'Plan Your Day' Game Plan: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Planning a trip to Tampa to visit Busch Gardens? We've got your strategy for the day right here.

From Kevin Baxter
Posted August 10, 2002 at 9:34 PM
Now here is one fun little park to figure out an itinerary for!!!

1st - Montu (twice, at least!)
2nd - Rhino Rally
3rd - Kumba
4th - Gwazi (both sides)

This actually takes you completely around the park, which is a bit of a pain, but BG doesn't have a lot of biggies, so it is very important to get those out of the way early. Some might say Gwazi should be ridden first since it is newer than Montu, but for some reason it just doesn't get the lines that Montu does.

Then again, you may not have a choice. Sometimes BG only opens the front area at park opening, meaning your only choices are Gwazi or shopping. So ride both sides of Gwazi until your heart's content then scramble over to the Egypt side before it opens to ride Montu.

As for the rest of the day, I suggest making another circle riding anything as you come upon it. Watch the schedule for World Rhythms on Ice showtimes since it is really the only worthwhile show in the park, except for the Bird Show, MAYBE. (I don't think the dolphin show exists anymore.) Save the animal stuff for after lunch when crowds will be worse.

Things to save for the afternoon or when lines get long - Edge of Africa, Myombe Reserve, Train around the Serengeti Plain (best place to climb aboard is in Nairobi and the best place to climb off is in the Congo... the rest is all boring park stuff), World Rhythms on Ice, Aviary, Animal Nursery, Orchid Canyon (if it still even exists).

Things to skip if necessary - Python, whatever is in the Stanleyville Theater, Stanley Falls Log Flume (usually a long line for a short boring ride).

Any other suggestions?

From Cerbrenda Brown
Posted August 11, 2002 at 7:38 AM
So what happened to the dolphins at BG? They used to to be at Sea World, then they moved them to BG. Where have they gone now?

From Daniel Williams IOA Fanatic
Posted August 11, 2002 at 7:43 AM
I thought they moved the dolphins to BG because they were doing a rehab of the dolphin area in Seaworld Orlando.


And here's my little game plan. Note: When I was there the skyrail was closed and Rhino Rally was still under construction.

Get there about 30 mins before gates open because the parking is a nightmare and it takes ages to get from the car park to the gates.

As soon as gates open head for montu. After you've done this either run to Rhino Rally or jump on the train to see the animals and get dropped off right in front of Kumba. Usualy you get here so early your the only one on kumba with your choice of seats. They dont even force you to unload so you can go round as many times as you want. By now they might have opened Congo River Rapids. Jump on this and get drenched. If its still closed then just nose at the nearby animals.

Once you've done this you can wander down to Gwazi via the animals and other water rides/old coasters. Then you might wana remember that you havent eaten yet...

From Deborah Davis
Posted August 11, 2002 at 7:58 AM
I just asked my 7-year-old nephew (who goes there a lot) and according to him the dolphin show is still running. I was there last year & saw it. Very cute! BTW: don't forget to schedule time to stop off at the Hospitality house for the free beer.

From neil chipper
Posted August 11, 2002 at 8:28 AM
The Dolphin show is still running in BG but it is very similar to the show at Sea World even down to the same jokes.

From Anthony Eden
Posted August 11, 2002 at 6:35 PM
I disagree, go to Rhino Rally first thing when you enter the park. If you dont get there within the first 45 mins
expect to wait a while. The lines only get worse as the days go on too.

From Denny Mac
Posted August 11, 2002 at 6:43 PM
montu and kumba rock!

From Kevin Baxter
Posted August 11, 2002 at 8:49 PM
I don't think the dolphin show was running in the off-season and rumors have it disappearing for good after this summer.

From Anonymous
Posted August 13, 2002 at 3:00 PM
a little info on the dolphin show, yes it will be gone for good. after it finishes it's run this season the entire area is being torn up and re planned for the new show which is supposed to be a 4-D adventure show. this will all be officially announced with in the week. also they are going to build a tram tunnel under the road that is between the park and the lots (thank god, that tram ride can be a little long sitting at the light for 3 minutes)

From Anonymous
Posted August 13, 2002 at 4:17 PM
Yea the 4d show is going to be called the Haunted Lighthouse. It is the story of two kids that venture inside it

From Deborah Davis
Posted August 14, 2002 at 4:53 AM
Here's the story: http://www.tampatrib.com/MGA0NABLU4D.html

From Susan Dyer
Posted November 7, 2002 at 11:53 AM
I'm just back not that long ago and the Dolphin show was closed. There were also advertisements for R.L Stine's Haunted lighthouse around the park. And where the Dolphin is there is a sign saying:New home to R.L Stine's Haunted Lighthouse coming 2003/4.

