back, front or middle? what is the best seat?

The back is the best... no the front is the best... whats wrong with the middle??? these are the debates of people all over the world, and we can settle it right now!

From D-Man O'Connell
Posted November 11, 2009 at 12:42 PM
Where is your favorite place to sit on a ride, the back, front, or middle? i know this is wierd but i typically like the middle the best because it gives you an all around feeling of the ride, and you don't miss anything. :) please comment and thank you!

From Derek Potter
Posted November 11, 2009 at 12:51 PM
The main topic here would be coasters. The middle is boring to me because of the view and the nature of the forces on your body. I prefer the front because I don't have to look at the back of someone's head, and I like the sensation of being pushed down the track. In the back you are being pulled down the track, and in the middle you are just kind of there.

From Brady Allen
Posted November 11, 2009 at 1:21 PM
Definitely the front. the feeling of hanging over that first hill is great. No obstructed view and to are the track whipping by is awesome. The only coaster I like the back is the Jack Rabbit at Kennywood. Flying out your seat is still my hometown favorite.

From Andrew Holden
Posted November 11, 2009 at 1:47 PM
On short cars, such as Sheikra, I like the front more. However, with longer trains, I like the back because I like the sensation of the front falling and pulling the back along with it. It makes me feel like I am going a whole lot faster, and I like the feeling of speed more than anything else!

From Eli Katzman
Posted November 11, 2009 at 5:21 PM
Haha nice last words Derek.

(By the way, I'm not sure, but I think I may have done a post on this a while back, but thanks for bringing it back up.)

It really depends on the coaster for me. I usually like the front, because of multiple things, such as the amazing speed and sensation of being right on the hood of the car (especially floorless coasters). I also like feeling like I waited so much longer than these guys who are staring at my skull, so I deserve a better ride. ;)

Back is pretty cool too; usually more airtime than in the front (except old B&M hypers for some reason)! Still has speed, and you get whipped down the first hill. :D What I love about riding coasters in the back with a newbie on the coaster is to talk to them off topic, and then they get popped out before they knew what hit em!

I don't really like the middle... the only good about that is riding with super newbs for coasters, because it's not as intense as other parts of the coaster. Also, front-middle is good for super rough woodies and SLC's and stuff.

From Sylvain Comeau
Posted November 24, 2009 at 1:26 AM
On fast coasters, the back is the best, because of the "whip effect" -- the maximum acceleration you get at the back. On rides with an emphasis on visuals, the front is the best, because you don't have someone's head blocking your view. I definitely prefer being in the front on Spider-Man and The Simpsons, for example.

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