What's new on the discussion board: Planning a visit to Universal, and Jersey Week at Disney

November 2, 2010, 7:03 AM · Here are the top new discussions submitted this week on the Theme Park Insider Discussion Board:

Universal's Islands of Adventure

Jeff Crist is planning a visit to Islands of Adventure and wants to know Is One Day Enough?

Daniel Etcheberry is also headed to Universal, and asks How intense is the bench movement at Forbidden Journey?

Speaking of IOA, please help us build a new Island of Adventure Strategy for visiting the top attractions in the least amount of time.

Wendell William is on his way to Walt Disney World next year, but Grandpa needs advice for next October.

I didn't know that this event existed, but Tiffany J. L. Alfonso asks Any Experiences in WDW During Jersey Week?

Joe Brown wants to know if you can Use early dining to get a FastPass?

Got a question you don't see on the board? Then submit a discussion topic to ask it!

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