Kevin Baxter's 'Inside Scoop' on SeaWorld Orlando

Kevin's back with this week's park planning guide: How to get the most out of your day at Sea World Orlando.

From Kevin Baxter
Posted November 6, 2002 at 11:36 PM
Okay, here is my suggestion for a day trip to Sea World Orlando:

1st - Kraken (twice if lines permit)
2nd - Journey to Atlantis
3rd - Walk briskly over to Wild Arctic
4th - Shamu

There are two problems with this itinerary. First, SW doesn't always open everything in the park when the park itself opens. Even on some busy days SW will only open the Key West section of the park for the first hour. This means you can either pet Rays, feed dolphins or visit the manatees. If this happens, check out the crowds at the dolphin pool. If it is crowded, which it probably will be, head to the manatees. This will be nice and quiet and you can always feed the dolphins later.

The other problem is that you may not get the first things done in time for the Shamu show. Sometimes it takes a while to get Kraken going. If the opening for Kraken seems a bit delayed, then head straight to Journey to Atlantis first. The line for Kraken will get better after it starts running. If you don't feel like you will get Wild Arctic out of the way in time for Shamu, don't worry. The Shamu stadium is enormous. Stay busy in either the nearby kiddie area, check out Shamu: Close-up, see the Intensity Games or take a short trip to see the Clydesdales. Just don't leave the area since it is a major walk back here!

While waiting for the Shamu show, you need to schedule the other shows. All the other shows (except for the boring Intensity Games) are near enough to each other that you don't need to worry about walking times. Here is the order I would put the other shows in, from best to worst:

Clyde and Seamore Take Pirate Island
Dolphin Show
Cirque du la Mer
Pets on Stage
Intensity Games

As for the exhibits, mostly all are worth your time, except for the Tropical Reef, which is merely adequate. I have found that the best way to do the exhibits is to just do them when you come upon them. SW isn't the easiest place to find your way around, so if you do the exhibits as you find them, then you will only have to search for the ones you missed near the end of your day.

Things to save for the afternoon or when the lines get long - Cirque de la Mer, Manatees: The Last Generation?, Dolphin SHow (large stadium) or Terrors of the Deep (moving walkway keeps people moving!)

Things to skip if necessary - Clydesdale Hamlet, Intensity Games, Tropical Reef. Turtle Point and the Dolphin Nursery are also not worthy of a lot of time, but it doesn't take much time to see everything they have to offer, so I say just stop by if you are in the area.

Any other suggestions?

From Harrison David
Posted August 2, 2002 at 5:40 PM
I agree with your plan, but this is how we do it when we hit Sea World!

We get there when the park opens.

1. Head for Kraken/ Journey To Atlantis. (Ride the one that's open or has the shortest line... it only get's longer)

2. Ride Kraken or JTA, whichever you didn't ride already.

3. Clyde and Seamore. The best show at the park.

3a. Feed the Sea Lions, but watch out for the birds!!!

4. Shamu. Day show isn't the best, but it's Shamu.

5. Lunch. Mango Joe's is good, as is the Hot Dog place near the Stingray's.

6. Behind The Scenes Adventure. This is great, if you do the Polar Excursion, you get to pet a penguin. It's also cool, a nice treat when it's hot!

7. Wild Artic.
The ride is neat, but if you want to see the animals, head to the stationary mode, much quicker.

8. Cirque De La Mer. Pretty good show, it's usually raining by this time in the summer.

9. Manatees, neat film and it's neat to see the Animals up close. Beware, rude kids jump in the way!!!

10. Feed the Dolphins. It costs money, but it's cool. If you get to the far end of the pool, furthest away from the beach area, you will enjoy it better. (If you want to take your own pictures, let someone in your group go to the other side of the dolphin pool, great photos there).

11. Dolphin Show. Don't cry if you miss it. The only good part, they play Jimmy Buffett Tunes in the Key West Area!

12. Pets A Hoy. Great to see if it's raining, or if your kids love cats and dogs. Neat Show, if it's raining, it will fill up quick!

13. Beer school/Hospitality Tent. Free Beer!! Could I say More?

14. Shamu Rocks America. Great night show with all the whales. Be careful, if you get wet, it's a cold ride home!

***Remember, if you have a "Platnum Pass" you will get reserved seating and ride again access to the rides! Great to have as well!

