2002 Theme Park Insider Awards Announced

They're here: The winners of the first annual Theme Park Insider Awards, as voted on by you, the Theme Park Insiders.

From Robert Niles
Posted July 3, 2002 at 9:26 PM

The more than 5,000 members of Theme Park Insider named Universal Orlando's Islands of Adventure the world's best theme park, after a year-long, worldwide vote.

Theme Park Insider also named Islands of Adventure's "Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man" the world's best theme park attraction, and Universal Orlando's Portofino Bay Hotel the world's top on-site theme park hotel.

Disneyland's Blue Bayou captured the award for best theme park restaurant, and "Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin" at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom was voted the world's top attraction for kids.

More than 5,000 theme park fans cast votes on more than 2,600 theme park attractions, restaurants and hotels at more than 60 top parks around the world. Fans, who were limited to one vote per attraction, cast their ballots online at www.themeparkinsider.com.

"I just got back from a four day trip to Universal and all I have to say is wow!" wrote Theme Park Insider member Philip Smith of Mt. Holly, North Carolina. "Islands of Adventure has got to be the very best theme park on Earth. The islands are themed so intricately and detailed that it makes (Disney's) Magic Kingdom seem rather dull and mellow."

Runners-up for top theme park included Walt Disney World's Disney-MGM Studios, Tokyo Disneyland and SeaWorld Orlando.

Theme Park Insider, http://www.themeparkinsider.com, is a leading independent source of coverage, opinion and information about theme parks, from the people who work at and attend them. It is not affiliated with or financially supported by any theme park or entertainment company.

Last fall, the Online News Association and Columbia Graduate School of Journalism honored Theme Park Insider with the online news industry's highest honor--the Online Journalism Award. Theme Park Insider's aggressive coverage of the theme park industry and insightful consumer advice have been cited in many publications, including the New York Times, USA Today and BBC.com.


  • Universal Studios Islands of Adventure
  • The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man
  • Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin
  • Portofino Bay Hotel
  • Blue Bayou Restaurant

    From Robert OGrosky
    Posted July 4, 2002 at 9:37 PM
    Is there a list of the vote totals for the various catagories???

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 5, 2002 at 2:16 AM
    Yeah, go look at all the individual attractions! LOL!

    From Matthew Smithson
    Posted July 5, 2002 at 8:25 AM
    IOA numer 1???!? Disneyland not in the top 3?!

    When will the madness end?!

    Spider Man the best attraction?! What has this world come to?

    Posted July 5, 2002 at 8:45 AM
    RE: Matthew Smithson

    Why are you so suprised IOA is the best Theme Park?, have you even been there?, If you have you should have a decent excuse not to of like it ..... and Spiderman Top Attraction .. Well deserved, no suprise there.

    From Robert Niles
    Posted July 5, 2002 at 9:01 AM
    Actually, Disneyland's fall from the top should come as no surprise to anyone's who has visited in the past six years, and remembers what the park looked like a decade ago.

    The carousel is gone now, rotted through from years of "deferred maintenance." The castle is closed, with no timetable for reopening. The Tiki room's roof was falling off, Space Mountain can't get its audio to work, very little on Tom Sawyer's Island is open anymore, attractions close early, restaurant service has been cut back, and the park doesn't add new attractions anymore.

    In my opinion, Disneyland in 1995 beats the tar out of Islands of Adventure today. But it is not 1995 anymore. I applaud Disney for its current efforts to rehab Disneyland. But the company never should have let the park deteriorate to the point where it is today. Perhaps in two years it can reclaim the top spot for theme park quality.

    From Matthew Smithson
    Posted July 5, 2002 at 11:14 AM
    Yes, I have been to IOA. I found it less than spectacular and yes I rode Spidey and I don't see what's so great about it. Frankly, there are better parks out there. I know DL isn't as great as it ued to be. I've had an AP for 11 years. I've seen it in its glory days. Everything has its ups and downs, but I still love it. IMHO, it's the best park on earth. IOA is a nice park, but it's by NO stretch of the imagination the best park on earth. And Spider Man is, well, in my opinion like Snow White's Scary Adventures in 3-D. Needless to say, that doesn't quite knock my socks off. It feels like a misfired attempt at capturing the glory of Indiana Jones.

