I found a YouTube video of Transformers

There is a few seconds of total darkness, but the rest of the video gives a very clear idea of the kind of ride.

From Daniel Etcheberry
Posted December 3, 2011 at 9:23 AM
Here is the link:


From Andy Milito
Posted December 3, 2011 at 8:14 AM
Looks ok, I'm a little disappointed. It looks too similar to Spider-Man, just with Michael Bay explosions every 5 seconds.

From N B
Posted December 3, 2011 at 8:19 AM
Now that I saw the video, it does look a lot like Spiderman, complete with a freefall at the end. It seems a lot more intense than SM, however. My wife is a Transformers nut, she would love it.

From Brandon Mendoza
Posted December 3, 2011 at 9:55 AM
Yeah, the freefall, plus getting "eaten" by something is getting old. I'm sure the sensation is very realistic, but anything Michael Bay touches ends up losing all creativity. It's visual diarrhea. I may actually pass when it finally opens in Hollywood. Now I wish Spider-Man was here instead!

From Muhammad Akmal Bin Salim
Posted December 5, 2011 at 9:20 AM
I have rode on the ride and i have to say its alot like spiderman just faster, complex, immersive, more dynamic , action-packed and more EPIC.
If you enjoyed Spiderman you will enjoy this ride.

From Tim Hillman
Posted December 5, 2011 at 2:59 PM
Universal puts tens of millions of dollars in this ride, and it is easily in the top ten dark rides in the world, and some of you are disappointed and other say they would pass on it?

Good heavens, folks! Are you serious?

Why would you knock this ride because it is too much like Spiderman? Isn't that a good reason to recommend it? Does every new ride have to have a unique ride system?

Take if from somebody who grew up thinking that Ferris Wheels, wooden rollercoasters, and Crack-the-Whips were the state of the art in ride technology, this is a fantastic ride.

Some of you need to learn to enjoy the ride, enjoy the story, and enjoy the moment, and keep things in perspective. With everything that is going on in the theme park industry these days you are experiencing a mini-renaissance in updated rides, new rides, new parks, and new technology. This is great!

From Ben Pope
Posted December 5, 2011 at 5:06 PM
Tim, I totally agree. With Universal, it's more about the experience than the ride itself. I would also really love to ride Transformers, and I have been on Spidey.

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