Multi-park ticket purchase might be required to enter Epic Universe

Edited: July 8, 2024, 6:12 AM

From the Disney Tourist blog: "Anyway, when ticket sales first launch, guests must purchase a multi-day Universal Orlando ticket package with a 3-day minimum in order to visit Epic Universe. No matter the ticket duration, all ticket types will offer a single day at Epic Universe and will not include Park Hopping to or from the new park. At product launch, there will be no option to purchase a single-day Epic Universe ticket by itself."

Replies (60)

July 8, 2024, 7:49 AM

Not sure what I think about this, but I kind of understand it. No doubt this won’t be a permanent requirement.

July 8, 2024, 8:31 AM


July 8, 2024, 10:24 AM

I suspected something like that was coming. Both to manage the crowds and to avoid IOA and UO of flat lining in attendance. I'm sure that you will not be able to buy a season pass either nor add Epic to your existing pass in the first couple of years.

July 8, 2024, 10:24 AM

It will be interesting to find out if there are cutouts for resort guests or if the new park.will require reservations.

July 8, 2024, 10:44 AM

I thought that was a decent article. I would bet that it will make UO and IoA very crowded. I also disagree with people who think that EU will take a bite out of Disney. I think they compliment each other, and five days at Disney followed by three at Universal is really my perfect theme park vacation.

I really don’t think this is as bad as the article makes it out to be. For one think it might have some people realize what great parks UO really are. It also might be simply gauging the public’s reaction to such a policy. My hope is that it lights a fire on Disney to make that fifth gate.

July 8, 2024, 11:33 AM

And the Downside is?

Epic Universe will become the best park in Orlando.

Plus we always buy two or three day's..

Disney is scared.

Edited: July 8, 2024, 11:42 AM

This story has been making the rounds of the theme park community over the past week, but I had expected something like this coming. I wonder how much of this is a "trial balloon" to see how people will react to potential admission restriction in order to control crowds at the new park and how much is coming from accountants trying to maximize revenue of the shiny new toy.

I don't necessarily have an issue with the premise behind this, because it maintains interest in the other 2 parks, but my concern is how access to the portals at Epic Universe is managed. From everything I've been reading through the rumor mill is that it will be next to impossible to see everything in EU in a single day, and the likelihood is that most guests will only be able to get into 2 of the portals (and Celestial Park) in a day. If Universal is only allowing guests a single day in Epic Universe on a multi-day ticket, it's going to be impossible for guests to see the whole park without either buying a second multi-day ticket or coming back to Orlando for another trip.

Again, I can understand what UO is trying to do here given the craziness that accompanied the recent openings of Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley, but those lands can be seen in a single day, though you'd probably have to forgo some of the older attractions in IOA and USF to thoroughly explore the new lands. However, Epic Universe is a completely new theme park, and to essentially tell guests that you can't possibly see the entire park on your first trip seems incredibly disingenuous. I think it's perfectly appropriate for UO to force guests to buy a 3-day ticket to visit Epic, but if they buy a 4 or 5 day (or longer if they introduce them) ticket, you should get a second day in Epic so you can reasonably see the entire new park on your first trip to the new park.

As far as park hopping, I'm totally on board with it. There's absolutely no reason for guests to hop between Epic Universe and the legacy UO parks right now. There will be more than enough stuff to occupy guests in Epic, so it's only fair for Universal to be able to control crowds at the new park without having to deal with guests who start their day at the other parks.

July 8, 2024, 1:19 PM

Francis 24 is correct about USF and IOA losing a significant number of guests to the new park.

And Brian Emery has way too much confidence in the team that brought us 'Fast and Furious: Supercharged'


July 8, 2024, 2:32 PM

I suspect UO and IoA will get super crowded based on this plan. I further suspect that once the plan changes to allow park hopping that the legacy park’s attendance will drop, but that is OK. Universal will do fine.

And I really liked Fast and Furious. Thought it was fun.

And, no, Disney is not scared. If anything this will just bring more people to them. Most families only go to Universal as an afterthought (a mistake). More attractions in Orlando will only have Disney build more hotels and get more guests. I wish something could be done to lower the crowds at Disney, but as long as they have excellent attractions and places to stay, the sea of people will continue.

