Fishing for a better Internet experience? Try our new site

July 30, 2024, 4:38 PM · Long-time readers may know that I have been writing on the Internet for, well, a long time. So long that I remember what life online was like before social media turned so many of us into frustrated, doom-strolling cynics.

I have tried to preserve the more welcoming and rewarding feeling of the early days of the web here on Theme Park Insider. Now, to help reconnect more of us with informative and independent sites like this, I am starting a new weekly newsletter on Substack: Sensible Talk. My first post over there is now up: Google vs. the Internet.

Don't worry, my work on Sensible Talk will not mean any less attention to Theme Park Insider. It's just that I would like to get back to doing some of the Internet reporting that I did back in the day and that does not really fit within the Theme Park Insider forum. If you like and respect my work and my judgment here on TPI, I hope that you will follow me over to Sensible Talk, too: Here is the link to subscribe.

If you wish, you can pledge to support me there with a monthly or annual subscription, though that is not required to read the weekly newsletter. Just choose the Free plan for that.

And on the off chance that we have any classical music fans reading here, I also want to give a shout out to the other Niles family website, Laurie Niles covers the global violin community over there like I cover themed parks over here, so if you are into a site like that, please give her a follow on's platforms, too.

Thank you.

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