What's new on the discussion board: More Harry Potter, plus pet peeves at theme parks

June 22, 2010, 10:34 AM · Here are this week's top new threads on the Theme Park Insider Discussion Board:

Sara M Just returned from WWOHP [Wizarding World of Harry Potter]

On the topic of Harry Potter, Melissa Donahue asks about Perks for Universal hotel guests?

duncan henny is thinking ahead to the fall and wonders about a Harry Potter Halloween for muggles?

Nick Markham asks for some Universal Orlando Vacation Help

Andy Milio asks What ride will be next to go to the graveyard?

Amanda Jenkins wants to know Your #1 Pet Peeve at Theme Parks

Joshua Counsil starts a discussion about designing rides for people of different sizes in Imagineering & You: What about the Little Guy?

Joshua also offers a Trip Report: Canada's Wonderland

Remember, you don't have to limit yourself to posting about only the parks that we have listed here on Theme Park Insider. David L. offers a trip report from Stone Mountain Park.

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