Six Flags strikes gold in Georgia with its new coaster

March 14, 2025, 12:23 AM · Six Flags Over Georgia’s much anticipated Ultra Surf Coaster, Georgia Gold Rusher is set to open to the public this Saturday. With launches, water effects, and numerous pops of ejector air time, this new coaster has far exceeded my expectations.

A couple years ago, sister park Six Flags Over Texas unveiled Aquaman Power Wave, a Mack Rides Power Splash that might look similar to Georgia Gold Rusher. But this coaster is the first installation of the Intamin Ultra Surf. To be clear, the ride experience on Gold Rusher is very different.

Riders will not necessarily get wet on this ride. On preview day, the effects were minimized or turned off completely, and that is good news in that this ride can operate all year, even during cooler weather. On warmer days, the water effects can be maximized.

As far as rider capacity goes, according to park management, the throughput (riders per hour) may be better than first expected, citing the testing and tweaking of the loading and unloading process, meaning wait times may not end up being as bad as some are fearing.

The park also did an amazing job with the theming and landscaping around this ride, complete with waterfalls and gold rush-era props, which pays dutiful homage to Georgia history and America’s first Gold Rush of 1828. This is all part of a larger effort to bring more theming to the park, and they absolutely nailed it with this attraction.

This is a stunning new coaster which should make fans of even the naysayers. The re-ride value is amazing. With gondolas that spin and water effects that can adjust with the seasons, no two rides will be alike.

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Replies (4)

March 14, 2025 at 11:07 AM

It's great to see this coaster finally make its long awaited debut, and even better that ops have the ability to tune the wetness to the conditions (most coasters and other water rides with splashdowns can only control the size of the splash by changing the water levels in the pond/lagoon). I've ridden Avatar at Nickelodeon Universe, which is pretty similar to this (minus the bunny hill), but it does seem like that small addition makes a big difference in the experience.

I'm still skeptical about the throughput on this attraction given that it's a still a shuttle coaster without a switch track. Even if load/unload procedures are efficient, guests still have to wait for a full cycle and with just 20 guests at a time, you're looking at an optimal throughput of @400 guests per hour (assuming cycling every 3 minutes).

I was at the park during Holiday in the Park, and they had just finished repainting the track and were switching over the theming to the new Western motif. I still don't get this change considering the entry is on the DC Universe side of the track, though the exit is across from Dahlonega Mine Train. I'm sure by past SF/CF standards the theming is good, but the last minute swap and obvious lack of planning here show how far SF has to go to earn credibility as a "theme" park chain.

March 14, 2025 at 11:26 AM

A water ride that becomes less of a water ride- what an interesting idea. While the scenery isn't as interesting as it could be, I appreciate any attempt at theming, I suppose.

March 14, 2025 at 11:55 AM

Agree with Russell. I bet the wait time will be rough. The Flashback had crazy wait times even when light crowds.

March 14, 2025 at 12:09 PM

@Happy Haunt - When I was there late last year, Dare Devil Dive, another low capacity coaster that is now 14 years old, was running 30-45 minute waits on a day where the park was barely 1/4 full. So, I can only imagine what waits will be on a brand new coaster/water ride with a similar throughput on a capacity day in the summer (probably 90-120 minute waits that will suffocate the DC Universe plaza).

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