Updated Top 10 coasters for '09?

My brother did one in '07, I did one last year, and now this year. Any updates? What new parks have changed your top 10 coasters?

From Eli Katzman
Posted June 3, 2009 at 7:01 AM
Ok, what do you have now? My new park this year is SFOG. I'm also going to Hershey again. The last time I was there was '07, so I get to ride Fahrenheit! Also (like EVERY year), I might be going to SFGAdv... I have a better chance this year! Okay, here's mine as of right now (6/2/09)--

1. Griffon
2. Volcano: the blast coaster
3. Goliath (SFOG)
4. Alpengeist/ Apollo's Chariot
5. Hydra: the revenge/ Stormrunner
6. Lightning Racer
7. Batman the Ride (SFOG)
8. Superman: Ride of Steel (SFA)
9. Talon
10. Superman: Ultimate Flight (SFOG)

So, how about you?

From Brandon S
Posted June 3, 2009 at 9:44 AM
As of now this is mine but it will change after I visit Kings Dominion and BGE in July.1. Millennium Force at CP2. Beast at KI3. Maverick at CP4. Top Thrill Dragster at CP5. Raptor at CP6. Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland7. Firehawk at KI8. Magnum at CP9. Son of Beast at KI10. Flight of Fear at KI

From Nick Markham
Posted June 3, 2009 at 11:37 AM
Here is mine right now bu mine will also change after my first trip to SFMM!

1. Expedition Everest (AK)
2. Xcelerator (KBF)
3. Wicked! (Lagoon)
4. Revenge Of The Mummy: The Ride (USH)
5. Space Mountain (DL)
6. California Screamin' (DCA)
7. Silver Bullet (KBF)
8. Rock 'N' Roller Coaster (DHS)
9. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (MK)
10. Ghost Rider (KBF)

From Cesar Garcia
Posted June 3, 2009 at 4:42 PM
1. Xcelerator (KBF)
2. X2 (SFMM)
3. Fahrenheit (HP)
4. Terminator Salvation (SFMM)
5. Tatsu (SFMM)
6. Ghostrider (KBF)
7. Millennium Force (CP)
8. V2 (SFDK)
9. Wicked (Lagoon)
10. Revenge of the Mummy: the ride (USF)

From James Rao
Posted June 3, 2009 at 10:03 PM
I always set my calendar to Orlando Time, so here are the top 10 (+1 Honorable Mention) coasters I have ridden since my last Orlando vacation in May 2007.

1) Kraken (SWO) - Smooth as silk, and all those inversions. Amazing.

2) Apollo’s Chariot (BGW) - Airtime machine.

3) The Voyage (HW) - Best wooden coaster, EVER.

4) Expedition Everest (DAK - circa 2007) - Best themed coaster prior to 2008, back when all the effects still worked. Fix the Yeti, Disney, and this coaster goes back to #1.

5) Revenge of the Mummy (USF) - Best themed coaster, post 2008.

6) Incredible Hulk Coaster (IOA) – It’s all about the first 15 seconds of the ride. Wow!

7) Griffon (BGE) – Fast, smooth, and unique (for now) to BG parks, at least in the United States.

8) Powderkeg (SDC) – Great launch, fantastic scenery, low 42” height requirement. Best family coaster of all time.

9) Alpengeist (BGE) – Best invert I have ridden.

10a) Prowler (WOF) – Smooth as silk, fast as lightning, it hugs the terrain and turns on a dime. Brilliant night ride, as well.

10b) Wildfire (SDC) – Great scenery, smooth ride, excellent airtime moments.

From Becky Conat
Posted June 4, 2009 at 7:07 AM
Here are mine:

1. Millenium - CP
2. X2- SFMM (because its so different from anything else out there)
3. Maverick - CP
4. Superman: Ultimate Flight - SFGAm
5. California Screaming- DCA
6. Raging Bull - SFGAm
7. Tatsu - SFMM
8. Raptor - CP (beats those Batman rides at SF hands down)
9. Beast - KI
10. Revenge of Mummy - USF

From Eli Katzman
Posted June 20, 2009 at 4:08 PM
Update, after Dorney a second time:

1. Griffon
2. Volcano: the blast coaster
3. Goliath (SFOG)
4. Alpengeist/ Apollo's Chariot
5. Hydra: the revenge/ Stormrunner
6. Lightning Racer
7. Talon
8. Superman: Ride of Steel (SFA)
9. Batman the Ride (SFOG)
10. Superman: Ultimate Flight (SFOG)

Oh, also, I'm very happy that I still have Fahrenheit Hershey, a *new* stormrunner at hershey, a *new* BGE, dominator at KD, and a *new* KD to judge in the year ahead of me!