    Have a nice day. :-)

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 5, 2002 at 1:48 PM
    Take off the blinders, dude. You are CLEARLY in the minority when it comes to the many facets of IOA. SIX rides in the Top 20. Number One park BY A LANDSLIDE. Three FANTASTIC roller coasters. Three SPECTACULAR water rides. Great theming. Great food. All that plus Dr Seuss, whose characters beat the pants off ALL animated characters except for the Simpsons! (Okay, so the last one was MY version of wearing blinders. But the rest is well-regarded fact.)

    From Joe Lane
    Posted July 6, 2002 at 7:55 AM
    I'm all for rooting on Disney, pal, but the fact is that the parks high standard of quality just isn't what it used to be years ago.

    Call me crazy for using a movie to sum up this whole fiasco, but I recall a scene in the movie 'Dante's Peak'. It was Pierce Brosnon's character who said if you put a frog in boiling water, it'll immediately jump right out, but if you put a frog in water at a normal temperature and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will stay and eventually boil to death.

    That's what's happening to Disney. Had we jumped immediately five years into the future, EVERYBODY would notice the trouble Disney is in now, but a lot of us have just been sitting in the pot, letting the water get hot.

    This reality has not been lost on TPI regulars, and it is that fact that is why Disneyland is NOT in the top three and why any Disney park has the top one spot. Who knows? One day, Disney might actually manage to snatch the number one spot, but until they can get their act together, Universal--namely Islands Of Adventure--will be the MVP for people who care about quality Theme Parks.

    From Matthew Smithson
    Posted July 6, 2002 at 9:07 AM
    Oh, if we're talking about quality of parks, let's shift our attention over to the Tokyo Disney Resort. They care about their parks far more than ayone else does. The CM service is unmatched anywhere and the standard of quality reached is excellent. Plus, Tokyo DisneySea puts IOA to shame. I can walk through that park and get my money's worth. The Imagineers really outdid themselves on this one. And I must admit that both parks make Disneyland look not so hot. But, you may wonder, if TDR is so great, how come IOA beat both parks by a landslide. Could it be that hardly any of you have been? And for that reason, don't any of you dare do that "Well which park has 6 attractions in the top 20?" routine. Anyway, I find Pooh's Hunny Hut technologically superior to Spidey. I mean for goodness sake, the ride doesn't even have a track! That's more than Spidey can say.

    Posted July 6, 2002 at 9:41 AM
    Matthew Smithson:

    I visited TOKYO Disney just over a year ago and agree with you that it was excellent, The Japanese are VERY proud of their parks. The CM are very helpful and polite and it is a very visitor-friendly park. However, there is NO way on earth you can say that the choice of rides is as good at Islands of Adventure, at either Tokyo Disneyland or Tokyo Disneysea. Tokyo Disneysea does most definitely not put IOA to shame, O.K the attention to detail and scenery at the park is probably JUST as good as IOA, but the quantity and quality of the rides are poor. There are few attractions, and the only (in my opinion) must see rides are Stormrider and Indiana Jones. Tokyo Disneyland does however does have good attractions but lacks a detailed intriguing atmosphere… it’s just a general magic kingdom park, which is although magic not as different and well/interestingly themed as IOA. I am also a fan of Pooh’s Honey Hunt but there is no chance on earth that it is better than Spider-Man at IOA, especially in state-of-the-art-technology.

    From Joe Lane
    Posted July 6, 2002 at 11:24 AM
    For one thing, I've never been to Tokyo Disneyland or DisneySea, so you're right, I can't directly comment on quality of those parks. I would like to visit someday, however.

    If Tokyo Disney Resort is as good as you say it is, then it's quite sad that you have to go halfway around the world to find that kind of quality.

    So let's take a look at Pooh's Hunny Hunt and Spiderman. In the Hunny Hunt, we have your standard fair dark ride, themed with a VERY popular Disney character with one major exception: no track. And somehow, the program manages to carefully control these cars as they move from scene to scene just right so that the ride becomes a large, realistic experience. Is this a technological marvel? Yes. This is something I don't doubt and would like to experience someday.

    With Spiderman, you have your standard fair dark ride themed with a VERY popular Marvel character with a few different exceptions: the vehicle spins 360 degress and moves like a simulator. The props and sets are combined with movie screens which show 3D films, some include additional effects, such as heat and fire, water and wind, and smoke to further enhance the experience. And somehow, the program manages to time all the effects just right so that the ride becomes a large, realistic experience. Is THIS a technological marvel? Yes. I've been on this ride dozens of times and it never ceases to amaze me.

