. After taking a dropping curve to the left over a lake, you raise up and go into a diving loop. From there you go into 2 camel humps, each 90 feet high. After that you raise up 60 feet and go into the double corkscrew. After that you take the highly accelerated chain lift up to doom at 140 feet: an 80 degree drop of 140 feet into a huge pool of water. The boat floats and can't be tipped. After slowing down, suction will pull the boat into the unloading station. Riders will get off. Then the boat will go out, go up a 50 foot lift, and take a straightaway until going into the loading station.

Your ride?

From Jeff Arons
Posted March 8, 2003 at 2:58 PM
Iz ne1 gonna respond 2 this p0st? I mean is anyone going to respond to this post?

From KANNi8L KL0wN
Posted March 8, 2003 at 8:03 PM
Um ...

Somewhat of a decent concept ... However, two 90 foot camel humps would be near impossible after a 164' dive into a loop, an immalman and two corkscrews : /

How about the first ELEVATED, looping, diving water ride?
Riders board the "boat" which will enter a darkend, funhouse-like passageway ... then, an elevated lift would take the "boat" to the top of a 164 foot 'Tower of Terror'-like tower where it would 'dive' into a loop, then a raven turn dive into the water ... Simple, but very exciting!

-Funny tasting, no funny after taste.

From Matthew Woodall
Posted March 9, 2003 at 11:51 AM
Steel Coaster that begins with a 200 foot shot (like the S&S Super Shot) straight up whicn leads to a rolling dive followed by a water splash. After that, a boost (from magnets, or whatnot) into a climbing turn over the station into a boomerang turn followed by two loops and a corkscrew before stopping above the station and dropping straight down (similar to Intamin Giant Drop) to the load/unload area.'s not possible, but I can dream can't I?

From Jeff Arons
Posted March 9, 2003 at 12:29 PM
Of COURSE you can dream it!

From Anonymous
Posted April 2, 2003 at 9:08 PM

From Anonymous
Posted April 2, 2003 at 9:08 PM

From Miami Nice!
Posted April 4, 2003 at 1:41 PM
Oh, I would totally do a "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" coaster/movie animatronic ride.

From Anonymous
Posted April 4, 2003 at 3:07 PM
How about a Star-Tours-esque simulator ride. But!!!!! It is themed like an aeroplane. It looks like a normal 747 plane on the inside - tray-tables, and those funny little windows to the side. The take off is normal, but then the lights go out, the plane twists, is about to crash but then lands safely. All action is displayed on the windows to make it look like you are really on a plane. You can even have actors dressed to look like the captain and flight attendants. If the ride was built outside of the old US of A then you could even have actors dressed as hijackers. Not the most politically correct ride, but one scary and realistic as possible. The queue area could even be themed around an airport. It could look fantastic. It would be like an effective version of Alien Encounter.

From Andrew Swanson
Posted April 4, 2003 at 6:18 PM
Do You remember what happened a few years ago on September 11? That's a really sick concept for a ride? Is it going to collide into a Tower of Terror style ride that looks like the World Trade Center? Or how about a perilous plunge ride that looks like the Titanic?
How about a little respect for what really is going on in the world?

From Anonymous
Posted April 5, 2003 at 10:56 AM
Okay, so maybe the terrorist thing is a bit out-of-order in todays geopolitical climate. But, I do think that the idea of a twisting turning plane about to crash, in let's say - a thunderstorm, could still be an exciting ride. Since theme parks began, rides have played on peoples' fears and anxieties. Look at rollercoasters. Having a realistic environment such as a plane draws on and extends this fear. Also, people have been making films for years that could be interpreted as exploiting the dead. I saw Saving Private Ryan - war was turned into a scary movie, designed to shock, scare and entertain as well as educate. What about Titanic? - that hardly educated at all. And if they can do this in the movies, then theme parks are no exception. Pirates of the Carribean could glamorize the racism and suffering caused by pirates. Wonders of China at Epcot could gloss over human rights violations. Tower of terror could be offensive to those that died in elevator accidents. I did not mean to offend anyone - that idea had been roaming around in my head long before 11th september. I just think it would make an interesting attraction.

From Anonymous
Posted April 9, 2003 at 12:34 PM
You go, boy ... or girl.

I like the idea of a plane crashing into a steamship, myself.

From Anonymous
Posted April 21, 2003 at 8:26 PM

From Anonymous
Posted April 22, 2003 at 9:12 AM
Such as the great idea of a plane in a thunderrstom ride would be one of the most elaborate and awesome rides...if it were before September 11th. But people today need to carry on with their normal lives and forget about the whole "What? That building looks or resembles the trade center" thing, and just leave it alone. My intentions are to advise, not to offend anyone. Sorry if this had.

From Zach W
Posted April 27, 2003 at 4:28 PM
I have never understood why there are so few roller coasters themed around airplanes. Technically all coasters try to give you the sense of flying so why not have a ride involving some of the best pilots in history. Imagine a Red Track roller coaster in the Germany section of BGW called the Red Baron. And if the fighter pilot theme is too much of a controversy how about The Spirit of St. Louis Roller Coaster? Come on, planes are supposed to do loops and tight turns so where is my Red Baron Roller Coaster?

From Anonymous
Posted May 26, 2003 at 10:28 AM
That would be interesting. It could be just like any other coaster, but closed off in an airplane looking thing you step inside and then load into the seat. I'd ride it!

