Universal Free days vs Disney Discounts

June 20, 2024, 8:16 AM

Yes, Disney Discounts is an oxymoron, but I could not come up with decent title.

Universal often has - Buy 2 Days get 2 days Free, or similar promotions. So, I started to think does Disney ever have this kind of promotion?

All I can think of is if you purchase several days, the average price drops a little per day.

I know some folks buy a package for Hotel and Park tickets, but the Disney properties are usually just a room and bed not a fully resort 2 bedrooms, kitchen, balcony bla bla bla…. And it is still expensive.

I do believe Universal has a huge advantage by offering these deals.

Replies (2)

Edited: June 20, 2024, 9:53 AM

From Alberta and I've seen the buy 2 days get 2 free advertise here on local TV and one time even on the side of a bus! I've never herd or seen anything from Disney except their packages with hotels which really doesn't save you anything if you have any loyalty program with a hotel chain like Marriott or Hilton.

The big promotion that everyone loves from Canada that I haven't seen in quite a while is the Dollar at par. Meaning if tickets at $99 US then its $99 Canadian. That promotion was always an amazing deal! :)

June 20, 2024, 9:54 AM

BTW Go Oilers GO!!! :)

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