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 7, 2009 at 6:42 AM
Update, after KD a second time

1. Griffon
2. Volcano: The Blast Coaster/ Goliath (SFOG)
3. Alpengeist/ Apollo's Chariot
4. Stormrunner/ Dominator
5. Hydra: the Revenge
6. Lightning Racer
7. Talon
8. Superman: Ride of Steel (SFA)
9. Batman the Ride (SFOG)
10. Superman: Ultimate Flight (SFOG)

expect a KD tr soon ;) a still have SFstL to go this summer! :D

From Nick Markham
Posted August 7, 2009 at 10:14 AM
Well I also have anew one, since I have now been to Six Flags Magic Mountain, my list has dramatically changed:

1. X2- Amazing and unique ride, felt like the biggest coaster I have been on!
2. Tatsu- the flying feature is amazing, and that pretzel loop has a surreal feel.
3. Expedition Everest- Excelent in theming, and grea tricks, especially the helixes giving the effect you are going through many inversions!
4. Xcelerator- This ride is all about the launch and beats Kingda Ka easily with its launch right out of the station!
5. Goliath- An airtime giant! This ride was so amazing and intense, I can barely remember the ride!
6. Wicked!- Extremly smooth, nice launch, and great capacity!
7. Space Mountain- Love the theming, nice ride, and the music is great!
8. Revenge of the Mummy: The Ride- Pure thrill, and I loved it so much I had to ride it twice!
9. Riddler's Revenge- Amazing sensation when standing up, and the last corkscrew gets me every time!
10. Scream!- Nice feeling when floorless and pure smoothness!

From Brandon S
Posted August 7, 2009 at 11:33 AM
I'll brake mine up into wood and steel.

1. Griffon(BGE)
2. Millennium Force(CP)
3. Maverick(CP)
4. Volcano:The Blast Coaster(KD)
5.(tie) Alpengeist(BGE)
5.(tie) Raptor(CP)
7. Top Thrill Dragster(CP)
8. Apollos Chariot(BGE)
9. Behemoth(CWonderland)
10. Firehawk(KI)

1. Beast(KingsIsland)
2. Grizzly(KingsDominion)
3. Hurler(KD)
4. Mighty Canadian Minebuster(CanadasWonderland)
5. Rebel Yell blue side(KD)
6. Wild Beast(CanadasWonderland)
7. Racer blue(KI)
8. Racer red(KI)
9. Blue Streak(CP)
10. Big Dipper(GeaguaLake)

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 7, 2009 at 1:16 PM
Thank you brandon! Someone who finally agrees on Griffon and Volcano :D

From Brandon S
Posted August 7, 2009 at 10:45 PM
Yea, Eli, both were amazing. The only complaint I had with Volcano was that it could be longer, but those inline twists were amazing and you just float out of your seat. As for Griffon, that ride is now my favorite coaster. The whole ride was nonstop fun. I especially love the end seats in the front.

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 8, 2009 at 8:27 PM
Well, brandon, Griffon is actually one of B&M's shorter coasters, and pretty short at that, if you think about it. I think Volcano is a good enough length, and just be thankful it's longer than kingda ka and other Intamin accelerator coasters! :D I think that would be cool if it were a little longer, but if it was more than 10 seconds longer, than i think Intamin might have ruined it. Also, they didn't have too much space to work with XD Oh and actually... I haven't ridden Griffon in the front, and it's still my #1!!! I did ride it on the very left edge, in the second row, at night, but during HOWL O SCREAM, so there were no lights on the lift hill, and barely anylights down below! Absolutely bliss... :)

From Brandon S
Posted August 9, 2009 at 12:51 AM
^Sounds great Eli, when I went I really didn't get a night ride on Griffon since the park closes at 9 for some reason. I did get the darkest ride I could possibly get on it though, which was pretty cool. What I meant with Volcano is, there is just so much speed still at the end of the ride and it kind of just stops you, where you could actually keep going through more twists and inversions. And you never rode Griffon front seat? Why not?

From Adam Nodjomian
Posted August 9, 2009 at 8:51 AM
I definetly agree that Volcano should be in the top 3. The ridde is amazing and definetly worth the wait. If you have the chance, wait for the front row.

Also, Griffon is good, but not as good as Apollo's Chariot, which takes the out-and-back style to a hole new level.

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 9, 2009 at 10:06 AM
Brandon, yeah, I guess, it already has a bunch of speed and then it ends with a DROP! I think that's cool, but I know what you mean. And Adam, if I had never ridden in the front, it probably wouldn't even be in my top 25! :D

When I was with my friend at KD the other day, it was his first time (but he loves coasters), and I told him we have to ride Volcano in the front, even though he's not a "front-waiter" person. So the first time, it was a 20 minute wait because it was early in the day, and he wanted to ride 3rd row. So we did! He thought it was really good, and thought it was the best in the park because he thought dominator was just "fun". I told him it's a billion times better in the FRONT. So later that day, we went back, and the line was 45 minutes, so we took it. He agreed for the front, and now he absolutely adores it! :D I was right, once again! He said "the launch was beast! pure speed!"

