Universal Orlando mourns loss of community relations executive

November 29, 2010, 10:47 AM · Jan StrattonUniversal Orlando is mourning the loss of its vice president for community relations, Jan Stratton, who died Sunday. Stratton was 54.

"Jan was a woman of enormous heart. She had a great passion for helping the families of our community," Universal Orlando spokesman Tom Schroder said in a statement. As community relations director for the resort, Stratton was in charge of working with local charities and community events. She was also charged with maintaining and strengthening Universal Orlando's relationships with local racial and ethnic minority communities.

Stratton died Sunday after being removed from life support, one day after a reported suicide attempt at her home. The Orlando Sentinel has collected several quotes from area organizations that Stratton served during her careers with Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World, including Give Kids the World and the Second Harvest food bank.

Replies (4)

November 29, 2010 at 3:55 PM · I find it amazing that a woman who took care of so many people could not take care of herself. A shame.
November 29, 2010 at 8:06 PM · There's a strange correlation between selflessness and self-destructiveness. I knew a suicide victim who was similarly generous, caring, and very charitable.

Rest in peace.

I never put much thought into community relations positions in theme parks. I'd like to hear more about them.

November 30, 2010 at 6:48 AM · I can only hope that no one will have the arrogance to pass judgement on Jan. Some people give so much that they don't know how to take when they are in need. She was one of the most extraordinary persons I have ever had the privilege to know. Jan I wish I could have saved you like you saved me. I will always remember your smile.
November 30, 2010 at 8:41 PM · So sad, my prayers go out to her family.

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