    What we have here are two clearly phenominal must-rides of great quality, with great effects and great characters. But because the main audience for TPI has had more exposure to Spiderman, he has been rated as the number one attraction.

    Is it unfair? Perhaps--if our awards were forced upon others, but frankly, as far as I know, you haven't been forced to like or accept Spiderman as the greatest ride in the world and, in fact, you have even made your opinion heard that you were unimpressed with it (and also made a point that you were 'WOW'ed by Pooh's Hunny Hunt).

    So how do we wrap this up? Through logic and reasoning, we can say that BOTH attractions are exceptional compared to standard fair dark rides. I love theme parks and good rides. I'm a Haunted Mansion fan, get a thrill from Test Track, Tower of Terror, and even Rock'n'Rollercoaster, and I think Disney/MGM Studios Fantasmic is wonderful. I think that Island's of Adventure is beautifully themed and not the least bit boring in any case--that Universal's attractions pushed the envelope and raised the bar for bigger and better things.

    The question is, Mr. Matthew Smithson, are you a theme park fan, also? Or are you simply here to put Disney on a golden throne, ignore what has been tarnished, and simply bash Universal because it is your competition. Can you say anything GOOD... ANYTHING at all about Universal Orlando? Such character quality is what I'm personally seeking, and to blame your actions and responses on the opinions of other TPI regulars would make you just as blind and bigoted as one who simply hated Disney 110% and supported Universal simply because of it.

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 6, 2002 at 1:53 PM
    Good points, Joe. And Richard pointed out what seems to be the general consensus of TDS, three great rides (Journey to the Center of the Earth is the other ride getting raves). TDS is just loaded down with way too many kiddie rides right now to make it a worthwhile trip for even us that live on the edge of the Pacific.

    Although comparing the themes of TDS and IOA is like comparing apples to oranges and watermelons and pineapples, I would admit that TDS's theming is far more gorgeous than IOA's. But IOA's isn't meant to be gorgeous; it is meant to be fun. And it succeeds greatly at that.

    But if TDS was in Orlando and not Tokyo, I'm not all that sure it would compare overall to IOA. Take a look at AK. That place is extremely gorgeous also. Well, except for Dinoland. Yet, people are abandoning that park like its a leper colony. So being gorgeous obviously isn't enough. ATTRACTIONS, which you seem to scoff at, are obviously far more important to most people.

    From Matthew Smithson
    Posted July 6, 2002 at 6:09 PM
    Yes, I do like things at USO. I like ET, Back to the Future, and T2:3D. I find all of these incredible attractions. And, I'm not saying IOA is a terrible park. It's actually kind of nice. But, the point I was attempting to make is that I don't find it as spectacular as everyone else does. I don't dislike Universal because they're Disney's competition. In fact, I never even considered them to be competition for Disney. But, according to USA Today, they must be. Yeah right. It's different, but when compared to WDW, it lacks.

    From Joe Lane
    Posted July 6, 2002 at 10:35 PM
    Lacks what, though? I can't see it myself--and pardon me if I come off as sarcastic but enlighten me, here: what exactly does Disney have that Universal doesn't besides Mickey and Co. Is it the nostalga? The special charm? Is the ride technology? Is it quantity? (quality is so hard to actually define, so that is what I'll try to avoid)

    Seuss Landing certainly isn't a Fantasyland by any stretch of the imagination--it's something totally different. It's a world that is as true to Dr. Seuss' illustrations as can be--no straight lines anywhere whatsoever. It's magical.

    I just had a sort of revelation: what may make IOA difficult for some people to consider well themed than for others is the manner in which it is open. The center of the park is The Great Inland Sea (yes, it's a giant lake), which gives you a perfect view of the other islands on the other side. Perhaps seeing all these different themes in such a manner can make it hard for one to focus on one central theme, unlike Disney which generally contains all it's themes to specific areas.

    Still, there's something to be said about the transition one can experience walking from, for example, Toon Lagoon to Jurassic Park. As soon as the walkways change from one island to another, you can also notice the Toon Lagoon music fade and the JP score swell up. It's a beautiful thing--something many tourists likely don't notice--and that is certainly how it should be.

    From Francois Chan
    Posted July 6, 2002 at 11:07 PM
    Of all the comments here, Robert's struck me the hardest because it seems to echo my feelings, and the feelings of many others, on this matter...

    "Disneyland's fall from the top should come as no surprise to anyone's who has visited in the past six years, and remembers what the park looked like a decade ago."