Oh, and Brandon, I've actually only been to BGE 1ce, sadly, in October '07. So Griffon was there, and there were pretty big lines. Also, it was open till midnight because it was howl o scream. But, we (my brother and I) had to leave at around 10:30. Still, in the fall, the sunset comes earlier, remember? So at around 10:00, there was a line, but when you get to the station, they split you up, so only 30 people go at a time. There were 2 people in the 3rd row, 8 people in the second, and more than 20 for the front! So since we had to go, we got the 2nd row, very edge. It was pure bliss! Since we still had 20 minutes, and AC had almost no line except for the front, we rode second row, which sucked so bad. The back was really good, and ... I haven't ridden AC in the front...

But adam, you're right, AC is awesome, but... Goliath at SFOG barely beats it on my list!

From Brandon S
Posted August 9, 2009 at 11:18 AM
^I liked Apollo's Chariot, but I think it's the 3rd best coaster at Busch Gardens behind Griffon and Alpengeist. When we went to Busch Gardens the lines weren't bad, so I got tons of front seat Griffon rides, Eli.

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 9, 2009 at 3:18 PM
aww, lucky! I went on a sunday, during Howl-o-scream! The second worse day to go! I like Griffon #1, and AC and Alpie tied at #3. Oh, and guys, we are on my thread for top 10! We shouldn't have to keep telling others what's our top coasters! :D Oh, and brandon, how old are you? Both Nick and I are turning 14 in october. I'm 18th.

From Brandon S
Posted August 9, 2009 at 9:03 PM
I'm a little earlier in the year than you guys. I have a february birthday and I am 15.

From Ruth Honor
Posted August 9, 2009 at 10:02 PM
My list at the moment

1. Apollo's Chariot- BGE Best airtime.
2. Bizarro- SFNE- Flawless. Best first drop I've experienced.
3. Stromrunner- Hershey park- Best launch
4. The Hulk-IOA- smooth perfection, my favorite coaster with inversions.
5. Everest Disney's AK- Fun to the max and that damn Yeti is so cute!
6. The Mummy Universal Studios- Best themed dark coaster. Just fun, fun, fun
7. Rock and Roller Coaster Disney Studios- Best back row coaster. It is cool watching the limo moving through the inversions.
8. Space Mountain- I can't stop smiling and laughing on this classic. Can't wait to ride the new version.
9. Boulder Dash- Lake Compounce in Conn. Best Wooden Coaster built on the side of a mountain with good airtime.
10. Lightning Racer- Hershey park. A fun racing coaster that is smooth for a woodie.

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 10, 2009 at 5:00 AM
Yeah, Brandon, you're more than a year older than us.

Ruth, You said Hulk was your fav coaster with inversions. What about stormrunner? :D

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 24, 2009 at 2:37 PM
After SFstL:

1. Griffon
2. Volcano: The Blast Coaster/ Goliath (SFOG)
3. Alpengeist/ Apollo's Chariot
4. Stormrunner/ Dominator
5. Hydra: the Revenge
6. Lightning Racer
7. Talon
8. Superman: Ride of Steel (SFA)
9. The Boss/Evel Knievel
10. Batman the Ride (SFOG/SFstL)

From Jake Jones
Posted August 24, 2009 at 3:48 PM
After new parks SFKK, Beech Bend, and Magic Springs this year, here is my list (hopefully 3 Worlds of Fun rides will enter this list).
2.The Voyage
4.Rock n' Roller Coaster (Disney Studios)
5.Evel Knievel
7.Mr. Freeze (SFSTL)
8.Batman: The Ride (SFSTL)
9.Kentucky Rumbler

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 24, 2009 at 4:23 PM
Jake, I just posted my trip report on SFstL, so you will probably see it tomorrow. I hope you check it out and comment! :D I thought EK was better than Mr. Freeze and batman, but batman bested freeze, in my opinion.

From James Rao
Posted August 24, 2009 at 7:34 PM
Jake, where's Powderkeg? I can't belive Wildfire made the list and Powderkeg did not. (I totally agree with you about Kraken - best coaster EVER!).

And Eli, how could you put Boss in the same league as EK? I don't think that the Boss was ever as good as EK, even when it was brand new. That retacking work they did over the summer must have been phenomenal.

From Jake Jones
Posted August 24, 2009 at 7:40 PM
James- when I went to Silver Dollar City (I think it was 2003), Powder Keg was still BuzzSaw Falls. I did not ride this either because the final drop scared me and it was the only ride in the park with a long line. I think we need to make a Family Vacation to Branson for Table Rock Lake and SDC. Unfortunately, Celebration City is not still there or else we would have gone there instead of Beech Bend/SFKK this summer.
With the Boss: the layout is incredible, and if you like the rough coasters, the Boss could be a favorite.

