Universal Orlando to sell Butterbeer in CityWalk

September 12, 2024, 3:55 PM · Starting next year, you won't need a theme park ticket to get a Butterbeer at the Universal Orlando Resort.

Universal Orlando today announced a major expansion of its flagship Universal Studios Store in Universal CityWalk. The expansion, set to open sometime in 2025, will include dedicated areas themed to Universal Epic Universe's Super Nintendo World and to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which will appear in all three Universal Orlando theme parks: the original Hogsmeade in Islands of Adventure, Diagon Alley in Universal Studios Florida, and Ministry of Magic in Epic Universe.

The Harry Potter section of the store will include a counter serving specialty items from Universal's Harry Potter lands, including the cold, frozen, hot, and vegan varieties of Butterbeer.

Universal Studios Hollywood temporarily offered Butterbeer on its CityWalk while the park was closed during California'a pandemic lockdown. Beyond that, though, this will be the first time that Universal has offered its Butterbeer outside the theme parks.

Butterbeer also is available from Warner Bros. at its Harry Potter studio tour locations outside London and Tokyo.

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Replies (8)

September 12, 2024 at 5:05 PM

There's also a butterbeer bar at the Harry Potter NYC store.

September 12, 2024 at 8:12 PM

I think you should need to be in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley to purchase Butterbeer. They will make millions simply because anyone can go to CityWalk without a park ticket, however.

20 million have been sold already. They used to be 4 dollars, but are now $8.50. Lets say an average of $6 over time.

That's 1.2 billion. Craziness.

September 12, 2024 at 9:38 PM

20 million x $6 = $120 million.

September 13, 2024 at 8:27 AM

I know Butterbeer is really popular, but as a thematic drink, I think it's problematic to allow it to be sold outside of the themed environments where it exists. Now, if Universal is going to create a fully themed store, a Wizarding World "outpost" so to speak, it could probably work and obviously be a massive revenue generator in CityWalk not only to sell Butterbeer but also other WWoHP merch.

September 13, 2024 at 8:42 AM

Another excellent move.

Lets say you stay at a Universal Hotel like Hard Rock. Buy 3 days of park tickets but are staying 5 days.

Now you have a chance to still enjoy a beautiful Butterbeer anytime. Plus Movie goers, locals or just grab one for the ride home...

September 13, 2024 at 10:28 AM

cha ching cha ching

September 13, 2024 at 2:59 PM

Has anyone tried the WB Butterbeer (in London, Tokyo or NYC - thanks for that add, elduderino) and the Universal version? Are they the same, or is there a noticeable taste difference?

September 13, 2024 at 9:49 PM

I’ve had the WB Version in NYC and the Universal version at USH. In NYC, the Butterbeer comes in smaller portions in a hard plastic “souvenir” cup (I think almost everyone ended up throwing theirs away though). The NYC store also only served Butterbeer cold with icing on top, as opposed to USH where you can get it served frozen or cold (or Vegan).

Comparing the cold Butterbeer at USH to the Butterbeer in NYC, I liked the USH version a lot more. Universal Butterbeer is quite possibly my favorite beverage ever, whereas the WB version just didn’t taste as spectacular for some reason. It almost felt more like a generic butterscotch soda with a Butterbeer label thrown on and icing to add some flair. I also remember the Universal Butterbeer being a lot colder.

For reference, I tried both within 3 months of each other last year, so I don’t think this analysis is too outdated.

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