So how does this affect you, the knowledgeable theme park fan? It doesn't. But I went to Northwestern, and I continue to be so tickled by my Wildcats making bowl games that you better believe I'm going run a picture of a Northwestern player here.
Here's Northwestern senior defensive tackle Marshall Thomas meeting a sloth at Busch Gardens Tampa yesterday:
Northwestern plays Auburn in the Outback Bowl in Tampa on New Year's Day.
This makes two years in a row that I've run a post on an NU bowl game. Here's hoping this becomes a beloved TPI holiday tradition.... ;-)
Anyway, go NU because 1. Its a local team and 2. I know a couple of people on the team. Nice guys.
Anyway, they called yesterday and said it was freezing, but they loved Busch Gardens.
Don't forget Northwestern is 10-1 in basketball right now.
Although they may have some problems when they play my Spartans.
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Champs sports, Capital One- Orlando
Poinsettia,Holiday- san diego
Alamo-San Antonio.
Here in El Paso for the Sun Bowl, i believe they take the teams(Stanford and Oklahoma) to the boot factory,lol. Should be a great Sun Bowl though.