From James Rao
Posted August 24, 2009 at 7:45 PM
Jake - when you ride Powderkeg, it will move into your top ten. Great ride, and a surprisingly low height requirement (42"). Definitely get back to SDC soon.

Celebration City's closing was a killer because it signaled the end of the Ozark Wildcat, another GCI masterpiece. However, the rest of the park was very lame.

I am just not impressed with Boss. It has a few moments, but pales next to EK. It is not even close between the two. And who likes rough coasters?

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 25, 2009 at 4:28 AM
Jake, have you ridden the boss this year? And james, I have no clue what they did over the winter, but it just didn't seem nearly as rough as I was expecting! A few "rocky" points, and the ending helix was a little off with the g's, but that's about it. Nothing spine braking. Take in point i rode in the first and third rows.... didn't dare ride in the back!

From Jake Jones
Posted August 25, 2009 at 7:45 PM
Eli- No, I don't think I have ridden it this year (though years do blend together), so I am not sure. I will next time I go though. How long does it take to appear on the discussion board once you post (Eli, you said you posted yesterday afternoon)?

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 26, 2009 at 4:28 AM
Well, it usually takes maybe... I'd say around 12 hours, but I have no clue. I think they can be up in 6! But something went wrong when I posted it... when you finish a post, it shows you what you just wrote, and you can write a comment before anyone else, but it's not posted yet. But, when I posted my tr, I never saw that screen... luckily, i was using a couple days to write it (didn't have that much time), so I saved half of it to a word document. When I was done, I never thought to save it.

From Jake Jones
Posted August 26, 2009 at 3:54 PM
Mine as well repost the first half, and then shorten the second half so its not as much of a pain to write again.

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 27, 2009 at 2:06 PM
yeah, but I'm kinda lazy, so it could take a few days :D

From steve lee
Posted August 27, 2009 at 5:56 PM
Don't feel bad, Eli. I just finished my Worlds of Fun report, and I was there at the end of June...

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 28, 2009 at 3:11 PM
I didn't really... but it's kinda bad to wait a while, because you usually forget certain details about the park. Well, it was my first time, so it's different. Don't you go to WoF here and there?

From Jake Jones
Posted August 30, 2009 at 6:03 PM
After WOF today-
2.The Voyage
*Wildfire (its been so long)
*Rock n' Roller Coaster (its been so long)
4.Evel Knievel
8.Mr. Freeze (SFSTL)
9.Batman: The Ride (SFSTL)
10.Kentucky Rumbler

Mamba would be #3 if the mid course second half was better (I don't know if it was the layout or the Midcourse breaks). I got a little airtime, but mostly it felt like a cool down run after the intense first three drops. I asked the coaster operator why they slowed the train down so much during one train operation, and he said, "We can't have the train going 75 mph through the whole course, or else at the end, when we stopped the riders would break their necks." Even if it was running a little faster second half I think it would be my #4.

From Brandon S
Posted August 30, 2009 at 7:43 PM
Update after Dorney and Hersheypark

1. Griffon(BGE)
2. Millennium Force(CP)
3. Fahrenheit(HP)
4. Maverick(CP)
5. Volcano:The Blast Coaster(KD)
6. Talon(DP)
7.(tie) Alpengeist(BGE)
7.(tie) Raptor(CP)
8. Storm Runner(HP)
9. Top Thrill Dragster(CP)
10. Apollos Chariot(BGE)

1. Beast(KingsIsland)
2. Lightning Racer Lightning(HP)
3. Lightning Racer Thunder(HP)
4. Wildcat(HP)
5. Grizzly(KingsDominion)
6. Hurler(KD)
7. Mighty Canadian Minebuster(CanWond)
8. Comet(HP)
9. Thunderhawk(DP)
10. Rebel Yell blue side(KD)

From Eli Katzman
Posted August 31, 2009 at 2:24 PM
Snap, brandon! You really think that talon is better than Alpie? Well, that's your opinion. Have you ridden em both in the front? And kudos for your Hershey woodies. I love em! Keep in mind why Wildcat isn't that smooth- the first GCI coaster ever. ;) Did you check out my Lightning racer comments in the park reviews? Why did you think Lighting was better than thunder? (I'm the same way, I just wanted to know.)

