On the Road to the Wizarding World Hollywood: Honeydukes

December 7, 2015, 3:01 PM · Tomorrow morning, Universal Studios Hollywood will make an announcement about the opening of its Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which the park already has declared will be sometime in "spring 2016." Based upon the park's recently released annual pass blackout-date calendar, our best guess is for a public opening the week of March 21, with the possibility of a media event the weekend before and maybe a soft open of the land's shops even before that.

But that's guessing. Let's get to what we know for certain, and that is the line-up of shops and attractions in the new land. Each Monday morning here on Theme Park Insider, we are featuring one of the elements of the Wizarding World, based upon previous installations in Orlando and Osaka, Japan.

Last week, we visited the first store in the Wizarding World's village of Hogsmeade, Zonko's Joke Shop. Today, we head next door to Honeydukes.


Harry Potter fans first encountered Honeydukes in book three, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, when Harry and the rest of the third years made their first visit to the the village. Filled with "shelves upon shelves of the most succulent-looking sweets imaginable," Honeydukes might be the most popular store in the village with visiting Hogwarts students.

Inside Honeydukes

Honeydukes might also be the most popular store in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, too, with fans buying baskets of candy and other treats as edible souvenirs from their visit.

More from inside Honeydukes

Treats available include Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans,

Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans

Peppermint Toads,

Peppermint Toads

and Exploding Bonbons.

Exploding Bonbons

At the Wizarding World in Orlando, Honeydukes expanded last year into the space formerly housing Zonko's Joke Shop, allowing Honeydukes to expand its pastry and fudge display. Items available include Cauldron Cakes, Pumpkin Cakes, Pretzel Wands and No-Melt Ice Cream.

Display case

If you can't wait for Hogsmeade to open, a few items that will be featured in the village, including Chocolate Frogs, Peppermint Toads, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans from Honeydukes, are already available in the Harry Potter-themed merchandise preview store just inside the park's entrance.

Coming up on the "Road to the Wizarding World Hollywood":

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Replies (2)

December 7, 2015 at 3:28 PM · Two tips about the snacks.

First off, try the chocolate frogs. They're Heaven in your mouth.

Second, those of you who remember the books and movies remember how when they say "Every Flavor" Beans, they really do mean EVERY FLAVOR, including vomit and earwax. Guess what? Couple of those flavored made into the packages.i haven't had those beans in a couple years, so I don't know if those flavored are still in there, but either way it shows that attention to detail isn't always a good thing...

December 7, 2015 at 9:56 PM · Oh...those flavors are still there. Just bought some in October. Earwax just sticks around forever and vomit...don't get me started. My favorite are the Peppermint Toads. They are less expensive than the frogs and delicious. Of course, anything peppermint is a hit with me! I also got a kick out of Fizzing Whizbangs...kind of fruity flavored poprocks in chocolate. Don't forget to try the slugs...

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