I appreciate that we are in an unchecked proliferation of theme parks.

July 8, 2024, 2:39 PM

HappyHaunt: "I suspect UO and IoA will get super crowded based on this plan."

Me: I'm not so sure. If there are no expiration dates on the tickets guests may either spread out their visits to IOA and USF (or maybe not visit at all). Plus, this "three park pass" thing might be a short term approach. Eventually, Epic cannibal would show up.

July 8, 2024, 2:50 PM

I agree that the three park pass will be temporary and then EU will pull from the other parks. I don’t think it will decrease Disney at all.

July 8, 2024, 3:28 PM

Oh and one other thing. I think we can all agree that once Epic Universe opens, visiting the Comcast parks in Orlando will be just as expensive as visiting the Disney parks ... assuming, of course, they aren't already.

July 8, 2024, 3:39 PM

@TH - I think we'll see a lot of people leaving admissions on the table, which already occurs when Universal runs their "But 3 get 5" promotion. Guests will buy a 3-day ticket, visit Epic, and then maybe spend a second day at one of the other parks. I really don't think this strategy will result in the legacy parks being any more crowded, it will only result in Universal making more money off their shiny new toy, because they'll be blackmailing their guests into buying admission that they don't necessarily want or need.

July 8, 2024, 3:40 PM

We've been visiting Universal only for years. We rarely go to Disney and last April was the first time in 6 years. We did the Hollywood Studios after party which was actually very nice. Despite being a huge Universal fanboy I'm so tired of the "Disney is scared" comments. They are NOT! Disney is still massively bigger and Epic will not surpass the Magic Kingdom in attendance.

I do think that Epic will become the best theme park in Orlando and maybe even the world but its still not enough to surpass the Magic Kingdom in attendance. The park is still too small when compared to MK. I do think that with a 3rd theme park and Volcano Bay it will increase the number of people going to Orlando for Universal only but overall every attraction in Orlando will see a spike.

TH is also correct that Universal will increase their prices and will cost the same as Disney or be just a bit less. All though I would argue that in the past several years not many people are choosing Universal vs. Disney because of prices. The hotels maybe but the parks themselves no.

July 8, 2024, 4:11 PM

If it gets Disney to reduce their hotel prices, then I am all for that. There is no way Universal gets close to some of the room rates at Disney.

July 8, 2024, 4:18 PM

@Happy Haunt: Define "close".

July 8, 2024, 4:36 PM

A couple hundred I guess. The big three at UO tend to be around $300-500. The deluxe at Disney is $500 and up into the stratosphere. Some of the deluxe Disney resorts are insane, but they fill them. I guess I should be clear that I am comparing the big three express pass hotels to the monorail resorts. Now watch Helios prove me wrong…

I will say I have stayed at a myriad of moderate to deluxe Disney resorts, and I have to say I really loved the Coronado. That might be a repeat for the food and room quality (Tower). I actually prefer the Royal Pacific to all the others at UO. I can walk to Forbidden Journey from the room to butt in seat in 15 minutes.

July 8, 2024, 4:42 PM

@Double HH: Coronado Tower is amazing.

July 8, 2024, 8:56 PM

If Universal really wants to limit attendance at the new park, they can always just call it Epic Universe Escape.

July 8, 2024, 11:14 PM

Excellent post James 😂

July 9, 2024, 8:59 AM

Yes Disney is scared... I meant it.

I am a huge investor of stocks and occasionally, Bobby Iger (I call him Bobby on the calls), told me he was really scared. He said all we have are outdated rides like space mountain (1970’s tech).

I said Bobby you are screwed, sure Universal has one not-so-great attraction like Fast and Furious, but Disney has so so so many boring rides like Lilo and Stitch, Tomorrowland Speedway, Dumbo, Astro Orbiter…. And On and On and On….

I said don’t worry Bobby I am sure your stock will be just fine. It’s only down -48.10 (-33.20%) past 5 years.
Just keep catering to the folks of the villages and you will be fine…

At least the cookies are Great at Gideon's Bakehouse..


