Which upcoming ride are you most excited about: Transformers or Radiator Springs Racers?

It depends if you like more a Spidey-like ride or a Test Track-like ride.

From Daniel Etcheberry
Posted March 11, 2012 at 6:07 PM
Racers has a themed outdoor area (Test Track lacks any theme outside) but the Epcot ride is much faster; 65mph vs 40mph.

Transformers has a bigger screen and the inside of an office building that takes you closer to the action. The updated Spidey may close the gap though.

From Rob Pastor
Posted March 11, 2012 at 6:40 PM
Dan: I'm looking forward to Transformers & don't really have much interest in the Cars Land major attraction. I never understood the allure & reputation of Test Track. I was very disappointed in it & don't even mind that it will be down when I'm at Disney in late April early May. I've been following the Cars Land construction at California Disney, and while it looks tremendous and will surely be loved by young children, the main ride, similar to Test Track, leaves me completely disinterested. But Transformers appears to be my type of ride. Robert Niles description & enthusiastic critique of the attraction just about guarantees that this is a must ride for me.

From James Rao
Posted March 11, 2012 at 9:42 PM
If it all pans out, I look to be in SoCal in late September. I will definitely visit USH and Transformers, but I will save the best for last: Cars Land. After all, Transfomers is one ride, Cars Land represents five years of dedicated work on a $1.2B project. There is really no way to compare one new ride to the rebirth of a theme park!

From James Trexen
Posted March 11, 2012 at 10:12 PM
I'm actually looking forward more to the flying tires than Test Track with Keith Ferguson and Larry the Cable Guy.

From Sarah Barnes
Posted March 11, 2012 at 11:26 PM
I'm also keen on the flying tires. I will queue for however long it takes in July. I'm not so sure that Transformers is my thing. It will depend on how much time I have after doing the other things I wish to do at Universal.

From AJ Hummel
Posted March 11, 2012 at 11:53 PM
I'm definitely excited about both, but more excited about Cars Land. Radiator Springs Racers looks like a lot of fun, and I'm sure it will be excellent for someone like me who hasn't been on Test Track. Luigi's Flying Tires also looks like a really clever take on a bumper cars ride, and I can't wait to ride it as well. Mater's Junkyard Jamboree...well, that one I'll probably do once just to say I've done it.

As for Transformers, I definitely plan to go ride it and I'm sure it will be good, but it is actually fourth on my list of new for 2012 attractions in Southern California (second is Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom at Six Flags Magic Mountain and third is Manta at SeaWorld San Diego).

From Tim Odom
Posted March 12, 2012 at 7:53 AM
I am a huge Transformers fan from back in the '80s, and I just have never gotten into Cars at all. But, to be honest, if I had my pick, I am more eager for RSR. For a couple of reasons.

First, I liked the '80s Transformers, not the Bay-Transformers, where all the robots look exactly the same. In the '80s, you could tell Ironhide from Prowl, and all the Decepticons did not all look like clones of one another. Yeah, it should be explosion-tastic, and a lot of fun (the new movies are fun, if completely nothing like the old stuff) but I ended up disappointed with them.

Second, while I dislike Cars (it's the only Pixar film I quite frankly have no desire to ever see), I want to see what Disney does with what, for them, would be a next gen ride. This is not re-working a simulator like Star Tours, nor a new animatronic filled dark ride like Little Mermaid, but a true next gen ride. Please don't take this as a knock towards Star Tours (I love me some Star Wars, and NEED to go on Star Tours 2), but there is a distinct difference in making a completely new experience with RSR and reworking a 20 year old experience with Star Tours. I am very eager to see what Disney has up their sleaves.

From Manny Barron
Posted March 12, 2012 at 11:32 AM
Transformers by far. RSR looks really cool and fun as well, but Transformers are just perfect for an immersive theme park attraction. The Spider-Man ride system is amongst the best in the world and there is overwhelming positive buzz coming out of Singapore where this ride has been open for some time.