From JP parking Guy
Posted November 7, 2002 at 5:04 PM
Yeah, Haunted Lighthouse is going to start in Timbukutu summer 2003.

1. Rhino Rally

2. Montu

3. River Rapids

4. Gwazi Tiger and Lion a bunch of times

5. Kumba

6. Train Ride

I only say Rhino Rally cause if u don't go on it 1st then u will have to wait an hour to ride it.

From Anonymous
Posted November 11, 2002 at 1:53 PM
if you are coming to busch in the months after december allow yourself plenty of extra time. our little parking problems are about to get a whole lot more interesting. in april they are going to begin redesigning the whole parking lot as well as widening the street that leads to the parking area. next we are going to FINALLY build a tunnel for the trams so that they will no longer be the longest ride in the park. (who else has sat at that traffic light for 5 minutes?) since the trams we use now are older then i really care to say (except for the five new ones which are constantly broken)the tram department only has about 8 of their 17 trams ever available. we may get some new ones but im not holding my breath on that. long story short this next summer season we will still be doing this work so watch out for problems. then again this may all get delayed yet again and it will still be the same old mess.

From Anonymous
Posted December 28, 2002 at 8:06 AM
I go to BG all the time. Here's the story: the dolphin show is CLOSED FOREVER, dolphins @ Discovery Cove. Trams are gonna get worse.--
1. Rino Rally
2. Montu
3. Gwazi(anytime lines are usually short.)
4. Walk 2 Timbuktu.
5. Scorpion (several times! line is always short.)
6. Phoenix (this is a swinging inverting ship ride, GREAT!!!see it @ buschgardens.com)
7. hang @ Timbuktu
8. ride bumper cars.
9. go to Kumba(line usually short)
10. Python(only if line is short)
11. Congo R.R.
12. Gwazi again(BOTH but lion is better)

From Ben Mills
Posted December 28, 2002 at 1:12 PM
And why have the dolphins gone away? To make room for Haunted Lighthouse, R.L. Stein's 3-D family spectacular starring Christopher Lloyd.

From Anonymous
Posted December 30, 2002 at 1:59 PM
i'm here to inform you that bgt has reached a new low. the train ride is being ordered to lose some of it's expenses. how did we do this, well the first thing we did was drop to only one train unless we have more than 20,000 in the park and we only get many people on weekends. 3 trains like we used to do and have about ten minutes between trains will never ever happen again unless we get a load of complaints. the overall result is a 35+ minute wait for a train at any stop. secondly and most horribly was the institution of one way rides. this means that no matter where you get on you have to get off at the nairobi station. this was instituted when we were shown that the lines at the station when we use one train were so long that only about a third of the people make it on. so the bottom line and huge problem here is that if you leave a wheelchair at stanlyville and board the train you are kicked off at nairobi no matter what and forced to get back in line. usually you can't get on this train and are forced to wait 35 minutes for the next one. this really sucks and i hate fielding the comments when i have to come off the engine to kick someone off because i agree it is a horrible idea. did eisner take over busch while i wasn't paying attention?

From Kevin Baxter
Posted December 31, 2002 at 2:34 AM
Well, that probably won't last long. Making wheelchair riders or stroller owners wait around for more than a half-hour to retrieve their chairs will certainly have management flooded with complaints.

From Russell Meyer
Posted December 31, 2002 at 8:57 AM
That doesn't make much sense that they would do that to disabled passengers. However, the train is one of the most popular train rides I've ever been on, and it's really not fair to the people waiting at Nairobi to not be able to board the train because everyone got on in Stanleyville. If the park was having a problem with that, then the one stop limit makes perfect sense, except for disabled passengers. However, only running one train does not, unless they are having problems with a animals, and are trying to give them more time to themselves.
Perhaps BGT is trying to revive the popularity of the skyride as the primary way of viewing the animals on the plain.

From Anonymous
Posted January 25, 2003 at 6:32 PM
hey i work at Busch Gardens Tampa,Florida

this summer '03 they will be opening The Hunted LightHouse by R.L Stine
it will be in 4-D and it will have effects like rain,water cannons and air pumps there are no more dolphins if u get on the sky ride u will see signs form there that say hunted light coming in summer '03 i am actullay hoping of getting to work on it sounds like fun well come see us i am curently workin on montu as a ride opperator. names jeremy say hi if you see me.

p.s. It is true that busch is a mess waiting to happen. it is also true that they are puttin a tunnel in for the trame but it wont be done till summer '04

From Norm Snook
Posted March 5, 2003 at 6:39 PM
Last time I went to Busch Gardens constuction looked like was almost done on the Haunted Lighthouse. But I thought it was opening spring 2003.

From Kevin Baxter
Posted March 6, 2003 at 1:17 AM
Construction on the outside always finishes before most of the inside stuff gets underway.

