From SeaWorld Orlando's press release today:
SeaWorld animal trainers in Orlando have their hands full with four baby Asian small-clawed otters. Born just three weeks ago to parents Simon and Sophie, the pups are nursing and will open their eyes in about a week. Asian small-clawed otters live in the rivers, creeks, estuaries and coastal waters of Southeast Asia, from northern India to southeastern China, the Malay Peninsula and parts of Indonesia.
FWIW, Natalie has volunteered to become official TPI correspondent for all cute animal photos.
Me? I'm wondering how I can turn this pic into an LOLCats. (I'm such a bad dad!)
Seriously - great pic, though your daughter is only covering "all cute animal photos"? I will not accept this pro-cute agenda. Great Whites need coverage, too.
BTW, Natalie's printed out the picture and tacked it to her bedroom wall. Brace yourself for more cute animal photos in the future....
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