Weird Disney Ice Cream/Sweatshirt thing

June 18, 2024, 6:14 PM

While in Disneyland last week, we saw this sweatshirt:

It's called a "spirit jersey", and has a Mickey ice cream sandwich on it which looks like it contains mint chip ice cream.

However there is no such ice cream sandwich to be found in the parks -- as far as we know at least. My mint-loving daughter was disappointed. :-)

We found this article on it, which says that there is a "mint chip frosting" non ice-cream similar treat currently at Walt Disney World:


- Does a mint ice cream mickey sandwich actually exist, and if so, where do you get it ??

- If not: Why would they make sweatshirts like the ones above showing such a thing ??

Just surprised, as Disney is usually a stickler for details...

All info appreciated and thanks!

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