Here's the deal, for those of you who might be unfamiliar with that page. Basically, any reader (including you!) can submit a short, one-line tip for visiting a particular theme park, or parks in general. Then, other readers vote on that tip - yes or no. A tip gets one point per yes vote and loses one for each no. The tips with the highest scores move to the top of the page. (You'll also find tips on each of the park listing pages.)
Click on the link icon after each tip to cast your vote - yes or no - on each of these tips.
- "On water rides, bring something to cover your clothes or they will get wet. This would not be the case during the summer. If necessary, bring extra clothes with you."
- "Ride rides during meal times."
- "Start at the back of the park."
And here are two more tips that I think deserve some extra consideration. First:
- "If you're going to get an annual pass, add parking to at least one pass (if it isn't included already). It seems expensive at first, but at more than $10 a pop for parking at most parks, it pays off in the end."
And second. I'll admit that this one is a little, well, harsh on our friends from the U.K. But it offers some excellent advice:
- "Don't look like some clueless, sun-fried British tourist. Wear sunscreen whenever you visit a theme park."
i totally agree with starting in the back of the park and lunch time rides, thats why i always eat early and lunch/dinner late.
cheerio to your mum, gubna!!!!!!!!
This article has been archived and is no longer accepting comments.
Dave (visiting Orlando again this year)