Universal to Debut 'Fear Factor' Attractions at its Parks

An live version of the stunt reality show, with audience participation, will bow this spring at Universal Orlando and Universal Studios Hollywood.

From Robert Niles
Posted January 17, 2005 at 9:33 PM
[Updated 1/18/2005 with new information from Universal.] Last spring, when I reviewed Legoland California's "Fun Town Fire Academy," my daughter compared that attraction to a challenge on the reality TV show "Survivor." And that prompted me to suggest that some TV/theme park conglomerate ought to design an attraction based on a reality TV challenge.

Well, now NBC Universal's gone and done it - today announcing that it will debut interactive theme park attractions based on its "Fear Factor" show at both Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Florida. In Hollywood, the show will go in the Castle Theater that most recently housed Spider-Man Rocks. In Florida, the show will play in a renovated theater on the site of the old Wild West stunt show.

As in "Fun Town Fire Academy," visitors will compete against each other in a series of tasks. Unlike at Legoland, however, these won't be relatively easy and family-friendly. "Fear Factor" is know for its extreme stunts, often playing on contestants' phobias, including fear of heights, water and closed spaces. In each episode of the TV show, contestants (alone or in small teams) compete in two stunts and a "gross-out" competition, which can involve eating bugs, drinking fish guts or laying down in a coffin of rats.

Fear Factor Live
Promotional image courtesy NBC Universal.

In the theme park show, Universal's press release says that park guests will compete against each other in a progression of stunts developed with help from the show's creators. Specific stunts have not been released, but Universal promises that they will "test the physical and emotional limits of each contestant."

Universal's show will follow Disney's "Millionaire" in that only a few guests will compete on stage. Details are still being worked out, but park guests will be invited to "audition" for the show beforehand. The rest of the audience for the show will get to play along by blasting contestants with water and air and controlling obstacles on the stage. In addition, Universal says, audience members will be able to spin a "Wheel of Fear" and confront their own phobias.

Winners will receive prizes, which may also include an appearance on the TV show. Opening dates are set for sometime this spring, in April or May, with specific dates to come.

From Jason Lester
Posted January 17, 2005 at 11:07 PM
What the heck is going on in that promotional image? It looks like people are getting electrocuted. I read on Screamscape that stunts would not include eating anything sick because of the obvious liability issuses.

From Robert Niles
Posted January 17, 2005 at 11:51 PM
It looks like they are hanging by their arms from a bar above a stage, and the girl in the foreground has just let go and is falling on the bungee cord.

Though, the dark side in me could easily envision audience participation along the lines of that early Simpsons episode where they go to family therapy and shock the heck out of each other. Does that guy in the middle on stage tick you off? Turn the dial in front of your seat and juice him up with some heavy amperage!

For testing, they could put a JMM dummy up there and let the employees go nuts....

From Joe Lane
Posted January 18, 2005 at 8:33 AM
This is not going to go over well...

I mean, uh, yeah, sure, this'll work just fine!

Out here in Orlando, work has been going on over at the old Wild, Wild, Wild West Stunt Show stage--I think odds are we'll see the Fear Factor show on Universal Studios property rather than between Toon Lagoon and Marvel Super Hero Island. The whole production/stunt idea just seems to place the show at USF better.

The timing is right, though. Should the show premier in Spring, it's just around the same time the UO Couples Fear Factor episode will be on TV--what better time than to talk up the parks. Synergy at work, folks.

From Jason Lester
Posted January 18, 2005 at 9:59 AM
The picture looks like a how long can you hold on type thing. If you look at the audience they are far below. If the stunts were along these lines, what would an age limit be for participation? And since I have a 2005 Universal season pass, would this be open before the end of the year?

From Derek Potter
Posted January 18, 2005 at 3:54 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I would participate. Sounds like fun...well except for eating cockroaches and all that crap.

From Robert Niles
Posted January 18, 2005 at 4:31 PM
I've been selected as an audience participant at least once for every single Universal attraction I've been to that uses audience participants. (Heck, I did the Hitchcock show at USF so many times that the final time, I'd done the show more that the employee who was supposed to guide me.) So I suppose I'm destined to do this one, too.

The stunts look cool to me, and I'm game for that. But I've no interest in the phobia gross-out stuff. It'd take a huge, huge prize to get me to do some of those from the show.

From steve lee
Posted January 18, 2005 at 6:25 PM
I was one of the crazy morons who signed up for Infestation at Halloween Horror Nights 13, so this is right up my alley (I only got roaches dumped on my head. The director got rather peeved at me when I started laughing in the middle of my "audition.").

From Jason Lester
Posted January 19, 2005 at 5:14 PM
It sounds absolutely awesome.

From Michael Han
Posted January 20, 2005 at 4:42 PM
Wow, I can't wait til it debuts in Hollywood. Fear Factor here I come!!!!

