What's Happened To My Favourite Website?

September 19, 2024, 6:17 PM

Oh, Robert, what have you done to my favourite, go-to theme park website? It's advertising madness!

I don't know if the American experience is any better but in the UK the landing page has a banner at the bottom taking up at least a quarter of the screen, constantly changing and totally irritating video ads on the right and at least 6 ads, some humungous in size, as you scroll down.

Surely there is a happier medium of money from advertising versus visitor experience.....??

Replies (3)

September 19, 2024, 6:32 PM

We’re doing a bunch of A/B testing at the moment, which I hope to have stabilized with a sustainable mix and placement in the next few days. Please be patient, as I am trying a new provider that should help make the site sustainable without paywalls for the future. Because the previous system was not sustainable.

September 19, 2024, 6:50 PM

Many thanks for responding, Robert. It is 00.45 in England and I can't sleep owing to the horror of what I am seeing. At least with your explanation I can now retire to bed.

September 19, 2024, 11:08 PM

Yeah, the short answer is that I intend this to be temporary. I can give a super-long answer about monetizing websites, finding work past middle age, and the death of online algorithms, should anyone care. If not, fine.

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