Uh-Oh! Comcast is suing Harry Potter

September 27, 2024, 4:48 PM

Variety (09/27/24): "Sky Group (owned by Comcast) filed a lawsuit Friday against Warner Bros., accusing the studio of breaching their agreement by refusing to partner on the upcoming “Harry Potter” TV series."

I assume demolition on the Potter attractions at the Comcast parks is imminent.

Replies (11)

Edited: September 27, 2024, 4:52 PM

Nah, they're just be recasting the current attractions with younger, newer, cheaper rides. ;-)

September 27, 2024, 6:19 PM

The nominees for best TPI response to a trash THC discussion post are ...

September 27, 2024, 9:32 PM

Leaving CityWalk ... The moving walkways are down ... BUDGET CUTS?! ... I blame WDI

September 28, 2024, 6:30 PM

Revive Lost Continent!

September 29, 2024, 8:54 AM

I know I'm in the minority in that I'm really not that invested in Harry Potter. So , as I once heard someone say, "Let it go.".

Don't get me wrong. I love all the buildings and ambience but I just don't understand adults walking around with wands muttering "spells" in mock latin.

Maybe it's because I went to a school in England co-founded by Elizabeth 1 in the 16th Century and where the Masters wore capes and had power absolute.

I also know that it doesn't make sense that I like most other IPs at the Parks but for me Harry and his posh mates are simply " odiosis ac puerilis".

Anyway I'm sure Harry et al will survive in the Parks despite these rumblings as it is so popular and a TV series will doubtless cement it's place for at least one more generation.

Personally I'd rather have Back to the Future and Jaws but maybe I'm just getting old ?

September 29, 2024, 2:43 PM

Maybe Disney can secure the HP rights after they leave the Universal parks in 2035.

Edited: October 2, 2024, 6:37 PM

NAH! Disney was wise enough to realize Potter wasn't a good fit. As TEA/AECOM consistently shows (and Mr. Iger has confirmed) without paying JKR a dime, the WDW parks continue to slap around the now empty Comcast parks.

Comcast desperately needed Potter. Disney never did.

Edited: October 3, 2024, 9:01 AM

The delusion is strong with you, sir. Passed on the book, movie, and theme parks rights... apparently, you don't watch the YouTubers showing the Disney parks empty either.

How's that Disney Plus service going? They lost 1.2 million subscribers on the last price hike and are now 14B in the hole.

Meanwhile, Butterbeer sales alone have paid for Epic Universe. All because Disney was smart enough to pass on the theme park rights. Desperation is a stinky cologne, my friend.

I guess Disney was also smart enough to shed half of their stock price since March 2021... you never seem to mention that.

October 4, 2024, 6:54 AM

NB: "Meanwhile, Butterbeer sales alone have paid for Epic Universe."

Me: And the source that confirms this assertion?

October 4, 2024, 11:44 AM

I love Potter and Universal. The parks are a LOT of fun, but it is crazy talk to say Disney parks are empty. There is no longer a time of the year that is not busy. Only less busy. Early October or February? Still busy.

There are many criticisms for both places, but both are tons of fun.

October 4, 2024, 12:22 PM

First week after Labor Day is usually very quiet at WDW.

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