From Kevin Baxter
Posted March 6, 2003 at 1:22 AM
BTW, what did you see?

From Anonymous
Posted April 13, 2003 at 8:01 PM
Does anyone have suggestions for visiting BG with small children (under 5)? We are headed there on vacation and thought it would fun to take the kids to the park. They can't do any of the big rides, and we have only one day. Any suggestions to make the best of it would be greatly appreciated!

From Kevin Baxter
Posted April 14, 2003 at 1:56 AM
With what they could do, you don't really need a plan. There are quite a few kiddie rides. And there are the animal things. But unless they can ride Rhino Rally, nothing they can do will probably have a line.

From Stormy Weather
Posted June 16, 2003 at 9:46 PM
Have them ride the Crazy Camel. It is soooooo fun!!! It is located right next to the Phenox (large swinging ship).

From Anonymous
Posted July 8, 2003 at 12:25 AM
Regarding the statment that nothing at the Stanleyville theater is worth seeing: not true this summer! Untill August 3rd, you can see Seigfried and Roy presents Darren Romeo, The Voice of Magic. Its a Vegas style magic show in which the magician is also a singer. BGT has had no hand in it, design or concept, so its good. The first show is usually very crowded, but the second generally has room. It truely is a great show and well worth the ticket price alone.

From Anonymous
Posted July 11, 2003 at 9:09 AM
I think you need to give BGT a chance!!! As a former employee and now working for Disney we are all trying hard to keep everyone happy at the same time trying to be smart in the money we spend. Understand that BGT has not only employees to pay, but animals to feed. I think they have taken great ideas and are trying to make it better. As for the trams I do say they could be bigger and working better, but even here at Disney, they are a pain. Give them a chance and I am sure as the economy changes things will change. Also just because the park is packed, don't think that all those guest paid that day. Remember with all of the promotions some guest just had to pay once and get in for the rest of the year.

Hope you all see my point.

From Anonymous
Posted August 5, 2003 at 7:58 AM
Are there parking issues related to construction? I'm trying to decide if I should use preferred parking since its cheaper with our gold pass. thanks.

From Bill Cowan
Posted August 16, 2003 at 7:52 AM
Has anyone taken the VIP tour (Ultimate Adventure Tour) at Busch Gardens? I am trying to decide if I need to spend that much money. Would the wait times be that bad on a weekend in October? I do not want my 60 year old mother to have to stand around all day waiting.

From Anonymous
Posted August 19, 2003 at 5:08 PM
if i go to bgt on like october 6-10, will it be empty?

From Russell Meyer
Posted August 20, 2003 at 5:25 AM
No, because of Hallow-Scream. Every theme park in the country that runs Halloween events are always crowded through the entire month of October.

From Anonymous
Posted August 20, 2003 at 5:42 PM
like longgggggg lines ? at like 12 on a tuesday?

From Bill Cowan
Posted August 22, 2003 at 3:27 AM
If it is anything like the Christmas Party at DW, there will be plenty of people in line. Went to DW last year, early Dec (guide book said lowest season of year)and had 30+ min wait minimum for everything Tue - Thur. The special event months seem to attract a lot of people, even during the off season.

From a wag
Posted August 22, 2003 at 10:23 PM
Went to BGT around October 11th and 12th last year (Thursday and Friday) and the park was pretty dead. Montu was only 10-15 mins at any time of the day. It picked up at night for Hall-O-Scream, but the waits for the coasters were still less than a half an hour, and the haunted houses were no more than 10 mins if that.

From Anonymous
Posted October 5, 2003 at 1:55 PM
Any suggestions for people who can't ride coasters? I have deathly terrible motion sickness :(

From Anonymous
Posted October 5, 2003 at 4:31 PM
There is more than enough stuff to do and see at Busch Gardens if you have Motion Sickness. They have many shows throughout the day as well as a large number of animal exhibits. Make sure you see the World Rhythms On Ice show. Plan on going to some of the exhibits to meet and talk with the zoo keeper. There is a steam train ride that goes right through the middle of the Serengetti. If you can afford another $30 or so dollars, make a reservation ahead of time for the Serengetti Safari. You ride in a small group on the back of a large truck and get to feed and touch giraffes up close. There is a new 4-D theater showing R.L. Stine's Haunted Lighthouse with special water effects. If the line isn't too long, you might be able to ride on Rhino Rally, a Land Rover ride through animal habitats, Rhinos, and a flash flood at the end. The park is only open until 5 p.m. on weekends now because of Howl-O-Scream, so make sure you plan ahead for that. If you don't mind being scared, visit Howl-O-Scream. I have been the past two years and it is not to be missed! 6 haunted houses and several scare zones. Have fun!

From Anonymous
Posted October 9, 2003 at 6:48 AM
Thanks so much, that was really helpful!!!

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