Vote of the week: It's turkey time!

November 23, 2010, 8:42 PM · It's almost Thanksgiving here in the United States, so it's time for an early 'vote of the week' this week.

Let's keep it on the topic of Thanksgiving, too, shall we? When you sit at the table on Thursday and that big platter comes your way, which part of the turkey will you reach for first?

Turkey dinner at Holiday World
Last summer's "Thanksgiving dinner" at Holiday World's Plymouth Rock Cafe, in Santa Claus, Indiana.

If you've ever had a Thanksgiving (or another holiday) meal at a theme park restaurant (including the hotels), please tell us about it in the comments. I'd love to hear other Theme Park Insider readers' picks as the best place to share a holiday meal at the parks.

Tomorrow, I'll be posting our annual holiday gift guide. Thanks again for reading Theme Park Insider, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend, wherever you are. Happy Thanksgiving!

Replies (7)

November 24, 2010 at 4:28 AM · Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well, Mr. Niles!
November 24, 2010 at 5:36 AM · Gee such limited chices Robert. But truth be told I tend to take both a little of each.
November 24, 2010 at 6:34 AM · I'm sorry Robert but that turkey platter in the photo looks about as unappetising as any "meal" I've ever seen, anywhere, anytime.

Anyway.......I like a bit of both white and dark meat. The latter undeniably has far more flavor. I recall discussing this same question with one of the Chefs at the Regal Sun's Xmas Eve Carvery. As we'd agreed that the dark meat had more depth of flavor we went on to chat about such things as the cooking times for the exalted bird. I then got taken on a tour of the kitchens while my wife waited and wondered where I'd gotten to. I returned with a plate of dark turkey meat piled so high that it resembled Richard Dreyfuss's "mash mountain" from Close Encounters.
Now that's what you get for talking turkey with a chef.

November 24, 2010 at 8:31 AM · As for the theme park restaurants, my wish list starts with having a holiday meal at the Napa Rose sometime. We did enjoy a very nice Thanksgiving meal at the Portofino Bay Hotel at Universal Orlando several years back, too. But I've not been going to the parks for holiday meals out here in LA as I did back when I lived in Orlando (and had that very nice cast member discount!)
November 24, 2010 at 9:49 AM · How much did that Thanksgiving meal at Holiday World cost you?

As for the choice of meat, I dont care. As long as it has gobs of homemade country gravy on top :)

November 24, 2010 at 9:05 PM · I agree that the image you chose is not the most appetizing. I went for White, but Dark is more flavorful. If the vote was the best theme park Thanksgiving meal I would have to vote for Knott's!
November 24, 2010 at 9:48 PM · Real men eat dark meat and grog!

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