Here's how to follow Theme Park Insider - and other pages you like - on Facebook

October 25, 2012, 9:28 PM · We'd love to have you join our fans on Facebook by "Liking" our official "Theme Park Insider" Facebook page at

Theme Park Insider's Facebook page

But if you want to see posts from Theme Park Insider in your news feed on the Facebook front page (and we promise, they'll be worth it!), you need to take an extra step, too.

You see, Facebook doesn't show you all the posts from the people and pages you follow, on that front-page news feed. It selects only posts it thinks you're most likely to click on or to "like." (Or posts that a company pays for you to see. More on that in a bit.) So when a Theme Park Insider post does appear on Facebook, if you click that link or like the post, you'll get more Theme Park Insider posts showing up on Facebook.

But you won't see them all. There's only one way to do that. Here's how to do it: Go to Theme Park Insider's Facebook page and hold your mouse cursor over the "Liked" button. (You have to have a mouse to do this - you can't do it on mobile. And you have to have "liked" our page first.) When a little pop-up window appears, move your cursor down to the "Add to Interest Lists…" option and click that.

Facebook will then walk you through the steps of adding a new "Interest List." This first list you create will start with Theme Park Insider's page, since you clicked from that page, but you also can add any of the other pages and people you follow on Facebook to the list. And you can name the Interest List whatever you'd like. (You can create as many Interest Lists as you want, too.)

Here's an example of an Interest List that I've created: It's called "Theme Parks" and it includes Theme Park Insider's Facebook page as well as the official Facebook pages for the Top 10 theme parks in the United States. You can subscribe to this Interest List by clicking to it and then clicking the "Subscribe" button on the top of the Interest List page.

Once you've created or subscribed to an Interest List, you'll see it appear as an option whenever you click "Add to Interest Lists…" for a page. You'll also see links to your completed Interest Lists on the left side of Facebook's home page, listed under "INTERESTS." Whenever you click one of the Interest List links, you'll see all the posts from all the people and pages on that list. (You can add or remove individual pages from a list at any time.)

Again, the more you interact with the individual posts in your Interest Lists by clicking or liking them, the more likely Facebook will be to show posts from that page to you on the Facebook front page.

Facebook used to show our Theme Park Insider posts to almost all of the people who'd like our Facebook page. These days, Facebook only shows the posts we put on Facebook to about 10 percent of the people who've liked us. And Facebook's pressuring website publishers to pay up if they want their posts to be seen by more of their followers. (We'd be happy to pay Facebook to expose Theme Park Insider to people who haven't heard of the site, and have in the past. But it seems a bit weird to us to not show our posts to so many people who've said that they want to follow the page. That's why I'm posting these instructions.)

Interest Lists can be a powerful way to get the Facebook you want, instead of the Facebook that advertisers want you to see. We hope that you'll use Interest Lists to stay in touch with Theme Park Insider via Facebook, but you can use it to tailor Facebook to see posts from any of the pages you like. You shouldn't have to miss any of the posts you want, and be stuck with posts you don't care about. With Interest Lists, you can get more of what you want, and avoid the rest.

Thanks again for reading Theme Park Insider - here, and on Facebook!

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