    Yes, as wonderful as IOA is, Disneyland 1995 was the superior park.

    I wonder, then, if there's anything WE can do to change this?

    From Francois Chan
    Posted July 6, 2002 at 11:12 PM

    By the way, when Baxter tells you that "You are CLEARLY in the minority" here with your alternate views on Disney, I have to admit that he may be right...

    But remember...the majority of the people in this world are stupid.

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 7, 2002 at 1:11 AM
    No, the majority of the people in this COUNTRY are stupid. The other countries have far better percentages of smart people.

    But I was talking about the people on this site, most of whom are total smarties. So there.

    From Francois Chan
    Posted July 8, 2002 at 12:42 AM
    Point taken.

    Although I think that most people in other countries only THINK they're smarter than Americans; arrogance has a way of making one look smarter than one actually is...

    From Anonymous
    Posted July 9, 2002 at 3:14 PM
    I agree that IOA is the most inventive new park to come out and its water rides and spiderman are the best of its kind in the world but i have to come short in calling it the best theme park. The truth is 4 hours in the mourning going on the rides then having lunch at Mythos is great, but is only 5 hours of stuff. I mean its great but i cant call a park that only occupies my mourning the best park, even if it has the best ride.

    I truthfully think
    Epcot or Universal Studios Florida does not get its due on this site. All you talk about is rides but the parks have a lot more. Where else besides Epcot can u experince the worlds fair at first hand. Epcot holds every bit of magic that disney brings and creates an educational, entertaining exerience. Where else can u experience around a dozen countries architecture, culinary arts, entertainment, and culture. Someone can go to epcot for a week and still not do everything they have to offer. This site misses what high quality theme parks are all about. Rides sure play an important part, but its the experience of the area that is most important. People have all these guidelines about how to tackle a park, forget about them. The best way to experience disey and universal is to stay on property and go to the parks with know obligation to do any one thing. If your rushing to go on a ride before it gets crowded, then you see some street entertainent that interests u forget the ride and enjoy that. If people look at parks this way they will experience Epcot, Universal Studious, and Orlando parks as as whole in a new refreshing light and though IOA is a great park i dont think people wouldconsider other orlando parks as a downgrade from it.

    From Francois Chan
    Posted July 9, 2002 at 10:54 PM
    To Anonymous,

    A rather refreshing point of view. Thanks for being so candid...

    It is important to remember the "theme" in themepark rather than just focusing on the rides themselves. Most people on this site are pretty good in that regard, I think, but it's good to remember...

    From Ryan Moeller
    Posted July 10, 2002 at 5:17 PM
    How can Spiderman be number one? I have been to that ride and I don't see the big deal about it. To my opinion, Millennium Force rules all!(That includes Dueling Dragons and Incredible Hulk.)

    From Joe Lane
    Posted July 10, 2002 at 5:51 PM
    Anonymous, your comments are very insightful and truthful.

    My pride is strong, and it's hard to admit when I might be wrong, but your comments ring true in that an experience at a theme park shouldn't rest solely on which park has better rides but a better atmosphere. I've never directly ignored this factor, but with all the emphasis on rides and attractions that we keep making, it's easy to forget some of the better things.

    That being said, you can have a great park with wonderful atmosphere and that's themed nicely, but if you don't have any attractions worth visiting, then you have to wonder if you've really gotten your money's worth.

    In the end, I personally still think IOA and Spiderman are good for getting their top votes--call it a blind devotion if you want, but it's what I agree with.

    THAT being said, I do realize that Epcot is unique in certain ways and there is a lot to be said for World Showcase, it's themeing, the cultures, it's shows and attractions, and especially its food. It's a unique experience you can't get anywhere else.

    You, sir or ma'am, I commend. I truly do.

    I'm taking a break from the site for a couple of weeks. There is just to much bickering, sarcastic remarks, and half-baked comments that the site has lost all its draw to me. My best to Robert and the TPI regulars.

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 11, 2002 at 2:54 AM
    IOA is most people's Number One because it does combine great rides with great theming. If you don't see it, that is fine. We all have different opinions. If you REFUSE to see why other people can see it, then that says a lot more about you.

    From Anonymous
    Posted July 11, 2002 at 9:13 AM
    Sure its an attractive park and themed well, but theming also includes cultural not just visual and Epcot beats that by a landside. Some day IOA could create tons of stuff to do throughout the day and it can honestly be the best park, but right now besides Spiderman there is nothing else that sticks out as steps above other parks and totally uique. While at the same time just about everything at Epcot is unique and different then every other themepark in the world.

