SeaWorld celebrates its first anniversary in Abu Dhabi

May 23, 2024, 1:57 PM · Happy first birthday today to SeaWorld Abu Dhabi. The Yas Island theme park officially opened one year ago today, on May 23, 2023.

The third theme park on the Yas Island resort, joining Ferrari World Abu Dhabi and Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi, SeaWorld Abu Dhabi is a concept for the brand. It's an indoor park, without SeaWorld's iconic orcas, built around a 6.6 million gallon aquarium.

And it is spectacular. Here is our opening day review: In Abu Dhabi, SeaWorld finds its heart again.

And our Visitors Guide to SeaWorld Abu Dhabi.

"We are extremely proud of what we have achieved at SeaWorld Abu Dhabi during its debut year, these accolades underscore our dedication to upholding the highest standards of care for our resident marine life as well as our commitment to providing exceptional experiences to our guests," SeaWorld Abu Dhabi General Manager Thomas Kaferle said today. "Looking back at our first year, we are incredibly pleased with the positive impact we've had on our community and the strides we’ve made in marine conservation and public education. We look forward to welcoming more guests to enjoy our one-of-a-kind Marine Life Theme Park and learn more about the fascinating life beneath the ocean."

Sample the park for yourself via our walk-around video:

If you are ready to visit in person, you can find deals on tickets to SeaWorld and the other Miral-owned theme parks through our partner's Yas Island theme park tickets page.

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Replies (3)

May 23, 2024 at 2:11 PM

Interesting that the comments marking the occasion don't mention attendance or revenue, even in a qualitative sense.

May 23, 2024 at 3:48 PM

...Which reminds me that the TEA/AECOM report ought to be coming out in the next month or so.

May 23, 2024 at 4:27 PM

Update: Just saw on Instagram that Mohamed Al Zaabi (CEO of Miral) said SeaWorld Abu Dhabi welcomed 1.4 million visitors in its first year. That would be the most ever at a Middle Eastern theme park, I believe.

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