From Giovanny Cruz
Posted March 12, 2012 at 1:20 PM
If is about rides I'm more exited about transformers why the technology looks better and I love transformers.But if it is about the whole thing I'l. Say cars land because is a whole land and transformers is just an attraction

From Bob Liebe
Posted March 12, 2012 at 4:19 PM
IMO I can't wait for Transformers. I love the movies and the Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man ride at IOA, so putting the two together is a no-brainer for me! But I'm also excited for Radiator Springs at DCA. The pictures of the land look great and I think the rides will be awesome, but I give the nod to Transformers. Sadly I probably won't be able to visit either rides at least for tree years or so. Hopefully WWOHP will be opened by then to so I can catch all of the new stuff on the west coast in one trip!

From Andy Milito
Posted March 13, 2012 at 2:46 PM
Dom, is it really too hard to type out "Test Track"? Your weird acronyms are so confusing...

To answer the question, I'd rather ride Transformers. It looks similar to Spider-Man, but I still prefer Transformers over Cars; I thought Cars was one of the weakest Pixar films.

From Frankie F
Posted March 14, 2012 at 8:47 PM
Radiator Springs Racers, Cars Land, Buena Vista Street, Ghirardelli Soda Fountain, Red Car Trolley... DCA is where it's at this summer!

From Manny Barron
Posted March 14, 2012 at 9:06 PM
I believe the original question was Radiator Springs Racers or Transformers, not Carsland or Transformers like some people have mentioned.

It was ride A or ride B, not land or ride. Just sayin.

From Daniel Etcheberry
Posted March 15, 2012 at 6:52 AM
Thank you Manny for making it clear what the topic of this thread is about.

From Jay R.
Posted March 15, 2012 at 2:13 PM
I'm going with Transformers.

I have an aunnual pass to Universal, and we don't have Spider-man here, so I can't wait!

From Daniel Etcheberry
Posted March 18, 2012 at 8:40 AM
Transformers wins by popular vote!

From Dominick D
Posted March 19, 2012 at 9:49 AM
Andy, I thought you didn't like the Transformers ride?

From Andy Milito
Posted March 21, 2012 at 2:54 PM
I said it's a little too similar to Spidey, but I'd rather ride a Spidey clone than a Test Track clone.

From José María Sandoval
Posted March 21, 2012 at 3:13 PM

From Mark Fairleigh
Posted March 22, 2012 at 8:09 AM
RSR for me. Just not a huge Transformers fan. Thinking of a trip out West based on the preview vids of RSR and Cars Land in general.

From Skipper Adam
Posted March 22, 2012 at 8:23 AM
Why do I have to pick? I'm excited for both clone versions.

From Jay R.
Posted March 22, 2012 at 2:08 PM
Lol, Skipper! I'm fine with the clones too, haha!

Plus our themes will be different than our Florida counterparts (much like Indy & Dinosaur......and we know which one folks seem to prefer :-)

Attack of the clones!!

From Skipper Adam
Posted March 22, 2012 at 2:11 PM
I have to agree, different themes really mean different rides. Heck, look at the Haunted Mansion versus the dismal Little Mermaid ride.

From Jay R.
Posted March 22, 2012 at 2:41 PM
Yeah, haunted mansion & mermaid have the same ride concept, but didfferent results.

And even when you look at the same versions of rides like Space Mountain, tower of terror & pirates, they all have dramatic differences.

From Dominick D
Posted March 22, 2012 at 4:11 PM
Yeah, I think most people agree on these comparisons:

MK Pirates < DL Pirates
MK Haunted Mansion > DL Haunted Mansion
MK Splash > DL Splash
MK Small World < DL Small World

From Daniel Etcheberry
Posted March 22, 2012 at 5:36 PM
I hate the Transformers movies, but the ride looks great. Cars (the movie) is not among the best from Pixar, and Cars 2 may be their worst, but Radiator Springs Racers looks so nice (great scenery, cool cars design)

Just look at the Mummy; mediocre movies, great ride!

From Dominick D
Posted March 22, 2012 at 6:49 PM
I'm a Transformer fan, just not a Micheal Bay Transformer fan, that's why I'm more excited to RSR. Forgot to give reasoning.