    From Corey Taylor
    Posted July 11, 2002 at 10:22 AM
    How come when someone states their opinion about how Universal Studios is better than Disney someone has to say something bashing. It's an opinion please respect that.

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 12, 2002 at 2:40 AM
    Theming does not need to include cultural aspects to be good theming. By those standards Magic Kingdom, Disneyland and Disney/MGM Studios have horrible theming. I have no problems with someone liking Epcot more than any other parks. I happen to love Epcot. I wish it would change more often than it currently does, but I still love it. It doesn't mean I think it is perfect. There is a whole bunch in that park that is totally inadequate (Innoventions, Body Wars, the current state of the Living Seas pavilion, the repetitive nature of so many of the attractions, the distinct LACK of attractions in World Showcase to name just a few). And it doesn't really help your argument to say that beyond Spidey there isn't much innovative at IOA. Beyond Test Track and maybe Ellen's Energy Adventure there isn't much innovative in Epcot AT ALL! Epcot is a very good park, probably better than any California park except for Disneyland, but I still think IOA is more innovative, exciting and fun. Those are things I look for in my theme parks. Most of the people on this site seem to be looking for thost things also. You may be looking for other things. Having a differing opinion is cool, when you have adequate reasons to back it up. There are definitely things at IOA you can find to dislike without having to invent some. ;-)

    From Lesley Allen
    Posted July 12, 2002 at 10:10 AM
    To say that Universal is greatly inferior to Disney and is just a "so-so" park is really selling it short, IMO.

    People argue that IOA doesn't have the nationwide tourism that Disney attracts. Well give it time, for Pete's sake! WDW's been around since the early 70's.....they've had 3 decades to be where they are now. Universal Orlando has only been around in its present form since 1996! I think your taking away too much credit from Universal, don't you think?

    From Anonymous
    Posted July 12, 2002 at 10:02 AM
    You are missing the point. Im not talking about rides. Inovation and uniques does not neccesarily do with rides. You are proving the point I initially made about how people seam to think only about attractions. What is unique about Epcot is not the rides. It is unique cause you have about a dozen countries where you experience each places architecture, food, the people that are from the country, history, and different forms of entertainment. Epcots is unique cause its brings the old memory of what is like to go to a world's fair and has tons of stuff that shows the new innovations.(i admit not always updated)Epcot's unique and innovateds cause it manages to be very educational, yet entertaining. Epcot is unique cause you can spend a week there and not do everything it has to offer. Above all epcot is unique because it is a demonstration of the greatness and achievements of the human race an how the world has come together and unified and should be in peace.

    But of course your one of the people that seams only think about rides and thats all good and IOA does have the best.

    From Anonymous
    Posted July 12, 2002 at 10:19 AM
    In addition im not neccesarily for disney. I think they have screwed up recently and after Epcot for me is USF and then IOA. So trying to make your argument toward MGM and Magic Kingdom doesnt work for me.

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 13, 2002 at 3:02 AM
    I don't think solely about attractions. But I don't think solely about atmosphere either. Both have to come together to make an excellent park. If there were more non-film attractions in Epcot, and more of the countries had such attraction, then it would definitely fight for a higher spot on my list.

    But theming and atmosphere only take me so far. Yes, I DO need attractions! I'm sure not paying $50 for atmosphere. If I want Disney atmosphere I can find it for free at Downtown Disney. Or I can eat at one of the hotel restaurants and wander the grounds of that hotel for less than $50. I guess I have about a 70/30 split on the two. 70% of liking a park, for me, is all about the attractions with 30% of my appreciation going towards theming and atmosphere. While Epcot fills my Atmosphere Meter completely to the top, it isn't anywhere close to filling my Attraction Meter. Three more excellent attractions and we will see where I stand.

    From Anonymous
    Posted July 13, 2002 at 5:44 PM
    go to six flags

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 14, 2002 at 2:42 AM
    Yeah, so my atmosphere meter can jump up to about 5? (Actually the atmosphere at Marine World is cool, but they seriously lack in the ride department.)

    From Lesley Allen
    Posted July 15, 2002 at 1:29 PM
    Thank you, Shane, for demonstrating the fact that IOA's fan base is not totally comprised of articulate, open-minded individuals.

