D23 Predictions?

August 8, 2024, 10:30 PM

What are your predictions for D23 announcements? Use any format you would like. But I'll kick us off with a "likely, maybe, and what if?" Mine will be WDW focused.

Likely: Tropical Americas official confirmation to replace Dinoland at Animal Kingdom.
Maybe: Beyond Big Thunder Mountain confirmation... gonna go with Villains Land being present in some capacity.
What if?: A new land or expansion announced for Hollywood Studios.

Replies (4)

August 9, 2024, 7:52 AM

I think the one sure thing is the new e-ticket Avengers attraction at Disneyland since there are photos circulating from the press tour showing a model of the vehicle (which is clearly an Oceaneering motion base like what is used on Spiderman and Transformers). I'd also put good money on some solid details regarding the America's expansion at DAK, and whether the Dinosaur conversion to Indy will be a clone of Temple of the Forbidden Eye or something unique. An opening date/month for DL's TBA is also a pretty sure bet. It wouldn't be surprising for Disney to provide some details about TestTrack 3.0, and a projected opening month for that renovated attraction.

I think we will almost certainly get some concept drawings for the Beyond Thunder Mountain MK expansion, but I highly doubt we get any concrete details or specific attractions announced. There might be references in the drawings/models to glean what ride systems might be used, but I think with that project another 5+ years off, it's unlikely Disney will want to spill any beans on that. My hope is that the expansion consists of 2 separate mini-lands (one being Villains), and that it contains at least 4-5 rides with one being a unique e-ticket.

I think longer shots would be anything specific beyond the IPs to be tapped for the Disneyland expansion into the Toy Story parking lot. I would really like them to announce whether the Avatar land that is likely part of this expansion will be different from PtWoA at DAK and that the ride will utilize a unique ride system. I would also really like to know how Disney plans to get guests across the street without breaking the theming.

It would be nice for them to offer some other shorter term (smaller) domestic projects they plan to work on over the next 2-3 years while we wait for the bigger projects, but I really see this event focusing on the big, attention-grabbing stuff.

August 11, 2024, 3:04 PM

Let the record show I was three for three lol!

August 11, 2024, 3:20 PM

@Jack H: I bow deeply to your awesome awesomeness.

September 4, 2024, 2:03 AM

I love the idea of Inside Out being in the Wonders of Life building

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