From Justin Smith
Posted January 22, 2005 at 7:10 PM
It'll never work! For one they can't just put people in boxes filled with rats. They have too be simply and fun which is totally oppisite then what the show is about. Second the show is totally unappropriate for kids. It's one thing too make the show appeal too adults but to make it Restricted and only for adults is not what a theme park attraction is surposed to do. Third Who Wants to Be A Millianaire is a Great show because it a game that's nice clean fun while Fear Factor is pure garbage. Come on they put people in piles of rats, eat disgusting food and make people do huge stunts is totally dumb with no point. They just hurt the people in horrible ways just to get money. But the biggest morons are not the people who do the stunts but the people who watch it and enjoy. Call me an old ninny if you want to but I say this show's stupid.

From Robert Niles
Posted January 22, 2005 at 7:55 PM

From Jason Lester
Posted January 22, 2005 at 10:54 PM
Okay. You're an old ninny.

Come on, Fear Factor is entertaining and all the foods and stuff people eat are FDA approved. They're delicacies in other countries.

From Justin Smith
Posted January 23, 2005 at 11:17 AM
Entertaining Ha! Okay I know everone has their own opinions and I'm glad you enjoy the show but it's one thing to see this thing in a movie because it's make believe it isn't real but to see people actually getting hurt just to entertain people is just painful to watch in my opinion and I don't see a theme park attraction like this being possible.

From Jason Lester
Posted January 23, 2005 at 11:22 AM
It can be pulled off if they keep any food stunts off limits. There's no problem with the stunt in the promotional image.

From Justin Smith
Posted January 23, 2005 at 11:30 AM
Okay so that stunt is not so bad but what else cound they do. If they were to do crazy stunts like they do on the show they have to use trained Cast Members instead of theme park visitors.

From Jason Lester
Posted January 23, 2005 at 5:35 PM
I read an article in the LA Times. It said something about food stunts not being used. Can you imagine the lawsuits.

From Robert Niles
Posted January 23, 2005 at 5:54 PM
The main problem with food stunts is...

When was the last time you saw a theme park give away *anything* to eat for free?

Case closed.

From Jason Lester
Posted January 23, 2005 at 9:37 PM
The food probably wouldn't taste any worse than most theme park food. If were talking USH probably better! LOL!

From Joe Lane
Posted January 24, 2005 at 7:28 AM
Justin's comments about people getting injured being entertaining reminded me of the original, Bob Saget-hosted America's Funniest Home Videos. Every other video was somebody getting hurt--people falling out of chairs or off roofs, running into trees or cars, and, of course, guys getting kicked in the family jewels. Classic comedy TV.

From Robert Niles
Posted January 24, 2005 at 11:12 AM
Actually, on the food issue, the cynic in me envisions a "Fear Factor Grub" concession stand next to the theater, with appropriately themed "foul fare."

Granted, local health department regulations would preclude the sale of actual vermin, but what pre-teen kid wouldn't want to buy a cup of "worms in dirt" from the Fear Factor stand?

From Ben Mills
Posted January 24, 2005 at 1:10 PM
I read in the AP article that Universal plan to mix the live shows up by having married couples and twins do special shows, like they do on TV. How about they finally do an under-18 event? It'd probably be a nightmare to sort out the legal side of things, but it might be quite cool, especially with all the bratty kids in Orlando.

From Jason Lester
Posted January 24, 2005 at 5:18 PM
The food stand outside the attraction is actually a good idea Robert.

From Anthony Murphy
Posted January 24, 2005 at 5:57 PM
This attraction is waiting for a massive lawsuit!

From Robert Niles
Posted January 24, 2005 at 7:16 PM
Nah. Any participant would have to sign a hefty waiver in order to play.

And I don't see these attractions, and, let's be clear, that's what these "stunts" would be, as necessarily more unsafe than any other ride in the park. Heck, I'd rather be strapped on a bungee cord on a permanent stage at Universal than from the back of a platform truck at some carnival.

Personally, the stunts that I most would want to do would be the car stunts. But there's just no way to pull off one of those in these theme park theaters. Similar considerations will rule out many of the shows' most outrageous stunts.

Which, to me, would be nice. Fear Factor ceases to be interesting to me when its contestants are a bunch of implanted and tatted 20-something toughs, trying to get some face time on TV. Put more genuine personalities, like theme park tourists, on the stage and the emotions get quite a bit more real. And watching the drama and humor of those human emotions play out is far more interesting to me than the stunts themselves.

From Justin Cornwall
Posted January 26, 2005 at 5:05 PM
Sounds pretty fun!

Hey Robert, Got any info on the opening date or anything like that yet? Just wondering, because I got a pass and think it would be pretty cool to be there when they opened it.

From Jason Lester
Posted January 26, 2005 at 7:06 PM
Ya, I would also like to know.

From Robert Niles
Posted January 26, 2005 at 9:42 PM
All I've heard is "April or May." I'll defer to any Universal employees on the board with more specific information.

From Jason Lester
Posted January 26, 2005 at 10:43 PM
From my research I'm 90% sure it's May.

From Ryan Milanio
Posted February 24, 2005 at 4:59 PM
FEAR FACTOR LIVE from the hit reality series on NBC. I have talked to several Studio Guides and said that the debut of Fear Factor Live will be around Memorial Day in May. I recieve more info as it comes. Thank you.