From Brandon S
Posted August 31, 2009 at 4:17 PM
I think the interaction was just better from the Lightning side, kind of how Thunder goes over you, while you go under it. Yes, I think Talon is better than Alpie. It's hard to explain why to, because I don't think there is really a term for what I like, but it's right before the helixes when you go down a short hill and come up real quickly into an inversion. I just love the feeling it gives you. Alpie doesn't have that. That's also the reason I don't consider Alpie better than Raptor at Cedar Point, but I do consider them tied. As for Wildcat, I loved it, and it wasn't too rough, at least compared to Mean Streak at CP. Comet was also surprisingly good. By the way, I will try to get a trip report up, but I'm going to wait a few days because school just started and I don't have as much time, but they are coming. Eli, I read somewhere else that you never have rode Fahrenheit? You have to ride it in the front seat! It's amazing, and the restraints are actually comfortable.

From Eli Katzman
Posted September 1, 2009 at 3:20 PM
Yeah, brandon, Same for me on lightning racer. While thunder jumps over you, you take this amazingly smooth, graceful, and powerful turn to the left, that's perfectly banked... that 2 seconds totally changes the ride experience! :D Yeah, school started yesterday for me, too. I'm in 8th grade. How bout you?

And when I went to Hershey this year, rain spoiled my fahrenheit and stormrunner experiences (not open), and at one point, fahrenheit was testing, so they even got my spirits up! But then they closed it before the opened it... :( I don't really wanna get into details now. But next year, I'm going 2ce, so I'll most likely def. have a chance!

From Brandon S
Posted September 1, 2009 at 8:30 PM
I'm a sophomore, Eli. Yea, one thing I hated about Hershey was their rain policy. I don't know if it had to do with having a radar in the park or what, but they would close rides down a good half hour before the rain/storm even hit! I was about to get my first Lightning Racer Lightning ride in, then they said that there were storms, only to have it be fine for half an hour.

From Eli Katzman
Posted September 2, 2009 at 3:16 PM
ouch, sorry. My brother is a junior. But Storms are a good cause for closing it.

From Brandon S
Posted September 2, 2009 at 8:22 PM
Yea I know it is, I just think they could wait a little longer when the sky was still only partly cloudy when they closed it. I don't know if they have different laws,though, at the Pennsylvania parks because at my home park, Cedar Point, they don't close all the rides down until lightning is actually spotted, and even then if it's not close they will leave them open sometimes.

From Eli Katzman
Posted September 3, 2009 at 6:35 PM
Well, maybe hershey closes them early, so then when it DOES thunder, they won't have to empty out the line? So no one would be aloud to get in at that point?

From Eli Katzman
Posted October 11, 2009 at 11:53 AM
After SFGAdv:

1. Kingda Ka
2. El Toro
3. Griffon
4. Volcano: The Blast Coaster/ Goliath (SFOG)
5. Alpengeist/ Apollo's Chariot
6. Stormrunner
7. Nitro
8. Hydra: the Revenge
9. Lightning racer/ Dominator
10. The Boss/ Talon

Close ones, but not there:
1. Evel Knievel
2. Bizarro
3. Superman: ROS @ SFA
4. Batman: the ride/ Superman: Ultimate Flight
5. Flight of Fear

I will most likely have a tr up before the end of tomorrow. And this was extremely hard to decide...

Anyone have any updates?

From Jake Jones
Posted October 11, 2009 at 12:58 PM
"I will most likely have a tr up before the end of tomorrow."

You said that last time. :)

I can't wait until Friday seeing how your lineup was shaken up so much (again, I hope still hoping that I go). Eli- how many coasters have you ridden, because it seems you have ridden some pretty darn good ones? And how were the crowds?

From James Rao
Posted October 11, 2009 at 3:47 PM
14 coasters in your top 10, Eli. 20 coasters listed overall. I could see one or two honorable mentions, but goodness, your Top 10 list is a bit out of control. Why not just make a top 20? Clean that up, would you? Sometimes you have to make the hard choices. ;)

From Eli Katzman
Posted October 11, 2009 at 5:38 PM
Ik, james, I just have so many that I have to put on there! Still, my "10" stays as is. And jake, are you on coasterfanatics.com? According to them, I have ridden 68 coasters. How about you? (I don't know how to post my coaster count.) And that stuff will have to wait for tomorrow... :P Yeah, I always reconsider after a while. I can get messed up! :D

From Jake Jones
Posted October 11, 2009 at 8:51 PM
I have 48 or 49 coasters (I still have not figured out one or two). I have been to 15 parks, but I have never been to a park with over 8 coasters, and only 3 parks with 6 or more operating coasters (SFKK, SFSTL, WOF). I went to Geaga Lake when I was little so that doesn't count.

From Eli Katzman
Posted October 12, 2009 at 2:31 PM
aww that sucks. I'm in a really good spot for the "coaster world". Since I'm right smack in the middle of the east coast, Hershey and KD are both about 2 hours away, SFA about 30 minutes, and Dorney, SFGAdv, and BGE all 3 hours away. Good, right?

