March 17th and 18th Crowds?

Universal Orlando: I'm going to Universal Orlando yet again, but this time, it'll be an overnight stay.

From Jorge Arnoldson
Posted January 6, 2011 at 5:32 PM
I'm taking a trip to Universal for a band spring trip, so I need some help on what crowd levels to expect. My Dec. 4th visit was great and had lines ranging from five minutes (Dr. Doom, skipped that) to forty five minutes (Harry Potter, went on twice)! What should I expect on March 17th and 18th?

From Hermione Potter
Posted January 6, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Height of spring break,it will be more crowded than the dec visit that's for sure! Potter throws a wrench in any past spring break theme park experiences, but if anything that would make it more crowded...

From April C
Posted January 7, 2011 at 5:21 PM
I don't think spring break is gonna be that early this year. Universal seems to be anticipating it around Easter, which is at the end of April.

I'm in Orange County and my spring break is the last week of March/first week of April.

I don't think it'll be too busy yet. Some crowds for Mardi Gras, but definitely not spring break crowd crazy.

From Brad Hogue
Posted January 7, 2011 at 6:13 PM
We went to Universal Orlando during Spring Break last year (which was pre-Potter) and the crowds were very manageable between Monday-Friday. With the exception of HRRR, all of the rides were walk-ons. The weekend was very busy with the Hulk and Spider-man having the longest waits (45-60 minutes.)

The majority of the crowd on Friday and Saturday were church/school groups.

From Hermione Potter
Posted January 7, 2011 at 7:28 PM
April is grade school spring break, but mid ot late March is college spring break for most of the south.

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