Think of a two-seater waveswinger ride, mounted on a 300-foot tower. That's Windseeker, a $5 million ride from Dutch manufacturer Mondial.
Here's computer simulation video, from Cedar Point, so you can see the ride for yourself:
Cedar Point's Windseeker will replace Ocean Motion, which the park has listed for sale and will disassemble at the end of this season. Kings Island's Windseeker will go into the Coney Mall section of the park. Knott's Berry Farm's Windseeker will replace the Knott’s Sky Cabin.
They must have gotten a buy three, get one free.
Of course, we got a new coaster this year at Kings Dominion, but it would have been cool to get one of these two fliers here in our state. Dorney could have used something new as well, as they haven't had a really NEW ride in a while, just the Voodoo from Geauga Lake.
Oh well, it's not enough to make me buy platinum passes for next year. I'm going to stick with my plan to revert back to my one-park pass, since the kids are getting tired of theme parks anyway, and if we want to do something different we could always get a six-flags pass and hit a few of their parks we've never been to.
Clever girl, Cedar Point.
I couldn't care less. This year was the first in five years that I didn't buy a Platinum Pass--or any Cedar Fair annual pass--all because I was miffed that repeat Platinum Passholders weren't granted the same meager discounts afforded to Gold Passholders.
Cedar Fair is out of touch with its audience. It is so expansive that it's lost sight of the cool local touches that made the place special. Windstinker? So what? I'll see you guys at Holiday World and Indiana Beach next year. And Kennywood, too.
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