From Nick Markham
Posted October 12, 2009 at 3:18 PM
You think the post above yours had it bad. The only park I am near is my home park Lagoon. While it does have eight coasters, the tallest is 110 feet and there are only three inversions between the park's only two inverting coasters, Wicked! and Colossus. The next closest parks are all 500 miles away! But I have been lucky to still get to Disneyland and DCA, Knott's, SFMM, Universal Hollywood, and WDW.

From Jake Jones
Posted October 12, 2009 at 4:46 PM
Yeah you do have a good spot Eli, and you also have the piers in New Jersey. However the Midwest really is not so bad from STL. After SFSTL, we have WOF, Holiday World, Beech Bend all less that 4 hours away. SDC and SFKK are 4-5 hour drives and SFGAM and Indiana Beech are 5-6 hour drives. So the number of parks is not lacking, but the quality of the coasters (especially steel) definitely is. The only problem is that other than HW/BB/SFKK these parks are really spread out, like equidistant spokes on a wheel from St. Louis. A multiple park trip in the Northeast would be much easier to make with less hassle between parks.

From Eli Katzman
Posted October 13, 2009 at 12:10 PM
Yeah, I guess I really am fortunate... I used to think that south-east penn. would be the best spot, but then you would have a hard time getting to Virginia, so I'm happy the way I am. :D

Oh, Jake, I'm about halfway through my tr, but I haven't had too much time on the computer... could stretch out as late as Friday, but I will most likely post it before that. Sorry!

From Jake Jones
Posted October 13, 2009 at 4:48 PM
No need to be sorry-remember I posted my WOF TR in parts over the course of a week. But if you are closing in on time (Thursday night), could you just give me the wait times for each coaster, if you got a flash pass, and any other quick park tips. Thanks.

From Eli Katzman
Posted October 14, 2009 at 2:34 PM
Ok, ok. Well, I had shorter waits in the morning and early afternoon because it wasn't fright fest YET. After 5:00, El toro was 50 minutes, Kingda ka was 1 hour 5 min (for the front), and Nitro was 45 minutes. So get ready to wait!

No, I didn't buy a flash pass, and I didn't need to or even plan to, mainly because both my friend and I that went are patient.

Quick tips: Don't go past the dark knight, because it's cut off at the xplanitarium.
Also, to get from El toro to Nitro or vice versa, just go along the lake. To get from Batman to kingda ka or vice versa, follow the green trashcans. Hope this helps. :D

From Jake Jones
Posted October 16, 2009 at 8:52 PM
Here is my new Top 10 coasters. And yes, I only got to ride 3 coasters at SFGADV, I will explain later.

1. El Toro (so intense, especially at night and in rain).
2. Kraken
3. Nitro (I wish it had a few more big hills instead of helix maybe, but it was great at night, but I honestly think Mamba might have better feeling of speed, though, but this doesn't quit 1/2 way through).
4. The Voyage
5. Bizzaro (alot of fun, I liked the theme).
*Wildfire (its been so long)
*Rock n' Roller Coaster (its been so long)
7. Evel Knievel
8. Raven
9. Mamba
10. Patriot

Old Top 10:
2.The Voyage
*Wildfire (its been so long)
*Rock n' Roller Coaster (its been so long)
4.Evel Knievel
8.Mr. Freeze (SFSTL)
9.Batman: The Ride (SFSTL)
10.Kentucky Rumbler

From Eli Katzman
Posted October 17, 2009 at 9:42 AM
reasonable choices for your 3! Let me ask you; where did you ride all of them (El toro, nitro, bizarro)? The best places for them:
El toro- back
Nitro- front
Bizarro- front

El toro, of course, why not the back?! :D
Nitro, the back has the same amount of air time as the front (not as much as I had hoped), so the front is the best choice, for speed, mainly
Bizarro, floorless coasters are meant to be put in the front, because if you're anywhere else, you don't feel like it's floorless. Just a crappy sit down... ok that was a little harsh, but the middle on all floorless coasters are usually terrible compared to the front. :D

From Jake Jones
Posted October 17, 2009 at 9:48 PM
Let me rephrase- we were in the park for a full 30 minutes!!! We rode El Toro and Nitro in third row from back and Bizzarro in second row (from front). We had NO time to wait for any rows whatsoever. I heard that BM hypers and El Toro were either best in the very front or towards the back, so we rode towards the back.

And you made a good point, the reason Mamba felt faster was that I rode Mamba in the front, so that's why.

I will type a full TR when I get back to STL, but in short, we got to the park at 7 30 while it was raining. They decided to close the park at 8 00 due to low attendance (we found this out at 7 15 when I called as the rain picked up), but used the weather as an excuse (which even the ride ops explained to us). It stopped raining at 8 00. There were less than 2 000 people at the park apparently so it was their policy to close. I was very upset, but at least I got 3 of the best coasters in.

