Looking to reach theme park fans and travel consumers?

June 11, 2009, 10:59 AM · [We interrupt our normally scheduled theme park chit-chat for a commercial message form Robert. If you don't work for a theme park or other travel-related business, you can skip this post.]

I haven't done this before, but running the site is my day job now, I wanted to reach out to theme parks and other business that want to help protect their market share in this tough economy by finding a more efficient way to advertise to theme park fans and family travel consumers.

We've built a sizable community of those fans here at Theme Park Insider, and while we have a pretty strict ethics policy that prohibits paid messages in the blogs, reviews and discussion forums on the site, I have created two banner ad positions that are available for businesses wanting to reach theme park customers.

The mean Theme Park Insider reader spent between US$1,501-$1,750 last year on theme park visits, according to an online survey of site readers. (The median per-reader spending would be higher than that.)

According to Google Analytics, ThemeParkInsider.com reaches more than 200,000 unique readers a month and more than 1.8 million unique readers a year. That's nearly $3 billion in annual theme park spending by readers of this site.

We run two types of ad formats on Theme Park Insider:

If you are running an ad campaign through Google, and if you have image ads running for at least one of those two ad sizes, you can site-target www.themeparkinsider.com to increase the chances that your ads appear on this site.

If you're not running ads through Google, and would like to place an ad with us directly, please contact me via the site or e-mail me at themeparkinsider[at]gmail.com. We have the following monthly packages available:

For the 160x600 Wide Skyscraper ($6 CPM):

For the 300x250 Medium Rectangle ($4 CPM):

Thank you for your support of Theme Park Insider. (And if you are not an advertiser, but a reader who appreciates the site and would like to throw us a few bucks, we gladly accept donations, too.)

[I'm also going to ask folks to not comment on this post. If you have a comment about ads or ad policies on TPI, please contact me directly using the means listed above. Thanks.]

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