    Matthew, trust me, he does not speak for all of us (or even most of us, I think....)

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 17, 2002 at 2:15 AM
    Yeah, that was a rather lame argument. I have no problems with people who don't agree that IOA is the best park out there. If they come with valid arguments to support their claim of which park they think is best, then more power to them. For example, the person who gave so many reasons as to why Epcot should have gotten the nod. But just saying IOA sucks won't cut it. Neither will mouthing one of the Cliches listed in the "Debunking" thread.

    So responding by saying Disneyland sucks doesn't help matters. In fact, it probably hurts them because according to attendance numbers, IOA-is-Number-One fans are still a minority. So it would be nice if, as an obviously vocal minority, we could show the more open-minded Disney fans that we actually know what we are talking about.

    From James Ho
    Posted July 19, 2002 at 10:45 AM
    You guys are all wromg!You guys should be talking about how great Six Flags Magic Mountain is.It has the most roller coasters in the world and has cool rides like X.

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted July 20, 2002 at 3:17 AM
    Which is currently broken down. And Magic Mountain is jam-packed with some of the CRAPPIEST coasters around, like Psyclone and Ninja and far too many generic coasters too. Someone needs to travel a little more.

    From Ronald Schettino
    Posted August 5, 2002 at 8:02 PM
    LOL ... I was not going to respond to this, however, I, myself, have limits. Limits to how much I can laugh without hurting my guts. Okay, ... first of all, MOST ThemeParkInsider.comers (who voted) liked IOA over all other theme parks ... this does NOT mean that it is the greatest in the world, tho it *could* be. Second ... Again with only representatives of ThemeParkInsider.com (who voted), Spidey is the number one attraction (or ride). Again, this may or may not be so in the real world. Er ... I mean, it may not be true in numbers not directly involved with this on-line community.

    I'm unsure on a couple other points, tho. I was not aware Six Flags operated theme parks. They have themes within thier parks and scantally themed attractions, but I don't think of them as *theme* parks (tho, they should clearly be represented here on ThemeParkInsider.com for obvious reasons). And, while Millenium Force may be the "Greatest Roller Coaster on Earth!!" and a *WOW* of a ride ... I don't see this as a *themed* attraction.

    Here we go ... I think (this is *me* thinking folks, and, sorry, no ... I did not vote as I have too recently become a member ... Busch Gardens Williamsburg slams the competition ... Ha ha ha ha ... And Alpengiest rules!! (See my review -- shameless plug -- it's the ONLY *themed* attraction I've rated a 10 -- read why).

    BTW -- Busch Gardens is only 30 minutes away from where I currently live. I've been to both Disney parks just as often and I've been to IOA only once. I saved up my money to visit Magic Mountain (again, this time just to ride the X), however, now that X is closed, there is a Six Flags closer to my house. I will go there this vacation instead. Although, there are now so many 'Batman' themed rides at SF these days, I think they should change their name to BATLAND!

    -scam p

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted August 10, 2002 at 1:51 AM
    Which further proves our point that no one listens to someone who argues like a 7-year-old. "Uh-huh!" "Nuh-uh!" "You're stupid!"

    From Steve Shaw
    Posted August 27, 2002 at 1:40 PM
    Everybody pretty much agrees IOA is the best park except for a select few. I mean, it has Hulk, Dudley, and Spidey.
    As far as Spidey for best ride, I can't say that 'cause I haven't done it yet, but I plan to next trip.

    But for people saying Disneyland for best park has no brains. That place sucks and I will never go there.

    From Francois Chan
    Posted August 27, 2002 at 11:43 PM

    I'm inclined to agree that IOA is, decidedly, the best park in the nation right now and that it's quite a stretch for people to consider Disneyland the top park. However, I think it's a bit harsh to dismiss Disneyland as a place that just "sucks"...could you be a little more specific? Do you dislike the whole idea of Disneyland or do you simply dislike Disneyland of the "Eisner" administration?

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted August 28, 2002 at 3:13 AM
    I am always suspicious when someone says Disneyland sucks. Now when people say the Magic Kingdom sucks, I can understand it since it is far more kiddie-oriented than Disneyland. But DL has Indy, which many would say is almost worth the price of admission. They also have mostly better clones and a whole bunch that MK doesn't even have. I'm not the biggest DL fan on the planet, but my only real problems with it are its lack of upkeep and new attractions.