July 9, 2024, 11:00 AM

@Brian I may disagree with you on that but one thing I can agree on is that Disney has way more shitty rides then Universal does. If those so called "classic" rides were at Universal everyone would be ragging on Universal for having such crappy rides but Disney gets a pass. Annoyingly too Disney gets a pass for modern rides having screens but if Universal puts a screen everyone freaks out! There is a true double standard when it comes to complaints but its all part of the fun of reading comments :)

July 9, 2024, 11:27 AM

Brian Emery - We were a Disney fanboy a long long time ago. We drank the Kool-Aid. Spent tens of thousands on multiple vacations. Went to Universal once and never went back to the mouse.

This was a full 6 years before Harry Potter / Hogsmeade and all the new additions since. Disney probably isn't "scared", because the ego of that company and their rabid fans would not allow it, and if they were, they would never admit it.

Disney shill / approved media sites are coming up with every reason in the book why Disney will top Epic Universe. One went as far as to claim the new CommuniCore Hall at EPOCOT would be the nail in the coffin for Epic Universe.

All this being said, we have no desire to visit Epic Universe for the first few years. If they go reservation / virtual queue, I won't even bother. Also will not visit without some type of Express / Unlimited perk.

We are completely spoiled, and spending hours in line is not even an option anymore. QuickQueue at Busch Gardens etc...

Disney should be scared of their own bad decisions. Galactic Starcruiser and eleven billion lost with Disney Plus as of April 8, 2024. I can go on all day with the money pits they have created.

Edited: July 9, 2024, 4:18 PM

NB - I probably won't go the first year to Epic Universe.

I am sure it will be packed.

I mean come on - you can spend the day eating overpriced food at Epcot = or get a fantastic day at Epic Universe....

hahahahahaha - Galactic Starcruiser - 5K for two nights.....Wonder why it failed?

July 9, 2024, 3:26 PM

Apparently the Oriental Land Company is going to launch an all new Disney Cruise Ship! Here's hoping the OLC doesn't require guests to book passages on two, outdated old ships before they can sail on the new state-of-the-art ship.


July 9, 2024, 7:27 PM

Jokes aside, do people truly believe that one-day tickets aren’t going to be an option? We’re still about a year-out from opening day. There is plenty of time for Universal to come up with the appropriate ticket scheme.

Let’s wait until 2025 rolls around before we start sweating over a possible itinerary Universal proposed.

July 10, 2024, 7:38 AM

James & OP- I believe the single day ticket will roll out closer to opening day or right afterwards. Universal wouldn't hurt their APs like that.

I like Disney and Universal equally, because each one has something different to offer. My favorite rides include Guardians and Velocicoaster. As for screen rides, Disney's latest screen tech is better than Universal's. I'm not able to ride any of UO's screen rides except Gringotts without puking and that includes their Bourne Spectacular show, but on the Disney side I am fine with all of them (shows and all) except for Star Tours and Mission Space which are both very old. (I heard UO is going to update the screen on Journey which I pray they do since I am such a Harry Potter fan.) Park hopping will happen. UO assured all of us in Orlando. They even built a road for it.

I think the better question is: Will visitors be so worried about crowds that no one will show up to Epic for the first couple of weeks or even months?

July 10, 2024, 9:27 AM

@Mischief - I would argue that UO has the better screens. Bourne is by far the best thing I've ever seen when it comes to screens and they've set the bar pretty high! What's hilarious is that UO has both the best screens and some of the worsts like F&F. Forbidden Journey is getting up there last time we rode it definitely didn't look as good.

Whatever Universal decides with the ticketing Epic will have giant lines! There is absolutely no way it doesn't and the only thing that will stop it from having giant lines is if they limit the number of tickets they sell or if they have a reservation system setup. We are planning to go in October 2025 with HHN combo but knowing there will be huge lines for everything we will be doing a VIP tour of Epic. Will go again in 2026 and probably by then do express if they have it or just wait the lines because I do want to see the queues for the rides.

July 10, 2024, 10:01 AM

Francis- My husband would agree with you about the Bourne Spectacular. He loves that show. But they give me and my son severe motion sickness and a migraine similar to reading in the car. If we ride one screen ride at UO, we are out for the rest of the day. None of the Disney ones do this to us, except for Star Tours and Mission Space. Those too are blurry like the UO ones.

July 10, 2024, 1:41 PM

I am not sure why we are discussing screen resolution. In order to get into Epic Universe, Comcast will force guests to buy tickets to its two existing parks. If those tickets cost $300, that means to visit Epic Universe, a family of four will have to pay $1,200 (plus) parking ro qualify for access to the new park.

