February ticket and hotel deals at Knott's Berry Farm

February 4, 2010, 3:52 PM · Knott's Berry Farm is offering tickets this month for $25 each, provided you buy two or more. Knott's is calling this its "TwoGether is Better" promotion, in honor of Valentine's Day. If you're planning on visiting the park more than once this year, though, you probably should opt for Knott's Season Pass, which is still available for $59.99.

FWIW, Knott's is also offering A Valentine's package at the Knott's Resort Hotel. The deal includes a one-night stay, in-room champagne, two tickets to Knott’s Berry Farm, a breakfast buffet, dinner for two and free parking... for $159. Call 866-752-2444 and ask for the Romance Package.

That said, I don't know if Valentine's Day itself if the best time to take advantage of that deal. Knott's also is promoting that it will host more than 200 Civil War reenactors in an encampment next to Independence Hall on... Feb. 13 and 14. ("C'mon, honey, what's more romantic than a Civil War reenactment?") Hey, maybe you're into that..., if not, the deals are good all month.

Replies (1)

February 5, 2010 at 6:08 PM · Don't knock the Civil War encampment! I've been a participant every year except this one. They charged us $10 to participate and I thought that was a rip off.

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