Vote of the week: Which theme park's Halloween event do you want to attend?

September 10, 2010, 9:31 AM · Theme Park Insider's Domenik Jost has been covering the build-up to this year's top Halloween events at major theme parks around the country. Today, in this week's vote, I'd like to hear from you which events you'd most be looking forward to attend.

I'm breaking this vote into two parts - one for Orlando and one for Southern California, since those are the two markets which host multiple events. (Everywhere else, there's basically just one game in town.)

Busch Gardens, Disney, Universal and Knott's host "hard ticket" events, where you have to pay an extra fee for a special event that runs after normal park hours. The events at Legoland, SeaWorld and Six Flags are part of a normal admission. Busch Gardens', Knott's and Universal's events are strictly for grown-ups, while Disney, Legoland and SeaWorld are for the kiddies (or young at heart). Six Flags' event is a mix, with more family-friendly stuff during the day and adults-only scare zones at night.

Pick one event in each market that sounds most like what you'd like - or pick the one that you're most looking forward to attending, if you'll actually be going to one or more of these events.

[Note: Legoland California is campaigning for votes through its Twitter account, so keep that in mind when looking at the results below.

Update #2: Okay, you don't like voting disclaimers in the article, since most folks are seeing them *before* they vote. And the voting tool for this part of the vote is just wacked, anyway. The poll's supposed to be open until Tuesday morning. If it shuts down again before that, blame an escaped evil spirit from Knott's, or something.]

Let's hear your thoughts on this year's theme park Halloween events, in the comments. And thanks again for reading Theme Park Insider.

Replies (23)

September 10, 2010 at 9:57 AM · Next week, I will be in Orlando for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. I WISH that I had the guts to try Universal's Horror Nights (no pun intended), but I am too big of a wennie. For the last few years I have watched the behind the scenes of their creation for each year's theme and it just blows me away with their attention to every detail. I loved being able to see the last twenty years online and wish I could take it in person. I suffer from so many Halloween related phobias, that it used to ruin the night for me as a child. I even stopped trick or treating at the age of seven. My heart just can't take it.
September 10, 2010 at 11:30 AM · I went to HHN in '08 and had a lot of fun. It tickles my terror bone a lot, but it was worth it! I really, really, really want to go to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party so I can dress as a bum!
September 10, 2010 at 11:47 AM · No shock here: Disney and Universal
September 10, 2010 at 12:35 PM · I go to Busch and Kings Dominion each year but my number one is not really Halloween but rather a Harvest Festival and it is held at Dollywood. We spend 3 full days at that event each year and see it as a Highlight in our theme park visits each year.
September 10, 2010 at 3:44 PM · So let me get this straight because Legoland promoted your poll, and therefore promoting your site you took it down? Disneyland also has a FB page and is just as able to promote you also, but looks like are chosing not to. Guess they already know how the poll is going to go.

[Editor note: Poll was down for several minutes, but is back up now.]

September 10, 2010 at 1:39 PM · Roob Alvey being in the Knott's Scary Farm almost makes me want to fly out to SoCal just to see it!
September 10, 2010 at 1:54 PM · Brick or treat is great fun for the younf ones and adults as well. I have been to brick or treat for 3 years in a row and there is a lot to look at and it is just a lot of fun.
September 10, 2010 at 3:30 PM · Ummm, I was directed here by way of Legoland's post, but didn't vote for your 'warning' isn't justified.
September 10, 2010 at 3:43 PM · It's a tough balance, but I'm trying a new policy of letting readers know when I know that parks are directing people to the site for polls. If people think that helps provide context for the poll results, I'll stick with the policy. If folks think it a distraction, I'll junk it.
September 10, 2010 at 3:52 PM · I agree with the others, just because I was directed here by way of one park, doesn't mean I am going to vote for that theme park. I will vote exactly as the question asks 'what I want to attend' not what I want to attend because Legoland told me so.
September 10, 2010 at 4:08 PM · When I came to this site, for the first time, I saw a huge Disney add. No bias against Legoland here. There are only really two legitimate Halloween options in So Cal. Knott's if you're older and Legoland if you're younger. Just my informed opinion. (Be warned: I do not get endorsements from Disney) When Disney or Sea World put in the same energy and really turn their parks into spooky options, they can be in the conversation. They are still great places to visit all year!
September 10, 2010 at 5:15 PM · We have gone to Legoland the last 3 years and don't plan on doing anything different this year. Next year we will have our Disneyland passes back and may try to visit theirs... but for now.. Brick or Treat is the place for us!
September 10, 2010 at 7:11 PM · All of theses events you pay for admission. So think of this, are you getting your money's worth. Disney is just later hours, fun atmosphere and a few special opportunities. LEGOLAND is a place for 2 -12 year olds to have a Halloween party event. Knott’s and Universal are for those for the suspense and thrills. Six flags park is more of late nights and spooky atmosphere and entertainment. So keep that in mind and look at the different event websites to see what is happening and how much it is.
September 10, 2010 at 8:01 PM · We attend Mickey's at least once each year, but Halloween for us is all about HHN. This year we're doing a three night run from Oct. 29th thru Halloween. If we lived in Florida, we'd probably go at least once a week during it's run!
September 10, 2010 at 8:15 PM · Hey, I'm working at Kings Dominion!! :-)