Edited: July 10, 2024, 6:47 PM

I prefer the UO screen based rides over (most) Disney rides. That said, it has become harder and harder over the years to ride them without feeling ill. I think they would benefit greatly from resolution upgrades across the board!

July 10, 2024, 7:29 PM

As long as I can visit the current parks without having to buy an Epic Universe ticket, I am fine. If there is enough blowback over this, they are smart enough to fix it before the park opens.

Universal does listen to their guests.

July 11, 2024, 9:56 AM

Agreed! If they do bundle Epic with the other parks I doubt they wouldn't have the option to just buy tickets to UO and IOA but if they did that would be a huge mistake. We have season passes that expire in January 2025 but not sure if we will renew based on how we will be able to buy Epic tickets. If you absolutely need to bundle then there's no reason to renew a season pass. I highly doubt there wouldn't be a way for season pass holders to buy just Epic tickets but for now its just a waiting game.

Edited: July 11, 2024, 12:11 PM

I'm just spit-balling here, but based on the clear instructions from Universal to their authorized ticket resellers, getting into Epic Universe without having to purchase admissions to the other parks is probably not going to happen over the first few months of its debut (either through a multi-day ticket or season pass). I would guess that they're still on target for a grand opening of the park in mid/late May 2025, which is just over 10 months from now. They have one more portal to officially announce in detail (Ministry of Magic), which based on the current trend of releasing that information monthly, we will have the full park lineup completed by the end of July. I wouldn't be surprised if they use a monthly press release in August to fully detail the Grand Helios (and potentially its perks) and either release admission & crowd control details then (9 months ahead of opening), or perhaps wait until September to put that information out. Nonetheless, it will be crystal clear how guests will be able to visit Epic Universe well before the end of the year. That gives Universal a solid 3+ months before the end of the calendar year to gauge admission/pass sales and whether or not they need to be less restrictive while still having time to tinker ahead of the May opening. My guess is that Universal is going to be very explicit that going to Epic Universe will necessitate buying some type of multi-day pass (3+ days or season/annual pass). I have no idea how they're going to manage their very vocal, passionate, and sizeable annual passholders, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are required to maintain their current level of pass (or perhaps upgrade) and are then required to purchase a single dated admission for Epic with the price of that admission variable based on the level of pass you have. Those might be the only "single day" admissions that will be available for the park at first.

I also won't be surprised if Universal dramatically limits attendance at first, perhaps only allowing a maximum of 50-60% of the estimated capacity of the park through the gates on a given day to make sure they can tweak and effectively manage the portal system. Once the systems are proven and effective, they'll slowly allow more and more guests inside the park, which might not be until August 2025 of later.

Remember, this is a company that has struggled mightily with grand openings and crowds. USF opened with only a handful of the advertised attractions ready. IOA was not quite as bad, but still suffered from oppressive crowds and poor operational management. Both WWoHP lands opened with ridiculous lines, and the 2 most recent coaster additions have been met with hours-long lines with Hagrid's still not capable of operating with Universal Express because of its popularity. If Universal is going to challenge guests with an entirely new way of touring a theme park (Portals), they will want to make sure they're not stuffing the park to the gills with people to the point where the systems they've designed to manage crowds are rendered useless.

July 11, 2024, 1:41 PM

Interesting contrast between the posts offered by Russell and NB ... NB believes Comcast will manage park access and operations on what guests WANT them to do, while Russell believes that based on the Comcast parks' previous challenges, the company will manage park access and operations on what they HAVE to do.

I think it will be a combination of the two. I also believe they will implement a reservations system.

July 12, 2024, 2:29 PM

While I wouldn't do it exactly like this I 100% agree that tickets to EU need to be limited and there needs to be a clearly communicated message that the park is not open to everyone yet. Obviously anything WDW/UO opens is going to have more demand than capacity to handle, so its perfectly reasonable and prudent for UO to limit admission to only certain kinds of tickets.

But this idea of having to have a reservation to get into each land the stupidest thing i've ever heard of (at least since the Volcano Bay opening debacle). If that's really what they plan on doing then that is not a theme park.

