Free Disney tickets for volunteers program wraps up

March 9, 2010, 5:38 PM · The Give-a-Day, Get-a-Day promotion that Disney was running for its theme parks has ended. Disney announced today that's it has reached its cap of 1 million volunteers getting a free one-day ticket to Walt Disney World or Disneyland theme parks, so there will be no more sign-ups.

The announcement means that you can no longer sign up for a volunteer activity to get a free ticket (though, of course, volunteer agencies are almost always happy to accept your help anyway). If you're already signed up and registered for an event, I'm told that you are good to go and should receive your voucher as scheduled.

Replies (3)

March 9, 2010 at 8:24 PM · Facinating!

Good for them!

March 10, 2010 at 6:18 AM · Disney needs to reconsider bringing back the "Get A Free Pass For Your Birthday" promo.
March 10, 2010 at 8:46 AM · I'm glad I got registered. I am volunteering with FIRST Robotics at the St. Louis Regional for my 7th year. Glad to hear that I am one of the lucky few who get a free ticket.

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