Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle. The show opens April 13, but Universal is offering fans an early look at the show during two after-hours special events.
We already told you that Universal Studios Hollywood was rolling out a new version of its Hogwarts Castle light show, this time devoted to the witches and wizards of Slytherin House —The Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle Premiere Event will run April 11 and 12, offering an exclusive look at the new show, as well as full run of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter for five hours after the park closing. "A premium catered feast of foods, beverages and desserts" will be included with event admission, and Universal will be using the party to kick off the sales of a new, as-yet-undisclosed wand model. (Given the night's theme, I wouldn't bet against it being from a dark wizard. Maybe a Grindelwald wand?)
Tickets are on sale now and cost $199 per person, with a $20 discount to $179 for Universal Studios Hollywood annual passholders. Combo tickets that include the full day in the park are available for $249. Event tickets get in you in the park starting at 4pm, with the party kicking off with park close at 6pm. The event continues until 11pm.
The Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle show debuts to the public on April 13, when the park extends its hours for spring break, and continues through April 28. The light show will debut later this year at Universal Orlando's Islands of Adventure.
TweetSo... this event is basically a challenge to see how much Butterbeer an individual can drink in five hours, isn't it?
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That price is insane. Two rides, a show, food and being the first to buy a wand before everyone else. It's a shame Universal is also going this route.