Edited: July 12, 2024, 6:08 PM

The_man whatever # it is this week: "Oviously anything WDW/UO opens is going to have more demand than capacity to handle, so its perfectly reasonable and prudent for UO to limit admission to only certain kinds of tickets."

Me: I would LOVE that! I would adore seeing Comcast implement reservations. That way the whole world will see how Comcast won't be hammered by the Universal fanboy community the way Disney was when it required reservations.

July 15, 2024, 8:49 PM

TH, if Epic Universe implements reservations only, I will literally never visit that park. Express is a long way off, I'm sure, although every ride will have the three line queues for the future. Standby, Single, Express (or whatever they may call it)

Unlimited Express for this family and nothing else. You get very spoiled quickly by visiting in Peak Summer and having 5-10 minute waits for all but one ride (and Flyers, but you need to rent a kid for that anyways). The two longest waits with Express were always Fast & Furious and Reign of Kong. Both have the same ride system and capacity.

Same with Busch Gardens. QuickQueue or nothing. 2 hour regular line wait for Cheetah Hunt vs a walk on every single ride. We've been ruined.

July 16, 2024, 3:17 AM

I never understood why people would have a problem with making reservations -- depending on the system's platform and how it is managed.

Edited: July 16, 2024, 3:50 PM

@TH - I completely agree. I'd much rather have a reservation system and a park that is operated in an organized manner than a complete and total mob scene that has occurred during the most recent high profile Universal openings. If a reservation system will make crowds manageable and lines under control so that you can see a reasonable number of attractions in a day, then I'm all for it.

July 18, 2024, 2:50 PM

The Orlando Comcast parks are getting desperate: "The theme park company said the “Florida Unlimited Days Ticket” gives Floridians the option to visit the theme park for an unlimited number of days now through Dec. 18. The ticket costs $199 plus tax. The ticket does not include the cost of parking."

July 19, 2024, 4:23 PM

Epic Universe has a REAL PROBLEM: The cannibalization of guests from the existing Comcast parks (USF and IOA). Comcast just announced those DEEP discounts to the existing parks. If theme park fans run through every square inch of the existing Comcast parks between now and the end of the year (multiple times) why would they return when they have the new shiny toy down the street?

Maybe they could bring back millions of guests with another parade. Perhaps one with a 'Fast & Furious: Supercharged' float.

July 19, 2024, 6:30 PM

A Fast and Furious: Supercharged float would be AWESOME!

July 19, 2024, 6:45 PM

I love how this guy just keeps posting rhetoric in hopes of riling people up.

I also think a F&F float would be awesome!

July 19, 2024, 8:25 PM

@JakeT: Feelin' that love, babe.

July 20, 2024, 12:02 AM

"I love how this guy just keeps posting rhetoric in hopes of riling people up."

I am positive nobody is cancelling Universal vacations based on his TPI posts. The life of a Disney shill seems deeply unfulfilling.

Edited: July 20, 2024, 5:23 AM

@NB: Why would I want people to cancel their vacations to the Comcast parks in Orlando? I want Comcast to start building new attractions at those two existing parks. All of the Orlando park operators are struggling to attract new guests. At Disney, they've been playing small ball with 'Tiana's Bayou Adenture' Country Bears and events like Jollywood Nights. Hopefully, there will be something more substantial announced at D23.

But Comcast has been sitting on its hands when it comes to major adds at USF and IOA. That may be why people will have full access to those two parks for absolute pennies -- which can have long term consequences.

Now those consequences may not be as bad as what might happen if Epic Universe requires guests to make reservations to enter the park. I mean, there's one crazy, Comcast fanboy that frequents TPI who has loudly proclaimed he will boycott Epic if the park requires reservations for entry.

Way to make a principled stand, big man!


Edited: July 20, 2024, 8:01 AM

"I want Comcast to start building new attractions at those two existing parks." You and me both.

I hear it CONSTANTLY at the parks (Universal & Disney), have had many discussions with other guests, and read it on theme park forums... Many visitors, especially those with families, have no plans to return to Orlando until 2026. They all say the same thing, "We're going to wait until the crowds die down at Epic before we come back and do all of the parks." However, this sentiment could be nothing more than people saying it just to say it and then visit the parks in 2025 anyway. Only time will tell.

