Are the Parades at a theme park necessary? I really don’t care about them, nor do I go out of my way to see them.
If one comes by it usually get in our way of my Theme parking. Then we have to stop, wait until said obstacle has passed and continue with our day.
So, I ask you Theme Park Insiders, do you like them of find them a nuisance?
Opinions will vary and I will hold no ill will if you blast me….
Five Points:
1. A longstanding theme park veteran/friend of TPI, who was once a camera operator for the Rose Parade, is on the record saying that parades don't work well in parks.
2. I liked the 'Move It Shake It' parade.
3. I liked Tally.
4. I don't think Epic will have a parade.
5. I think the night time parade at MK will be great.
Depends on the parade I suppose as some are pretty great, especially for kids in your party. Other times, best to use them to get on shorter lines.
I think the issue is more the layout of the parade route than the show itself. Parades are great for soaking up crowds and reducing attraction wait times when they run. But not if the parade route blocks the free flow of guests around and through the park.
I loved the parades as a kid and especially the nighttime ones as a preteen. I stopped giving a rip about them as a young adult and as a childless adult. But now that I’m a father, I love them again with the caveat being an agreement with Robert about whether the parade route creates ancillary misery and unnecessary choke points for those who aren’t viewing said parade.
I don't care for them in the parks but I will watch a well-produced youtube version of it. Parade seating/standing brings out the worst in humanity.
Parades might be a hassle if trying to get through the park, but they are a necessity. They help get people out of lines for rides and provide an opportunity for kids to see a bunch of characters without having to wait in line for meet and greets.