From Jay R.
Posted March 22, 2012 at 6:54 PM
Hey Dom,

Is that the norm reasoning about MK's Splash vs DL's version?

I always thought DL's version was considered better?

Also not a huge fan of Bay's Transformers, but I'm still excited about the ride. And I actually liked the first Cars, so RSR is also cool with me.

From Skipper Adam
Posted March 22, 2012 at 7:45 PM
I think WDW's Splash is way better.

From Matt Babiak
Posted March 23, 2012 at 3:47 AM
I'm never going to go to either. But one is based off of the worst pixar movie ever(Cars 2). I vote Transformers.

From Daniel Etcheberry
Posted March 23, 2012 at 10:32 AM
Skipper, why is Splash Mountain way better at WDW?

Matt, Radiator Springs Racers and Carsland are based on the first Cars movie which is way better than Cars 2.

From Matt Babiak
Posted March 23, 2012 at 11:36 AM
The first Cars was actually pretty good. The 2nd one was a train wreck.

From Jay R.
Posted March 23, 2012 at 1:57 PM
The second one was a "car" wreck.......

Yeah, I like the first Cars, which is where Radiator Springs was based.

From Beth Jo
Posted April 3, 2012 at 9:48 AM
Aside from the type of attractions that will be there...I am more excited for Transformers because I enjoyed the cartoons/movies more than the "Cars" movies.

From Skipper Adam
Posted April 3, 2012 at 1:13 PM
The differences between the Splash Mountains aren't major, but make a difference to me. Disneyland's Splash has a single row of seats. The water flows faster making it hard to see what there is to see and the scenes are sort of incoherent. Disney World's Splash seat two people per row. The ride is slower so it is more relaxing and longer. The Drop is taller and if it matters, the story makes sense at WDW. Brer Rabbit runs away, gets trapped and tricks Brer Fox into throwing him into the Brer Patch (his home and the final drop). There are smaller details too, like the soundtrack, having different characters, different animatronics, etc. Overall, the WDW version is just more enjoyable.

From N B
Posted April 5, 2012 at 3:56 AM
What is with all the Cars 2 hatred? We saw it a drive-in movie theater over the summer and it was as good as the first one. I actually liked it better in some ways.

Watching Cars 2 in the drop-top with the family made it all that much cooler. They even stopped it for intermission half way through so we could visit the circa 1961 snack bar. Super 8 was the second movie of the double feature... loved that too.

Anyways, I would have to go Transformers, my daughter, definitely Radiator Springs Racers.

From Dominick D
Posted April 5, 2012 at 9:33 AM
NB, I also liked Cars 2. I even thought is was better than the first.

From James Trexen
Posted April 5, 2012 at 1:44 PM
My problem with Cars 2 was that it lacked the emotion and charm that Pixar does best, which was sort of my problem with Ratatouille as well but that's neither here nor there. I could not feel any compassion or emotion whatsoever for the characters. With Cars 2, it seemed like it was just supposed to focus on Mater, which I'm okay with, but the others from the original barely had screen time. Okay, rant over.

From Jay R.
Posted April 5, 2012 at 4:56 PM
James, I agree. I really liked the first one & felt that it was unfairly seen as Pixar's worse.

The setting, plot, characters, the "lesson" etc. all semed standard pixar.

With the Cars 2, I felt it wasn't really a sequel as a "spin off / re-do" introducing & a new group of characters. The original Cars had one of the lowest foreign grosses (during the time when Pixar was established) & the second came off as more "global" for "global sake", than an actual continuation of the story (ala Toy Story).

The small town feel of the first movie felt more Pixar ish than the globe trotting spy plot of the second one.

From Giovanny Cruz
Posted April 6, 2012 at 7:52 AM
Cars 2 was more entretainig than the first but the first had the best story I think they do this in almost all the animated films the first one is really good and the sequel is just to entratain I think the only seques of animeted films that have pass the challenge have been toy story triology,the two kun fu panda movies and the four of sherk well the first two of sherk I really didn't like the third one and the fourth was to entertain but not that good with the story

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