Epic universe is going to be amazing, no doubt, but from new information from theme parkies it seems as though the rides may not be as good as everyone(meaning I) expects them to be. so possibly the star of epic universe could be the lands instead of the (apparently disappointing) attractions. I feel conflicted choosing the "best land" when they all look so good, but i would have to say super nintendo world. I know its already been done before, but i went to the one in hollywood and it was fantastic, and this ones supposed to be way better.
which land is the best land to you, and why?
(P.S don't start fighting the Universal V.S Disney debate, you have so many threads you could argue about on the fp)
The bestand is HTTYD. with 2 flat rides, a roller coaster, a water boat ride, a themed playground, a show, a large restaurant, interesting water features, dragon robots that fly,- it goes on. I think it's the biggest land (after celestial park) and it shows.
I agree. The best area is HTTYD, featuring multiple rides, a playground, a show, a restaurant, water features, and flying dragon robots, making it one of the largest themed lands.
My wife and I moved to Orlando last summer, and we purchased annual passes to Disney World. It's been the best $1500 we've ever spent.
We are having a blast, and it all has to do with expectation management.
We show up in the afternoon at one of the Disney parks, enjoy 3-5 attractions, and have dinner. About half the time, we purchase the Lightning Lane upgrade if the rides we want to enjoy have an especially long Standby Line time, but the truth of the situation is that it really doesn’t matter how many attractions we experience, what's more important is that we enjoy the moment and ultimately the entire visit.
What we don’t do is:
-Grade ourselves – We’re not getting a report card on how much we got accomplished or how much we got for our money.
-Grade Disney – Sometimes everything comes together perfectly, and you have a Brady Bunch episode experience at the park. Sometimes the day seems like a Simpsons episode experience. Whatever the case may be, find your joy and happiness!
And this leads into my thoughts on Epic Universe and how to enjoy it:
-Sample, enjoy, and experience the park because there is only one first time for everything, and subsequent experiences are often colored by our initial impressions.
-Don’t grade the park or compare it to any other park. What’s more important is to let it be a fun park.
-Don’t grade yourself. You can make yourself miserable by trying to cram too much into your day. Let yourself have fun.
-Appreciate the fine details. Some incredibly talented people designed and built this park just for people like you. Allow their creativity to tell the story of your day.
Epic Universe will be awesome – if you let it.