Enjoy your day! We then hit Margaritaville over at CityWalk for dinner!

From Ben Mills
Posted November 6, 2002 at 1:22 PM
Kraken first? The twice I went there I queued no longer than fifteen minutes at peak time.

Was it just a fluke?

From Susan Dyer
Posted November 7, 2002 at 11:34 AM
1st: Catch the early Dolphin and Clyde and Seamore Take Pirate Island shows. Don't miss the chance to feed the dolphins after the show.
2nd: Ride Journey to Atlantis then spin dry on Kraken (ride as many times as you wish queue line permitting)
4th: See Shamu
5th: Stroll from Shamu stadium to Wild Artic
6th: Take your time seeing the exhibits like Terrors of the Deep.
7th: Finish day by riding Kraken and/or Journey to Atlantis.

From Anonymous
Posted May 23, 2003 at 10:09 AM
Can anyone tell me if SW lists days and times there will be fireworks there? I'm trying to decide which day in June I might go but did not find the info on their website. The new construction at SW sounds nice --- opens this weekend.

From Kevin Baxter
Posted May 24, 2003 at 4:43 PM
They have fireworks? I've never heard of that. They have a more "rockin'" version of the Shamu show in the evening, but I have never heard of fireworks. Anyone?

From Anonymous
Posted May 28, 2003 at 7:44 AM
One of the press releases mentioned watching fireworks at the new waterfront area and I can find old references on the net about fireworks (2000). When I emailed SW, they responded the information was on their website, but I didn't see it.

From Dave Bradley
Posted June 12, 2003 at 1:41 PM
Yes, The fireworks are now viewed at the waterfront. The best seating is behind the tower at the Sand Bar. You have a great view, and it is ALOT less crowded than standing in a crowd. The fireworks show is bigger, but is a shorter show. They will not allow you across the new bridge during the show. But it spans the entire lake area now.

From Anonymous
Posted August 15, 2003 at 8:23 AM
Has anyone used the "Advenure Express Tour"? It's a pretty steep price, but it provides front of the line priviliges. Is this a worthwile expense?

From Alan Bell
Posted August 19, 2003 at 9:29 AM
go in jan-feb and wait a maximum of 8 mins for the front seat and ride till you feel sick :)

From Anonymous
Posted September 3, 2003 at 5:09 PM
Go EARLY and stay til about 1:00 PM. Go back to your hotel and have a nap, lunch and swim in the pool. Then go back to the park about 4 PM and the people are coming out as you are going in. We have done this for years with the kids. It gives them a break too.

From Kim Muller
Posted November 28, 2003 at 5:20 PM
As far as the Adventure Express Tour, if you've never been to Sea World AND it's peak season AND you want to fully experience it's worth it. However, if one of these is not in your agenda, save your money. You get on both rides with no wait, a nice lunch with guaranteed good seating, good seats at all the shows, and great feeding spots for the dolphins.

From Kim Muller
Posted December 4, 2003 at 7:56 PM
Watch it with Dine with Shamu. It's totally unpredictable. You can't choose your seating, and you don't want to get stuck by the slideout section when the whales aren't very active. The experience also depends on the whales. The first time I went, it was so awesome! The trainers were in the water with the whales, and they brought the whales to each section to take pictures for at least ten minutes at a time. This past time, the whales in the pool were not very interactive with the trainers at all. In fact, they were the two whales that the trainers don't get into the water with at all, including during the show. So just be sure and realize, it's luck of the draw with that.

From Alan Ford
Posted April 6, 2004 at 7:23 AM
i think sea world is one of the finest parks ive been to but i think they should start building some more rides i havent been there in 2 years but im going bak next year can some1 tell me if they no if there is new rides on the way

From Joe Llorens
Posted April 7, 2004 at 11:55 AM
The great thing about Sea World is the availability of easy to reach breaks from the hot Orlando weather. That being said, I have to say that my favorite indoor attraction was the Budweiser Beer School. Why? Because they give you free beer and they also teach you a lot of information. This was enjoyable because I'm a lush... and dumb.

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