From Eli Katzman
Posted October 18, 2009 at 9:38 AM
Yeah, that sucks, man. I donno what you can write about in your tr! :D okay, it's not that funny, but for my first time, I would be as pissed or way more than you. I think you wasted a few minutes going to Bizarro... haha maybe not, but KdK was closed, right? Well, at least you can say that you've been! And is their policy to close at 8:00 if they don't have a high enough attendance record?

From Jake Jones
Posted October 18, 2009 at 5:36 PM
Right, we were told KDK was closed, plus we didn't see it running. And it was dark so we had no idea where we were going, and since it was my first time at the park, I would much rather try new coasters rather than re ride a coaster. Also, we heard Bizzaro (which I expected to be okay) was close to El Toro, and we did not realize Bizzaro was a good hike away (as I remember it). However, Bizzaro surprised me with a great Zero G Roll and good theme. And after Bizzaro, our choice was S:UF or Nitro with 12 minutes until close. We ran across to Nitro, asking directions very frequently. And yes, now that I think about, I was surprised I was not more pissed.

This was from the person next to me on Bizzaro: "The ride op said that if they have less than 2000 by 8 00, then they close." But I don't know what the restrictions to this are and how true this is.

And after further review, I think I would rather ride Patriot than Mamba, since I have now tried Nitro which gives me a new standard for a hypercoaster (though Mamba is still a great ride). This is also due to that I rode Nitro at night and it was great, though not as intense or fast as expected.

From Eli Katzman
Posted October 18, 2009 at 5:56 PM
yeah, in the front, you get so much wind! Now try Kingda ka in the front! :D

From Brandon S
Posted October 19, 2009 at 12:51 PM
Yea, that sucks Jake. I went to Kings Island over the weekend, and we were supposed to go on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, only to have them close it on Thursday because of "inclement weather" (aka, we aren't going to have that many visitors anyway because it's Thursday, so lets close the park because we won't break even.) The weather was fine on Thursday night with no rain and decent temps. The weather was worse on Friday, but they were open.

From Eli Katzman
Posted October 19, 2009 at 2:53 PM
Whoa, whoa whoa... So now BOTH companies are going cheep on us?! This doesn't look good for next year! :(

From Brandon S
Posted October 21, 2009 at 12:37 PM
Well at least Kings Island didn't open that night only to say we are going to close. They said early in the day that they were not going to open, but still, they should have opened and just warned people some of the rides may not be running.

From Andrew Holden
Posted November 7, 2009 at 7:46 PM
My Top 10
4)Expedition Everest
5)Rock 'n' Roller Coaster
7)Superman/Bizaro (SFNE)
10)Great American Scream Machine (SFOG)

From Adam Nodjomian
Posted November 8, 2009 at 6:43 AM
Top 10:
1)Apollo's Chariot (BGE)
2)Volcano: The Blast Coaster (KD)
3)SheiKra (BGA)/Griffon (BGE)
4)Diamondback (KI)
5)Hulk (IOA)
6)Kraken (SWO)
7)Superman (SFFT)
8)Kumba (BGA)
9)Montu (BGA)
10)Dueling Dragons (IOA)

From Eugene Koh
Posted January 22, 2010 at 12:40 AM
1. Goliath (Smoothness and Airtime)
2. Maverick (Very filling Lift Hill, I like the Horseshoe and the tunnel lauch.)
3. Griffon (Fast, big and smooth as wonder.)
4. Diamondback (Airtime, smoothness and water involving. I like the scenery.)
5. El Toro (Smooth as steel, good airtime)
6. Apollo's Chariot (Smoothest Coaster i've been on).
7. Dominator (Have you ridden it? It's a thrilling machine.)
8. Superman Ride of Steel (Smooth yet unstoppable fun and speed despite not much airtime hills.)
9. Georgia Scorcher (Not like Mantis or Chang, short buy comfortable to ride on.)
10. Prowler (Better than any traditional woodie you have been on, silky and fast.)

From Rob Chandler
Posted January 22, 2010 at 2:52 PM
10.rock n roller
9.duelling dragons-both
5.rip ride rockit
4.the revenge of the mummy
1.the hulk

From Eugene Koh
Posted March 3, 2010 at 7:03 PM
It has been a YEARs since 09. Can we post a 2010 version?

From James Rao
Posted March 3, 2010 at 10:14 PM
Think you should wait until after the summer season, then people can reevaluate...

BTW, Eugene, go up to the fifth post from the top and see what I listed for my #1.... don't look now, but I think you and I have something in common! ;)

Although, in my list, Everest with a inanimate Yeti should be placed AFTER Revenge of the Mummy, not before. *CHOKE*

From Eugene Koh
Posted March 3, 2010 at 11:53 PM
When I went to Expedition Everest, there WAS a animatronic Yeti.