Posted May 28, 2003 at 5:10 AM
My dream ridde is called plughole, what happens is it goe's out of the station into a helix that goe's from big slowy get's smaller, & doe's that till it gets to the ground where it goe's vertialy down underground into a loop then into a corkscrew turns left twice into a lifthill back to ground & up to 50 ft, down back to station,

From Anonymous
Posted May 28, 2003 at 2:45 PM
I like cheese.

From Anonymous
Posted May 28, 2003 at 2:46 PM
I would have tons of corkscrews, and 4 loops in a row. I would have the people hanging on suspended cars and I would have people shooting water at you. I would call it Scorcher

From Anonymous
Posted May 30, 2003 at 11:30 AM
although it was originally aired years and years ago and kids have no idea who they are the gummi bears quick tunnels would have been a great idea for a coaster at disney but I don't see this happening unless there is a new series made

From Anonymous
Posted June 22, 2003 at 11:57 AM

From Alex Carter
Posted June 22, 2003 at 11:51 PM
STS 5000

Step into a space shuttle cockpit. Sit facing upward. Seats 8. Tie in with NASA. Possible VR useage. Same as Superman, only straight up and longer. Use the VR to hide the reality of what is happening for longer experance. At least 3 mins each ride.

I'm shocked no one has thought of this. Many would love a chance to experance lift off. Consult NASA for ride suggestions. They would love the PR.

From Jeff Arons
Posted June 23, 2003 at 5:20 AM
Way cool idea

From Dieter Unrath
Posted June 27, 2003 at 8:38 AM
Blast Out 200 Miles an hour up a 421 foot hill then ggo down into a cobra rool and then one loop and back to station.

From Anonymous
Posted June 27, 2003 at 4:45 PM
How about a S&S air powered coaster that rockets you from 0-136 mph in 2.4 seconds, blasts you up 462 feet, and then drops you back down a terrifying 434 feet at a 92-degree angle! After that, turn up a 165 foot hill, into a tunnel, and finally engage in 2 bunny hops.

"Ultraspeed X-treme"


Height- 462 feet, 434 drop
Top Speed- 142 mph(first drop)
G-force- 6.5
Length- 3,150 feet.
Trains- S&S 8- passengers/ 4 trains

Other concepts:

"Raging Matador"

A 261ft dueling inverted stand- up coaster with 7 inversions.

"The Matrix: Relaunched,

Similar to the incredible hulk, but 214 feet tall, 71 mph, and themed after the matrix.

From Anonymous
Posted August 1, 2003 at 11:28 AM
The Location: Mt. Olympus, a huge man-made mountain with a colluseum like building on top.

The Name: Steel Gladiator

The Story: According to legend, Greece was at war with Rome. The Romans prayed to the Gods of Olympus to send them a great gladiator to save them. The Gods sent them a Steel Gladiator which led the Romans to victory. However, the titan fell in love with a young maid. You see, his body was of steel, but his heart was of flesh. He and the maid had a child which died months later. The maid wasted away with greif. With nothing left on Earth, the Gladiator wished to return to Olympus. However, the Gods refused to grant his request unless he proved his might.

I'll be back to finish this.


From Anonymous
Posted October 17, 2003 at 4:59 AM
Your never gonna b able 2 so we will all ave 2 dream 2gether.

From Anonymous
Posted October 19, 2003 at 8:07 AM
The Name: Jonathan’s Adventure

The Story: It’s the turn of the century and legend has it there’s a hidden temple containing a jewel that will give its beholder eternal life and invincibility. So many explorers start to dig deep in the jungles of Asia. Then one day they come upon a temple. While uncovering the temple many explorers found rocks with an ancient language written on them. They read that there was a fierce and powerful god the ancient people believed in until their tribe met a horrible fate. For sacrifices the tribal people would throw non-believers and people who tried to take the jewel from the god into a fiery lava pit. Many explorers turned back in fear from this legend others just marched into the temple never to be seen again. The god was so impressed with his believers that he even shared the jewel among his best. It’s about 30 years later and Jonathan is one of the most famous explorers in the world. He and his rival team find out about the ancient temple and decide they would have a competition to find the jewel. It’s the evening before the competition and while digging, Jonathan’s girlfriend who has come to help finds a map leading to the treasure. But, that night the rival team finds out and decides to kidnap her and flea into the temple before Jonathan. Jonathan wakes up in the night and discovers that his girl friend is gone, the map is gone, and the rival team is gone. He then sets out to the temple. Along with you (the team) you’ll have to save Jonathan’s girlfriend, get the map, and get the jewel.

Ride Story coming soon!!! Daniel Kiser

From Anonymous
Posted October 21, 2003 at 5:14 PM
Cool ride idea! It does, although, sound a bit like the new Tomb Raider movie and the name "Johnathan's Adventure" could be modified. Still, great idea!

From Ryan Farrugia
Posted October 23, 2003 at 4:19 AM
This is just a question for the person who made up the Steel Gladiator ride story.
Why would the god's of Olympus help the romans win? Olympus is in Greece, therefore the gods of Olympus are worshiped by the Greek. Your story doesn't make much historical sense.

From Anonymous
Posted November 4, 2003 at 7:47 PM
Have a Bundle Time!

From Anonymous
Posted November 8, 2003 at 6:59 AM
Actually, they worshipped the same gods, only they had different names. thomas

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