    From Francois Chan
    Posted August 28, 2002 at 11:12 AM

    Did you just make a PRO-Disney comment (well, most of it was...)...somebody pinch me!

    Just kidding--I'm a bit selective about who does the pinching...;p

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted August 29, 2002 at 3:05 AM
    Once again I will repeat... you can like their parks and STILL be anti-Disney. Disney is a big huge company that really deserves to be hated. But it hasn't ruined the parks yet. Well, it built DCA.

    From Anonymous
    Posted August 29, 2002 at 11:18 AM
    Ha ha...I was just playing with you Kev...

    From Steve Shaw
    Posted September 7, 2002 at 6:43 AM
    Kevin, I'm not anti-Disney. I'm anti-Disneyland. I probaly will never be able to go to California, and really I don't care if I don't. Disneyland lacks a lot, and actually I like WDW's MK a lot. DL has some good attracions I'll admit, namely: Indy, Matterhorn, Pirates, and Splash. But, WDW has Buzz, Big Thunder, Haunted Mansion, Pirates, and Alien Encounter. I'm not saying WDW should be #1, but DL definently shouldn't be.

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted September 7, 2002 at 5:34 PM
    Do you even know the differences between MK and DL? DL has Big Thunder, Haunted Mansion AND Pirates. And DL's Pirates is WAY better. DL also has the Matterhorn, Alice in Wonderland, Star Tours, Fantasmic, Honey I Shrunk the Audience, Mr Toad's Wild Ride, Pinocchio, Great Moments with Mr Lincoln, Roger Rabbit and several other attractions that MK doesn't have. Not to mention that DL's Space Mountain and It's a Small World are zillions times better than MK's. There are about 5 things I actually like at MK but there are far more than that at DL.

    But like the TPI Awards say, IOA beats them both!!!!

    From Anonymous
    Posted December 9, 2002 at 6:19 AM
    I'm new here but a couple of threads puzzle me.

    Whether you love or loathe Disney or Universal, it has to be accepted that IOA is the most comprehensively themed park in the USA. It has a more aggressive ride package, which seems to appeal to this sites visitors. (I for one think that MK is a better experience for kids or USF for the whole family). MGM is too mixed to deliver a comprehensive experience. Spidey would be a great ride if the sound was better.

    Portofino Hotel best hotel - really? Did none of the voters stay at the Hard Rock Hotel at Universal? It fills up first and they have to put the overflow at the Portofino, which is over priced - over themed and has no atmosphere. If your voters are so far out of touch on the hotel front might they also be out of touch on the park side?

    Food for thought!

    From Kevin Baxter
    Posted December 9, 2002 at 3:02 PM
    Well, considering the parks have a more comprehensive rating system than the hotels do... Furthermore, things like hotels are more subjective than theme park attractions tend to be. I personally prefer the muted elegance of the Portofino Bay over the mediocre opulence of the Hard Rock. Now both are far from bad hotels, but to each his own. Plus, I like that PB is farther away than the Hard Rock, I prefer their restaurants and it extremely quiet compared to the other two hotels also. THAT final thing is what could make it more agreeable to many people on this site, because there sure aren't many QUIET hotels around, especially in WDW.

    From Anonymous
    Posted February 26, 2003 at 4:14 PM
    I think Walt Disney World should get best park(technically any of the four parks) of the year award for this reason only so many parks can appease to all people who are any age or sex.IOA is an excellent park and I would give it best park of the year award for younger people,but I believe it is not the #1 park for everyone because it doesn't appease to every person like WDW does.Take magic kingdom for example even if you hate the park there is bound to be a couple of attractions you still like.IOA has very few attractions that appease to everyone.WDW tries to satisfy everyone ,IOA is just trying to attract a younger audience I think.(IOA is still a excellent park in my book though).As far as the best themed park goes IOA,Epcot,or Animal KIngdom get my top picks).Coasytergirrafe

    From coolgirlgirl cat cat cat
    Posted March 1, 2003 at 2:13 PM
    yes at the age of 2-6 you tink that there is no place better then WDW but then you get into the real world ! which is IOA it is the most high tech with the hulk being a remake of a anF-16 fighter jet and the first of its kind (spider-man ) meets fav. old cartoon carcters (toon lagoon) and the classic dinosaure movie (JP) and midevil times (the lost contanet) and then you are in the kids best wighter of all times mind (dr.susse) (susse landing)
    it is simply the best!!!

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