The Grinch would like to wish you a Merry Christmas! And by you, I mean, you, specifically.
Universal Studios Hollywood has joined with Cameo to offer personalized video greetings from Dr. Seuss' The Grinch this holiday season. Cameo is an online store that sells personal video greetings from Hollywood celebrities, but thanks to Universal, the greetings from The Grinch are free... but the number of messages The Grinch will record is limited, so head over to get yours ASAP. Just go to to sign up.
Here is The Grinch's shout-out to all of us!
Like a good, old-fashioned Christmas celebration, the Holidays at Universal Studios Hollywood start on Thanksgiving Day. I'm planning to be in the park on Friday and will bring you coverage of Grinchmas and Christmas from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter from Hollywood here on Theme Park Insider and on our social media channels. The USH holiday celebrations continue through December 29.
Wanna visit? For discount tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood, visit our officially authorized Universal Studios Hollywood tickets page.
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