Halloween 2009: Six weeks, and counting...

September 17, 2009, 6:34 PM · We are six weeks from Halloween this weekend. Just thought I'd start getting folks in the mood, starting with this picture from Disneyland last year:

Halloweentime at Disneyland

Universal Orlando just sent me the press invite for this year's Halloween Horror Nights. Keeping with the movie theme, it was some lovely bloody popcorn. (Yes, they used real popcorn. No, they did not use real blood. At least, I hope not....)

Media kit for Universal's Halloween Horror Nights

And Busch Gardens Tampa just released a preview of its Nightshade Toy Factory from this year's Howl-O-Scream:

Replies (5)

September 17, 2009 at 9:10 PM · The one time a year that my local Cedar Fair park becomes an immersively themed destination is at Halloween. I am anxiously awaiting this year's Halloween Haunt.
September 17, 2009 at 9:57 PM · So the staff at Universal get to go a Staff Preview of Halloween Horror Nights next Tuesday, they can take a guest, but after, there is a party at the Nascar Grill, open to ANYONE, with drink specials, DJ, special deals on food and free games.

Start around 7pm and goes on until 2am. No special passes needed. Just turn up and enjoy.

I'll be there, so if anyone fancies meeting up, let me know.

On a side not, Universal and Busch gardens sent out there flyers to passholders. Next weekend is the free night for Bussh passholders, so contemplating going!

Universal have some deals also.

September 18, 2009 at 8:12 AM · We're driving up for the passholder night at HowlOScream next weekend and then going to HHN on October 10th. I'm SO glad Busch put some new houses in this year. Even though we get in for free (platinum members) it still gets boring with the same old houses. Wonder what ClubEnVy is? It has a seperate ticket price... I don't quite understand it.
September 18, 2009 at 12:26 PM · Cedar Point's Halloweekends start tonight! I'm so excited, and I will be there.
September 19, 2009 at 5:48 AM · Hoping to go to DL this year for it. Never done the Halloween thing at Disney. Really want to see the Haunted Mansion make over.

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