From Ryan Milanio
Posted March 26, 2005 at 1:38 AM
Fear Factor Live is coming to Universal Studios Hollywood and Orlando. I was looking at one of the Studios Maps they give you at the entrance. The maps have an expiration date believe it or not. The map is valid from January 1st to May 28th 2005. Suspecting that Fear Factor Live may be coming on that weekend. The 28th is a Saturday. It may open on that day or before that day. So, try Fear Factor Live or let the fear be a factor.

From Erik Yates
Posted March 26, 2005 at 9:04 PM
They actually extended the Mardi Gras celebration until the end of the month to kind of tie into the beginning of the Fear Factor frenzy which they say will have a grand opening a week or so before Memorial day, so that usually means that they'll do a soft opening about a week before that and probably some technical rehearsals before that.

From Robert Niles
Posted March 27, 2005 at 12:12 AM
USH is now advertising on SoCal radio spots that Fear Factor Live will debut here in June. Any word from our Central Florida readers on the Orlando version?

From Richy Jost
Posted April 21, 2005 at 5:56 PM
Well Couple of my buddies worked on making the stage and stuff at USF, and they said that all they heard was that it was opening around memorial day time, and that USF was talking about doing a soft opening just like they dd with the Mummy, Shrek, and Jimmy Neutron.

From Tonya Gaddy
Posted April 23, 2005 at 8:48 AM
I think it sounds like they might be getting sued in a few years if even that long.

From Robert Niles
Posted April 23, 2005 at 4:40 PM
For what?

From Ben Mills
Posted April 23, 2005 at 4:45 PM
Hiring Joe Rogan, obviously.

Nah, I'm kidding. He's great.

From lizzy slatton
Posted April 23, 2005 at 5:04 PM
yea its gonna happen hers the add.
Fear Factor Live—Opening Spring 2005

See if you have what it takes at the most extreme audience participation show ever—Fear Factor Live at Universal Studios®. Perform gravity-defying stunts live in front of thousands as you compete head to head against other guests. Or, pulverize contestants from your seat with unexpected audience-induced mayhem. It’s unscripted, unpredictable, and unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. You’ve watched the TV show—now try to survive it. Fear Factor Live at Universal Orlando Resort. Don’t try this at home.

From lizzy slatton
Posted April 23, 2005 at 5:05 PM
Other rides include Mummy(already out) they wont do food but they will do other stuff and of coarse be tested for anything wrong with the person be i think it will have its limits

From Jason Lester
Posted April 23, 2005 at 11:21 PM
Why would they be sued?

I'm sure they're taking extreme measures for audience safety.

From Tonya Gaddy
Posted April 23, 2005 at 11:51 PM
Perhaps, but enthusiastic people who want to be on the show, will quite possibly do anything to be accepted into it, thus leading to difficulties if they are allergic to some item... and what if someone has some sort of pychological problems from trauma from the show... just think of the possibilities.

From Jason Lester
Posted April 24, 2005 at 11:01 AM
Well, maybe. Universal might make people sign wavers before participating.

From Robert Niles
Posted April 24, 2005 at 2:12 PM
Oh, puhleeze.

From Robert Niles
Posted April 24, 2005 at 9:45 PM
Universal's "trailer" for Fear Factor Live is now available on the Web: Fear Factor Live trailer

From Jeffrey Torres
Posted April 25, 2005 at 7:22 PM
I found out the prizes you win if you get in first place at fear factor live. You get four free passes to universal. but I'm talking about the one in Hollywood but it is probally the same in Flordia also.

From Ryan Milanio
Posted April 25, 2005 at 9:37 PM
Yeah, If you win first place, Universal, most likely, will give you passes. It will either be a day pass or the Celebrity Annual Pass. If they do give the Celebrity pass, it better be the Premium, since you get free parking and front of the line access on the Studio Tour for a full year. For the second, third, etc place winners, probably merchandise or a free meal. Something cheap and cost nothing. I was thinking since you were risking your life at "Fear Factor Live", maybe Gift Certificates and/ or Concert Tickets, etc.

From Ryan Milanio
Posted April 26, 2005 at 5:30 PM
I've got confirmation that "Fear Factor Live" will come to Universal Studios Hollywood on June 10th. For any questions or comments please post them.

From Ryan Milanio
Posted April 26, 2005 at 5:40 PM
I've also got requirements to be on "Fear Factor Live"













From Jeffrey Torres
Posted April 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
another fact i heard about fear factor live is that there will be a stunt that u have to hold on to something high like the picture it shows on this website and they will let kids shoot u with air guns to try to make u fall down. I'm not sure its true but i think it is.

From Jason Lester
Posted April 28, 2005 at 9:55 PM
18? 18? I'm crushed man. I was really looking forward to this show, but now I find out I'm not old enough. At least I still have audience participation.

From mark walker
Posted April 29, 2005 at 7:46 AM
This again shows that in the florida USF has got another attraction planned and we still don't know what IOA will get. Oh damn, sorry everyone I used up the last response.

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