Anyway, I object to the notion that in other markets, there is only one choice. It's just a bit further to drive.

I live in Manassas, Virginia. I have 5 haunts I know of to choose from within 4 hours:

Kings Dominion
Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Six Flags America
Dorney Park

I'm thinking there are a few other places in the country that might more than one choice; I know Ohio has two choices, maybe 3 if Kennywood has something (don't know).

Anyway, I'm going to Dorney Park and Busch Gardens, and of course Kings Dominion (where I am also working this year). I'm also going to Hershey Park, but not on a halloween day. I've never been to HerheyPark's halloween, but we did do Six Flags America one year.

September 10, 2010 at 9:38 PM · If you really want scares? If you want to live in a horror movie? Go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios. I love the movie "Saw" and went last year to see all the traps from the movie. USH is having it again as well as Freddy Kreuger, House of a 1000 Corpses, and La Llrona from Mexican Folklore.
September 11, 2010 at 8:35 AM · I like the disclaimer if a park promotes a poll. Polls are a tricky thing since they are not always "scientific".
September 11, 2010 at 10:40 AM · I'm shocked that Halloween Horror Nights isn't swamping the competition. Personally, the choice is Universal for both votes, hands-down.
September 11, 2010 at 4:26 PM · You should let the people vote freely the way they want to. If someone suggest their park it is still the voters decision who they want to vote for. Your company should not manipulate votes.
September 12, 2010 at 6:33 PM · I'm going to Orlando Halloween Horror Nights and Busch Tampa's Howl O Scream in early October - I didn't consider going to any of the other events as I prefer the really scary ones.

This will be my first time at these events and I'm going with the VIP options and also doing the upcharge Alone maze at HOS. On the same trip I'm doing Hollywood HHN and Knotts Scary Farm (which I did for the first time last year) before Orlando.

I love the Halloween events (based on last year's experience) and consider it well worth the trip from Australia.

September 13, 2010 at 7:57 AM · BTW, Disney pays for their ads on the site (along with others- I think!)
September 13, 2010 at 10:41 AM · This Saturday we are going to Mickey's NSSHP and next weekend to HOS in Tampa for the passholder's weekend. Not going to HHN until the middle of October. I like HOS just for fun, but for serious Halloween lovers HHN beats it year after year hands down.

I remember a few years ago there was a Vampire house at HHN that was set up like one of the scenes from the 1st Blade movie with the all white tile room. It was one of the best houses they have ever had. I think it was the last year that the event was held in both IOA and US. I also remember from that same year there was a show at the entrance to IOA that was set up like a sacrifice. They "picked" a plant from the audience to be in on it. It was fantastic.

September 15, 2010 at 5:52 PM · I love Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party especially for the fact that it is not so scary and the parade is top notch. I love seeing everyone dressed up in cute costumes, not seeing who can more creepy or gross. I am too much of a chicken to attend Halloween Horror Nights or Hallo-Scream. Besides, the only party adults can dress up in costumes is at Magic Kingdom!

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