Based on the Michael Dougherty film for Legendary Pictures and Universal, Krampus is a Christmas-themed horror story that blends Halloween-style horror with the beloved holiday in a way entirely unlike how a certain other theme park down the 5 in Southern California mashes up two holidays. ;^)
From Universal's press release:
The dead of winter sets the stage for the terror that’s about to unfold one cold, dank and dreary Christmas Eve as the fabled anthropomorphic "half-goat, half-demon" horned creature emerges to terrorize those devoid of holiday spirit. In scenes lifted from the film, guests will navigate the dysfunctional Engel family home to encounter the evil ancient spirit of Krampus – the dark shadow of Saint Nicholas – and his band of Dark Elves and sinister Gingerbread Men, who cause the family to fight to see the light of day.
Krampus joins The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The Exorcist, Halloween, and The Walking Dead on both coasts for this year's Halloween Horror Nights, which starts Sept. 16 at each park. In addition to those mazes, Orlando will feature the 2016 event icon, Chance, and Hollywood will have a Freddy vs. Jason maze. Each park promises more announcements to come.
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