1. Kraken
2. Goliath/ Manta
3. Maverick/ Expedition Everest
4. Griffon/ Diamondback
5. Space Mountain/ El Toro
6. Rock N' Roller Coaster
7. Apollo's Chariot
8. Dominator
9. Superman: Ride of Steel (SIX FLAGS AMERICA)
10. Prowler/ Patriot

Wow. People might go to Busch Gardens or Orlando parks though. They open all seasons. My home park opens seasonally. But it's gonna open this Saturday! Catching a plane to Tampa tomorrow! PS! Can't wait for BGT! I know what you are talking about! We both like Kraken as no. 1.

From Eugene Koh
Posted March 4, 2010 at 12:00 AM
By the way, come and ride the Fearless Freeps Dare Devil at my home park Six Flags Over Georgia.

From Mike Gallagher
Posted March 4, 2010 at 3:44 AM
I don't keep a record of an "official" full Top Ten, but the one new-to-me coaster I rode in '09 that made it into my Ten was Ravine Flyer II at Waldameer. It's now my # 2, nestling snugly between El Toro at #1 and Voyage at #3. However, if I get back to Holiday World this summer as hoped, I anticipate Voyage emerging as #2.


From James Rao
Posted March 4, 2010 at 4:03 AM
Skycoasters are an abomination in my eyes, Eugene. I just won't ride upcharge attractions. I think they should be removed from all amusement parks.

And, Mike, with those new Timberliner trains, you might want to allow for the possibility that the Voyage could emerge as your new #1.... =)

From drew horsefield
Posted March 4, 2010 at 6:00 PM
1. Millenium Force
2. Maverick
3. Top Thrill Dragster
4. Montu
5. Sheikra
6. Mystery Mine
7. Apollo's Chariot
8. Alpengeist
9. The Boss (SFSL)
10. Thunderhead (Dollywood)

Notible Mentions:

Mr. Freeze (SFSL)
Z-Force (defunct)
Big Bad Wolf (always great)
Rock-n-Rollercoaster (MGM)
Fire in the Hole (hahaha!!!)

From James Rao
Posted March 4, 2010 at 8:44 PM
Ain't nothing wrong with Fire-In-The-Hole, at all. Although, I consider it more of a dark ride, than a roller coaster.

(PS -> I will be at Silver Dollar City in about a month...I cannot wait!!!!).

From Eugene Koh
Posted March 7, 2010 at 12:14 AM
Wow, I seriosly hate people who post in your Discussion and never post another one back if you try to reply to them. BTW, I think Kraken is still my no.1 after I went to Busch Gardens Africa!

From Jake Jones
Posted March 25, 2010 at 8:16 PM
New Top Ten
1. El Toro
2. Shiekra (NEW) - so beautiful, efficient, front row large seat made this an unforgetable experience
3. Montu (NEW)- intense even in 4th row
4. Nitro
5. Kraken
6. Kumba (NEW)- similar to Kraken, without the drop
7. The Voyage
8. Bizzaro
*Wildfire (its been so long)
*Rock n' Roller Coaster (its been so long)
10. Evel Knievel/Raven

Old Top Ten
1. El Toro
2. Kraken
3. Nitro
4. The Voyage
5. Bizzaro
*Wildfire (its been so long)
*Rock n' Roller Coaster (its been so long)
7. Evel Knievel
8. Raven
9. Mamba
10. Patriot

From Mike Gallagher
Posted March 25, 2010 at 5:30 PM
Hey Jake,

Which Bizzy?


From Jake Jones
Posted March 25, 2010 at 8:08 PM
The Bizzaro I am refering too is the B&M sit down looper at SFGADV. Sorry for the confusion

From Eugene Koh
Posted March 27, 2010 at 12:58 AM
Can anyone ever mention Intimidator? It's gonna open. I have ridden Diamondback on the B&M trains. I'm going to Carowinds in a few weeks time!

From James Rao
Posted March 27, 2010 at 12:40 PM
Check the Blog Flume (front page), Eugene. Russell Meyer just posted an Intimidator (Carowinds) write-up.

From Eugene Koh
Posted March 27, 2010 at 3:06 PM
I really can't wait. It's gonna be an air floater and smoothie.

From Tyler Bell
Posted March 30, 2010 at 12:06 PM
mine are;
1.Apollos Chariot
2.Rip Ride Rockit
3.Dragons Challenge(Hungarin Horntail)
5.Incredible Hulk Coaster
7.Revenge of The Mummy(USF)
9.Dragons Challenge(Chinese Fireball)
10.Rockin Rollercoaster(DHS)

From Eugene Koh
Posted March 30, 2010 at 2:12 PM
Harry Potter opened already? Or are you mentioning Dueling Dragons?

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