Theme Park Insider welcomes theme park fans and industry insiders from around the world, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression.
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Don't post stuff that's wrong. Please email our editor for assistance if you can't make the correction by editing or deleting a response yourself.
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We want people who write for the site to do so in a spirit of helpfulness to other readers, not out of selfishness or for personal gain. Therefore, we do not allow others to include commercial links or solicitations in any post on the site. In addition, your posts on Theme Park Insider may not include incentives of any kind for other users to click on ads which are displayed on the site. This includes encouraging other readers to click on the ads or to visit the advertisers' sites, as well as drawing any undue attention to the ads. This activity is strictly prohibited in order to avoid potential inflation of advertiser costs. In addition, we must disclose that as an author of published books and as an Amazon Associate, our editor earns from qualifying purchases of his books linked on the site.
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We encourage our freelance writers to attend media preview days and other press events to gather information for the site, and we allow those freelancers to accept accommodations from a park for the purpose of covering a press event or conducting an interview on our behalf. Otherwise, Theme Park Insider writers should pay their own way at all times.
Don't get mad if someone actually uses your idea
Theme Park Insider readers abandon any claim on ownership of any plan, concept, idea, suggestion, or proposal for theme parks and other themed entertainment attractions posted to this site. We wish for theme park managers and designers to be able to read and consider suggestions posted to without fear of being sued should they develop something similar to an idea posted on the site.
By posting to the site an idea, concept, plan, or suggestion for a themed entertainment attraction or operational procedure, you are agree not to seek any compensation or acknowledgement from any theme park or entertainment attraction that might implement a similar idea or concept. Readers that are unwilling to accept this condition should not post to the site.
Give us some context
If you have a family or business relationship with someone who owns or works for a theme park, or if you work for a theme park company, mention it in your posts and profile page on the site.
Being related to someone who works for a theme park, or even working for one yourself, does not disqualify you from submitting content to Theme Park Insider. Heck, as our name implies, we welcome insiders! But other readers deserve to know when they are hearing from someone who is a theme park employee, or a relative of one, as opposed to an outsider.
For example, the founder and editor of Theme Park Insider, Robert Niles, is a former Walt Disney World Resort attractions host, though he no longer has any business relationship with Disney or any other theme park company. You can read more about Robert and the website on our About Theme Park Insider page.