But back to the multi-park ticket issue-- I really hope that changes the closer we get to the park opening, or I won't be visiting when it does.

July 20, 2024, 8:28 AM

@Double M: I think I've posted this before, but we will be waiting until September 2026 so we can save our money and spend three nights at the Helios Grand Hotel. We want to give Comcast time to tech out any attraction bugs, work out crowd and operation control and have maximum access to the park. And we are local.

July 20, 2024, 12:36 PM

My slightly different take is that I would prefer Universal to properly maintain and/or spruce up the attractions they have than making new ones. Gringotts need brighter projectors, the Jurassic water ride should add the pluses from Hollywood, etc. They clearly are going to something with Rip Ride Rocket once Epic is done. And ET needs lots of work. Further, damnit, I really like the Fast and Furious attraction, and that comes from someone that never has and likely never will watch the films.

All that to say is I agree with THC, I am not going to Epic for at least a year after opening. Another slightly different take, I think Disney has been doing great adding the really, really good new attractions. They just need to figure out how to deal with the crowds. It is out of control.

July 20, 2024, 8:41 PM

TH reminds me of The Immortals in 300. Easy to trick. Easy to taunt.

I stand by my boycott, but for purely selfish reasons, I just want US / IOA to myself.

July 21, 2024, 11:25 AM

NB: "I just want US / IOA to myself."

Me: Apparently, since Comcast has no announced plans to add anything to its original Orlando parks, you can have that now ... and for the next two to three years.


July 22, 2024, 2:49 PM

TH: Pretty sure the plan for Epic was hatched a couple years after the financial benefits of Harry Potter at Islands of Adventure was fully realized. Universal went gangbuster on the original parks since then, and opened a first class water park as well.

I'm sure your opinion of their future expansion plans doesn't come up at Universal Creative meetings. I can hear it now... "TH on TPI is upset we have no gatecrashers planned for the next few years, we better get right on this"

I personally hope they tear down Simpsons way ahead of the contract ending and get something going in the Lost Continent as well. Sounds like Rip Ride Rockit's days are numbered.

July 22, 2024, 4:19 PM

NB: "I'm sure your opinion of their future expansion plans doesn't come up at Universal Creative meetings."

Me: I sure hope they don't. Rather I hope they revisit their efforts from 1999-2000 -- when they wisely developed MIBAA so that IOA wouldn't steal attendance from USF.

July 22, 2024, 6:18 PM

By the way, we sank into seats at the local IMAX and saw 'Twisters' last weekend. The flick was B- but it made me think that Comcast Creative ought to revisit the IP for the parks.

July 22, 2024, 8:55 PM

I never understood why they took it out. It had a small footprint and was super interesting. Not everything has to be an E ticket.

August 1, 2024, 1:32 PM

As long as they dont have virtual queue for everything (or if they do i can guarantee to get all top thrill rides and shows) i would pay $400 for the 3 park ticket and possbily just do Epic because i not going to pay 3-days worth of parking which is probably $150. Also, i dont need to visit Universal or IOA until they build something new. Those parks are played out to me. If there is even a whiff of upcharge for anything at Epic i will just stick to the 10 none Universal Resorts and water parks that are world class on their own. I still havent been to cape canaveral, legoland, or gatorland. $400 gets me 3 and 4 days of fun with shrimp and lobster. They need to do annual pass upgrades for like an additional $500 that gets you 12 non-sequential days at Epic Universe. I would opt for something like that. im most interested in the annual pass route.

August 1, 2024, 3:58 PM

@puckpilgrim: If it was $400 to get into UE that would total $1600 for a family of four ... right?

August 1, 2024, 5:14 PM

for 3 days at the park (1 day per park). yeah $1600. i would be willing to spend $400 for one day at epic and just do something else with my life for those other days. especially if i can day 1 it. Id be willing to pay $1500 as as solo goer for 3 days and 2 nights at the terra nova hotel with a 3 day ticket to Epic only!!! Zero interest in universal or ioa. However i would take a budget hotel and annual pass to all 3 for $2000. Moral of the story is i want to get into Epic and Universal and IOA is zero insentive. lets get some pricing Universal.

August 3, 2024, 6:03 PM

@puckpilgrim: I have no idea what you are trying to say.

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